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All Collectible locations in Bendy and the Dark Revival. This includes; Memos, Audio Logs, Notes, Thick Ink, Memories, Books, Themeatly locations and upgrades.
Bendy and the Dark Revival Collectibles
This guide aims to be a collection of all known locations of the various Collectibles in Bendy and the Dark Revival. This includes, Audio Logs, Notes, Books, Themeatly locations and upgrades.
Incase You Want to D.I.Y.
A quick Spoiler free note, there are 3 missable collectables needed for Achivements in this game inside the Old Studio. So keep an eye out when you get to that part.
Other then that, there are two collectables past the point of no return, which the game does tell you that you cannot go back before you cannot backtrack.
With those out of the way, everyone that is sticking around here are the locations.
Incase you just want to check quickly if you have missed something.
- The Beginning – Your Best Pal
- Gent Property – Alen Gray
- Hard Times – Telly Wester
- Let’s Talk – Sammy Lawrence
- It Is Close – Unknown
- Better Things – Shawn Flynn
- Beast In Chains – Unknown
- Be Careful – Your Best Pal
- A Complaint – Unknown
- Getting Serious – Sally Newt
- In My Mind – Unknown
- Close Call – Hudson Doyle
- A Bit of Fate – Chef Buck
- The Slug Problem – Hudson Doyle
- Business As Usual – Thomas Connor
- Lament – Unknown
- Originality – Unknown
- Over and Over – Phil Clark
- Locker Code – wally Franks
- Crane Keys – Muncie Dunn
- The Ghosts – Unknown
- Trafic Jam – Hudson Doyle
- Who We Are – Unknown
- Something Familiar – Your Best Pal
- White Rabbit – Your Best Pal
- Tunnel Controls – Muncie Dunn
- Next In Line – Unknown
- Daily Headache – Eugene Lloyd
- Feeding Time – Unknown
- True Daughter – Joey
- Ghost Train – Kitty Tompson
- Stolen Beauty – Alice Angel
- Two of a Kind – A friend
- He Will Return – Sammy Lawrence
Audio Logs
- End of An Era – Nathan Arch
- Hardly Working – Angus Newman
- Door Codes – Dale Little
- The Machine – Wilson
- Moving On – Shawn Flynn
- Inspiration – Nathan Arch
- Hiding Treasures – Kay Lee
- Strange Money – Grant Cohen
- Dancing Clock – Bill Danton
- Productive Day – Phil Clark
- The Snake – Wilson
- She is the Fourth – Jane Todd
- Grand Opening – Nathan Arch
- Wierdness – Lance Derby
- After Hours – Hank Scott
- The Exhibit – Nathan Arch
- Dark Places – Grace Conway
- Sewer Songs – Jack Fain
- Trouble Town – Kitty Thompson
- New Job – Steve McGregor
- Chapter One – Wally Franks
- Paid to Die – Arche Carter
- Keeper Log 13
- Keeper Log 26
- Keeper Log 44
- A Gift to Mankind – Wilson
- In Plain Sight – Wilson
- The Bigger Things – Nathan Arch
- Baseball
- Paper Airplane
- Rubber Duck
- Engine Oil
- Alarm Clock
- Fashionable Hat
- Crayons
- Milk Carton
- Cracked Mug
- Hot Dog
Illusion of living Book Locations
- Welcome Home
- Heavenly Toys
- Heavenly Toys Factory
- Artists Alley Entrance Hallway
- Animators Alley
- Projector Room Booth
- Artist’s Alley Locker Room
- Hallway towards Artists Rest
- in the Artist’s Rest Sauna Lockers
- Artist’s Rest Exit Hallway
- Outside Sewers Boss Room
- Before Emergency Shaft R Entrance
- Joey Drew’s Safe House
- Hotel Safe & Sound
- The Old Studio
- GENT Building Reception Desk
- The Cyclebreakers Containment Area
- City Train Station
- Track 8
- North Wing Second Keeper Area
- Wilson’s Library
- Alice Angel Boss Room
- Stairwell Down to Wilsons Lab
- Before Wilson’s Lab
Thick ink
- Heavenly Toys
- Heavenly Toys Factory
- Artist Atrium Supply
- Animators Alley Sewers
- Animator’s Rest
- Emergency Shaft R
- City – Good Tower Coffee
- Lurker’s Layer
- Alice Angel’s Arena
Themeatly locations
- Heavenly Toys
- Artists Atrium
- Artists Atrium
- Artist’s Rest
- Artist’s Alley Sewers
- Between Elevator Shaft and Sewers
- City Alley Way before Hotel
- Alice Angel Boss Fight Area
- GENT Building
- Northern Wing Halls
- GENT Pipe upgrade 2
- GENT Pipe upgrade 3
- Plaything
- Ticket 1/2
- Ticket 2/2
The Beginning – Your Best Pal
On the desk immediately to the left of beginning the game.
Gent Property – Alen Gray
In the cabinet above the desk immidately to the left of starting the game, above The Beginning Note.
Hard Times – Telly Wester
Located on desk above where you start after the ladder.
Let’s Talk – Sammy Lawrence
Located on a barrel in the first hallway.
It Is Close – Unknown
Located on a crate next to a popup of Bendy.
Better Things – Shawn Flynn
Located inside a desk to the right of the fountain in the Heavenly Toys.
Beast In Chains – Unknown
Located in a drawer in a desk with a chair on it above the climbable wall.
Be Careful – Your Best Pal
On a stool just past the climbing wall in Heavenly Toys.
A Complaint – Unknown
Located near the door code in the Heavenly Toys.
Getting Serious – Sally Newt
Located in a cabinet in the office to the right of Artists Alley Entrance.
In My Mind – Unknown
In an office to the right of the gate out of Artists Atrium, the one closest to the Little Devils Lounge.
Close Call – Hudson Doyle
Located on a desk in Artist’s Atrium around where you get the GENT pipe.
A Bit of Fate – Chef Buck
Backtracking Required
This is located in the Little Devils Lounge Kitchen Office (the locked door next to the fuise) on the desk.
The Slug Problem – Hudson Doyle
In the Arists Atrium there is an office to the left that contains this note on a desk.
Business As Usual – Thomas Connor
Located on a stool next to the switch for the door in artists Alley.
Lament – Unknown
Located in a small alcove of a vent headed towards the animators room (the one where you got the 5 photos).
Originality – Unknown
Located on a crate in the room byond the “Don’t Knock” door.
Over and Over – Phil Clark
In the projector room sitting on a bench.
Locker Code – wally Franks
Located next to a GENT lock in the Locker Room.
Crane Keys – Muncie Dunn
Located next to the Hoist Controls in Artist’s Rest.
The Ghosts – Unknown
Located in Artists rest Sauna room on a stool.
Trafic Jam – Hudson Doyle
Located on a bench in Elevator Rest Stop.
Who We Are – Unknown
Located to the left of the elevator in the Elevator rest stop behind a breakable wall.
Something Familiar – Your Best Pal
Located on the bed in Joey Drew’s Safe House.
White Rabbit – Your Best Pal
Located on a desk while leaving Joey Drew’s Safe House towards the City.
Tunnel Controls – Muncie Dunn
Located on a oil drum next to a hiding locker near the pump controls and security lever for the pump controls.
Next In Line – Unknown
On a barrel before the exit of the sewers.
Daily Headache – Eugene Lloyd
mandatory to progress.
Feeding Time – Unknown
Located in Lurker’s Layer, back room located off the side of the second keeper room in the GENT Building, on barrel on scaffolding.
True Daughter – Joey
On some scafolding in the second Keeper room in the GENT Building.
Memos (Cont.)
Ghost Train – Kitty Tompson
Sitting on a bench of Platform 77.
Stolen Beauty – Alice Angel
On a night stand between Alice Angels Arena and the first Keeper in the Northern Wing.
Two of a Kind – A friend
On an oil drum between the two keeper sections in the Northern Wing.
He Will Return – Sammy Lawrence
Next to a Bendy plush in an alcove headed toward the music box key.
Audio Logs
End of An Era – Nathan Arch
located on a desk just past the Welcome Hall before the first climbing wall.
Hardly Working – Angus Newman
located in the stairwell of Heavenly Toys in an alcove you need to Flow or Climb to.
Door Codes – Dale Little
located on a desk after Heavenly Toys
(note: restart a playthru for this image)
The Machine – Wilson
on the desk just past the first combination door that is graffiti-ed with “He Sees Everything”.
Moving On – Shawn Flynn
Backtracking Required
this is located in an alcove above a switch for a door that was shut by a piper when you first got is sitting on a desk.
Inspiration – Nathan Arch
on a crate by the entrance to Arists Alley.
Hiding Treasures – Kay Lee
in the Arists Atrium Supply Room on a small table next to a plush of bendy.
Strange Money – Grant Cohen
located in a desk in the office to the right of the entrince of Artists Alley.
Dancing Clock – Bill Danton
located on a podium in a back area of Animators Alley Work Area, Tick Tock.
Productive Day – Phil Clark
located in the locker inside the Animators Alley Workarea, grab this before you grab the other items in here.
The Snake – Wilson
in the projector room sitting on a small table.
She is the Fourth – Jane Todd
located in the hallway of the Projection Room, near where you can activate Carley.
Grand Opening – Nathan Arch
located on an oil drum just past the hallway from the Projection Room.
Wierdness – Lance Derby
located in the locker room in a cart in the first room.
After Hours – Hank Scott
in the center structure of Artist’s Rest on the counter.
The Exhibit – Nathan Arch
located on top of an oil barrel on the upper floor exit of artist’s Rest.
Dark Places – Grace Conway
located on the right side of the room near the back of an alcove in some trash.
Sewer Songs – Jack Fain
located on a desk with sheet music in the left side rooms.
Trouble Town – Kitty Thompson
located inside a car in the city.
New Job – Steve McGregor
located on a bench next to the movie Theatre in the City next to the Hotel.
Chapter One – Wally Franks
missable this one is located in the Old Studio in Chapter 4 when Joey takes you there. to get it Flow thru a hole in the Ceiling to the left of the projector Joey is at.
Paid to Die – Arche Carter
Entrance Hallway of the GENT Building sitting on an oil drum.
Keeper Log 13
in the first keeper room near the switch for the door to progress.
Keeper Log 26
up a ladder to the right in the second keeper room on a desk.
Keeper Log 44
up on a desk in the Lurkers Layer, the room off the side of the second Keeper room of the GENT Building.
A Gift to Mankind – Wilson
located on a lounge couch in the Southern Wing at the very end of the hall near the guest room.
In Plain Sight – Wilson
on a chair between the Alice Angel Area and the first keeper segment of the Northern Wing.
The Bigger Things – Nathan Arch
this one is past the point of no return, it is located on the right side of the room sitting on a bench.
located in a cabinet above the desk just past the first hallway.
Paper Airplane
Backtracking Required
in the hallway just past the Heavenly toys you can Flow Past a gate to access a part of the hallway where the paper airplane will be sitting on a barrel.
Rubber Duck
located in a locker in the Animation Alley Vents (just before Animation Alley the place where they introduce the Ink Demon properly).
Engine Oil
in Animator’s Rest on the upper floor near the door for “Upper Beds” in a trash can.
Alarm Clock
located in a alcove in the Elevator shaft linking Artists Rest to the Sewers.
Fashionable Hat
located on the Platform of the Train in the city over in the corner locker, not accessable till after chapter 4.
Located in the Old Studio, where Joey Drew takes you in part 4. it is located in a hole in the ceiling in the hall towards the ink machine.
Milk Carton
located to the left of the entrice to the pit next to a sandwich.
Cracked Mug
a reward after helping the maid with her quest, it is located in the fountain.
Hot Dog
located past a point of no return, it is in a locker on the right side of the room.
The Illusion of Living Books
Welcome Home
in the tube behind where you start.
Heavenly Toys
in the Heavenly Tops stairwell in a barrel that is breakable sitting ontop of another barrel.
Heavenly Toys Factory
this is located in an alcove above a switch for a door that was shut by a piper when you first got is sitting on a desk.
Artists Alley Entrance Hallway
located on a chouch next to bendy after the scene where the ink talks to you.
Animators Alley
inside a crate located above an office.

Projector Room Booth
located in a cabinet in the Projector Room projection Booth.
Artist’s Alley Locker Room
located in the Locker room closer to the GENT lock and the power upgrade for the GENT pipe.
Hallway towards Artists Rest
sitting on a couch in the hallway towards Artists Rest.
in the Artist’s Rest Sauna Lockers
located in the left farthest sauna lockers.
Artist’s Rest Exit Hallway
located near the broken Tour Speaker in the locker.
Outside Sewers Boss Room
near a closed door in the sewer is a breakable barrel that is partially submerged in the ground.
Before Emergency Shaft R Entrance
this one is located just before the entrance into the sewers on a bookshelf.
Joey Drew’s Safe House
a copy is above his bed on a shelf.
Hotel Safe & Sound
located inside the in Safe & Sound box, grab this first before the renewable items.
The Old Studio
a Illusion of Living book is located inside the Old Studio in chapter 4 it is located on the right side of the room on the lower portion of an animators Desk.
GENT Building Reception Desk
on a shelf behind the reception desk.
The Illusion of Living Books (Cont.)
The Cyclebreakers Containment Area
located in a pile of stuff next to the Contraband display.
City Train Station
sitting on a bench in the City Train Station.
Track 8
located in one of the lockers on track 8.
North Wing Second Keeper Area
this one is located near the Alice Angel figure item to repair the toybox with, slightly outside of the alcove that contains that repair part on a dresser.
Wilson’s Library
located on a self on the left in the corner of the library.
Alice Angel Boss Room
located towards the back of the room on a suprisingly dark shelf.
Stairwell Down to Wilsons Lab
in the stairwell next to a tipped barrel.
Before Wilson’s Lab
located in a locker before going into wilsons lab (the point of no return).
Thick Ink
Heavenly Tops
Flow ability
located to the left of the Fountain up in a back room that unlocks with a code on the other side of a gate. the code for this gate is located in “A Complaint – Unknown” in the locker near the GENT lock.
Heavenly Toys Factory
this one is just sitting out in the open on a desk as you walk in. almost everyone probably picked this one up (note get lit version).
Artist Atrium Supply
this one is gotten by solving the “Hiding Treasures” Audio Log and then following a small path just past a previously locked gate around where you originally found the Audio log.
Animators Alley Sewers
Flow ability
after you get the Flow ability this door should become unlocked and give you access to an Ink Canister.
Animator’s Rest
located in Upper Beds. need to have the hoist moved to get up there.
Emergency Shaft R
pull the lever in the left rooms and in the right rooms you will find an opened crawl space to get to this one.
City – Good Tower Coffee
located in this shop after the Joey Drew cutscenes.
Lurker’s Layer
up a ladder on the left side of the room sitting on a desk.
Alice Angel’s Arena
in the right side lever room there is a breakable hole in the wall the ink canister is in there.
Themeatly Locations
All The meatly locations appear to be behind posters of Boris. you must be just before the last boss to find these.
Heavenly Toys
located in the Heavnely Tops Stairwell Alcove.
Artists Atrium
this one is located in the office to the right of Arist’s Alley Entrance.
Artists Atrium
located in the corner of the first room of the locker room.
Artist’s Alley Sewers
located between the Linker Ink Well and the thick ink canister/pipe that Porter gets stuck in.
Artist’s Rest
located to the right of the desk the GENT upgrade schematic was located.
Between Elevator Shaft and Sewers
on a wall.
City Alley Way before Hotel
this one is located up above the street on the wall to the left, while headed to the Hotel. use Flow to get to it.
Alice Angel Boss Fight Area
of the left side lower side room towards the back of the main room.
GENT Building
in the first room immediately to the Right as you come in.
Northern Wing Halls
located just past the Alice Angel Boss FIght Area on a lower level just before the Keeper stealth segments.
Note: Some information in this section may be incomplete/inaccurate.
Backtracking Required
the toy for this is located in a gated off hall just past Heavenly Toys behind a cutout of Bendy.
Shock Pipe Upgrade
located in Artist’s Rest Lost and found on a desk.
Pipe Upgrade 2
this one requires you to pick up the “Feeding Time” note in Lurkers Layer in the GENT Building, then you have to go back thru the game to the Cafeteria then bring it back to the Lurker in the GENT Building.
Ticket (1/2)
located on the desk by Keepers Log #26 on a counter.
Ticket (2/2)
on the Alice angel’s Banquet table.