Home > APICO > APICO Flower Guide: Flower crossbreeding and effects

APICO Flower Guide: Flower crossbreeding and effects

A simple guide on flower crossbreeding and flower effects in bees.


Flower GuideHoneyrose is the first of the basic three flowers found in the forest

It has no special effect when planted near bees

When burnt in a smoker it calms Murky Bees


Flower Guide-1Swampwart is the second of the three flowers found in the forest

It has no special effect when planted near bees

When burnt in a smoker it calms Murky Bees

Beekeeper’s Delight

Flower Guide-2Beekeeper’s Delight is the third and final flower found in the forest

It has no special effect when planted near bees

When burnt in a smoker it calms Murky Bees


Flower Guide-3Honeybriar is obtained by Cross-pollinating Swampwart and Beekeeper’s Delight

When planted near bees it increases there productivity, increasing how quickly they produce

When burnt in a smoker it calms Stubborn Bees


Flower Guide-4Goldenrod is obtained by Cross-pollinating Honeyrose and Beekeeper’s Delight

When planted near bees it increases there lifespan, increasing how long the queen lives

When burnt in a smoker it calms Stubborn Bees


Flower Guide-5Beesknees is obtained by Cross-pollinating Swampwart and Goldenrod

When planted near bees it increases there fertility, causing a queen to have more offspring

When burnt in a smoker it calms Hermit Bees


Flower Guide-6Hivebane is found commonly in the swamp

When planted near bees it decreased there stability, increases the chance for a mutation

When burnt in a smoker it calms Stubborn and Fiery Bees


Flower Guide-7Pondshine is found commonly in the waters of the swamp

When planted near bees it decreased there stability, increases the chance for a mutation

When burnt in a smoker it calms Hermit and Glowing Bees


Flower Guide-8Honeydrop is found commonly in the Tundra

When planted near bees it Increases there stability, Decreasing the chance for a mutation

When burnt in a smoker it calms Fiery Bees


Flower Guide-9Frosteria is found commonly in the Tundra

When planted near bees it Increases the amount of special produce that the bees produce

Frosteria calms no bees in when burnt in a smoker


Flower Guide-10Hivanium is obtained by Cross-pollinating Honeybriar and Pondshine

When planted near bees it keeps bees awake for longer

Hivanium calms no bees in when burnt in a smoker


Flower Guide-11Combristle is obtained by Cross-pollinating Goldenrod and Hivesbane

When planted near bees it decreases the lifespan of bee, making the queen have a shorter life

Combristle calms no bees in when burnt in a smoker


Flower Guide-12Beewellis obtained by Cross-pollinating Goldenrod and Beesknees

When planted near bees it increases the amount of honey the bees produce

Beewellcalms no bees in when burnt in a smoker.

Written by WillYum

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