Players in A.V.A receive exp points after each match they play. Depending on how well they did, how long they stayed alive, how many rounds they won, the type of game being played, and if they won the game or not. the amount of exp awarded can greatly vary from match to match. Once a player has attained a certain amount of exp, they may increase in level. As levels increase, new things become available, such as armor and guns.
There are two rank requirements in the game:
- Staff Sergeant Lvl 3 to use the Capsule Shop
- Second Lieutenant Lvl 1 to play Arena
All A.V.A Global Ranks are below!
AVA Global Levels/Ranks
Complete list of all ranks:
- Trainee
- Private
- Private First classs
- Corporal
- Sergeant
- Staff Sergeant lvl 1
- Staff Sergeant lvl 2
- Staff Sergeant lvl 3
- Staff Sergeant lvl 4
- Staff Sergeant lvl 5
- Sergeant First Class lvl 1
- Sergeant First Class lvl 2
- Sergeant First Class lvl 3
- Sergeant First Class lvl 4
- Sergeant First Class lvl 5
- Master Sergeant lvl 1
- Master Sergeant lvl 2
- Master Sergeant lvl 3
- Master Sergeant lvl 4
- Master Sergeant lv 5
- Second Lieutenant lvl 1
- Second Lieutenant lvl 2
- Second Lieutenant lvl 3
- Second Lieutenant lvl 4
- Second Lieutenant lvl 5
- First Lieutenant lvl 1
- First Lieutenant lvl 2
- First Lieutenant lvl 3
- First Lieutenant lvl 4
- First Lieutenant lvl 5
- Captain lvl 1
- Captain lvl 2
- Captain lvl 3
- Captain lvl 4
- Captain lvl 5
- Major lvl 1
- Major lvl 2
- Major lvl 3
- Major lvl 4
- Major lvl 5
- Lieutenant Colonel lvl 1
- Lieutenant Colonel lvl 2
- Lieutenant Colonel lvl 3
- Lieutenant Colonel lvl 4
- Lieutenant Colonel lvl 5
- Colonel lvl 1
- Colonel lvl 2
- Colonel lvl 3
- Colonel lvl 4
- Colonel lvl 5
- Brigadier General lvl 1
- Brigadier General lvl 2
- Brigadier General lvl 3
- Major General lvl 1
- Major General lvl 2
- Major General lvl 30
- Lieutenant General lvl 1
- Lieutenant General lvl 2
- Lieutenant General lvl 3
- General lvl 1
- General lvl 2
- General lvl 3
- Marshal lvl 1
- Marshal lvl 2
- Marshal lvl 3
- Champion