Beneath Oresa The Complete Guide to Unlocks

Looking to play with wacky new cards and characters? Forgot what new content you just unlocked? Want to know when the grind will end? Look no further!

Beneath Oresa The Complete Guide to Unlocks

Everything you need to know (and plenty you don’t) about unlocking content, increasing your Level, and earning score in Beneath Oresa!

Guide is up to date as of game version 1.0.15. If you’re reading this in the future and something is no longer correct, let me know in the comments and I will see if I can fix it.

Disclaimer 1: If you’re reading this guide anywhere except Steam, it is stolen.

Disclaimer 2: All information was found by me, by manually unlocking things in-game and logging the process. Before anyone accuses me of stealing info from the wiki, I wrote the wiki page myself. Happy to be of service.

At a Glance

Here’s the TL;DR:

  • There are 90 levels, each of which gives 1 unlock*.
  • Gain levels by earning score during runs; the farther you get, the higher your score will be.
  • Reach Level 31 to unlock all playable Characters (8,370 total score).
  • Reach Level 35 to unlock all Companions (9,622 total score).
  • Reach Level 67 to unlock all Cards (22,342 total score).
  • Reach Level 90 to unlock all Expeditions (36,027 total score).
  • There are 88 total things to unlock: 8 Characters, 10 Companions, 35 Expeditions, and 35 Cards.
  • 11 Cards for Tainted Ones, 12 for House Agiça de Ferady, and 12 for Guild of the Ruinfarers.
  • The score required to reach subsequent levels increases with your Level, but the effect is relatively minor until all Characters/Companions are unlocked.
  • Once you unlock everything, you cannot gain any more levels; your level is is fixed at 90.

If you’ve already found what you’re looking for, great! Like, comment, and subscribe to my OnlyFans.

Otherwise, continue reading for the rest of the gory details.

*Note: There’s a bug at Levels 38/39 that unlocks the same Card twice.

The Complete Mini-Guide to Score!

Before you unlock anything, you have to gain Score. The Score required to increase you Level is gained by earning points during a run. The system for awarding points is relatively simple — you will get a set amount of points for each node you visit, as follows:

  • Regular Fight: 25
  • Elite Fight: 60
  • Boss Fight: 250
  • Scavenge (Event Node), including Removal Nodes: 5
  • Regroup (Rest Node): 10

Additionally, the Expedition difficulty and Architect’s Curse levels provide bonus points for every node (regardless of type) completed.

  • Expedition difficulties (indicated by 1, 2, or 3 skulls when you select your mission) provide 1, 2, or 3 points per node, respectively.
  • Architect’s Curse levels provide 4 points for each level above 1 (lowest Curse difficulty). This gives a maximum of 36 points per node completed at Architect’s Curse 10 (highest Curse difficulty).

When you finish a run (whether by winning, dying, or giving up), the points gained will be added to your total score. Upon reaching certain thresholds, your level will increase and you’ll get a shiny new unlock to play with!

The Big Table of Unlocks (Part 1)

And here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! All the unlocks in one convenient package! Well, technically two because Steam can’t handle the sheer girth of it all.

For each Card unlock, I’ve specified which Faction it belongs to:

  • TO = Tainted Ones
  • GR = Guild of the Ruinfarers
  • HAF = House Agiça de Ferady
LevelUnlockTypeScore Required
1Unlocked at game startN/A0
2Doltar (Companion)Companion250
4Deceiving ShadowCard (TO)756
6Bouncing HitCard (GR)1270
8New Cult of ShenaaExpedition1792
9Sohoma (Companion)Companion2056
10Graduated ViolenceCard (TO)2322
12Beast SlayerCard (HAF)2860
13Jokan (Companion)Companion3132
14Dorios Merchant GuildExpedition3406
15Sora (Companion)Companion3682
16Energy OutburstCard (TO)3960
18Old Cult of ShenaaExpedition4522
19Zakaan (Companion)Companion4806
20Time DilationCard (GR)5092
22Ulterior ViolenceCard (TO)5670
23Nereide (Companion)Companion5962
24Empath CultExpedition6256
25Issandre (Companion)Companion6552
26Blossoming FaithCard (HAF)6850
28Emissary of KaitiExpedition7452
29Flynn (Companion)Companion7756
30Shared PainCard (TO)8062
33Hectos (Companion)Companion8992
34Tri-Focus MarkCard (GR)9306
35Anarak (Companion)Companion9622
36Blight ProcessionExpedition9942
37Lèse-MajestéCard (HAF)10267
38Fading EchoesCard (GR)10597
39Fading Echoes (again; it is bugged)Card (GR)10932
40Distracting BlowCard (HAF)11272
41Duplicator GuildExpedition11617
42Blood SacrificeCard (TO)11967
43The Justice We BringCard (HAF)12322
44Target PainterCard (GR)12682
Steam has a size limit for each section, so I’ll see you in the next one!

The Big Table of Unlocks (Part 2)

Welcome back!

LevelUnlockTypeScore Required
45Brutal StartCard (TO)13047
46Delegate of the MedicumExpedition13417
47Unforgiving StrikeCard (HAF)13792
48Unstable PrimerCard (GR)14172
49Delayed SentenceCard (HAF)14557
50Distorted ResilienceCard (TO)14947
51Private InvestorsExpedition15342
52Divert PowerCard (GR)15742
53Sunlight CutCard (TO)16147
54Double-Edged GuiltCard (HAF)16557
55Time FuzeCard (GR)16972
56Donova Merchant GuildExpedition17392
57Multitools KitCard (GR)17817
58Humble RequestCard (HAF)18247
59Explosive EchoCard (GR)18682
60Adaptive TacticsCard (TO)19122
61All GuiltyCard (HAF)19567
62Herald of the Sun EmperorExpedition20017
63Next StepCard (HAF)20472
64Defensive TacticCard (GR)20932
65As OneCard (HAF)21397
66Master ProgramCard (TO)21867
67High GroundCard (GR)22342
68Envoy of the Bright TowerExpedition22827
69Caravan LeaderExpedition23322
70Scholars of the Cobalt CurseExpedition23827
71Ambassador of TeriosExpedition24342
72Bioharvester GuilderExpedition24867
74Charity MissionExpedition25947
75Envoy of the High CityExpedition26502
76Archaeological ExpeditionExpedition27067
77Consul of the Minor GateExpedition27642
78Followers of the Black OwlExpedition28227
79Untouched Cult of ShenaaExpedition28822
80Benevolent CultExpedition29427
81Nomad TribeExpedition30042
82Companions of BountyExpedition30667
83Bearers of the Eroding SigilExpedition31302
84Third Conclave DelegateExpedition31947
85Messenger From a Distant LandExpedition32602
86Autonomous CommunityExpedition33267
87Champion’s ArenaExpedition33942
88Snokin’s PractitionersExpedition34627
89Cult of the Awakened BloodExpedition35322
90Voice of the Crimson TideExpedition36027