This is a guide about the bloons in Bloons TD 6. They are enemies that must be popped or they will take your lives and make you lose.
Bloons Guide
Red Bloon
Red Bloons are the first bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 1. Red Bloons move slowly and make money when popped like any bloon would. When popped, they are gone and do nothing but make you a bit of cash.
Blue Bloon
Blue Bloons are the second bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 3. Blue Bloons move slightly faster than Red Bloon and typically make money. When popped, they become a Red Bloon and that can be done again for it to be totally gone.
Green Bloon
Green Bloons are the third bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 6. Green Bloons move faster than Blue Bloons and make money like a bloon. When popped, they become a Blue Bloon and you can pop it until it is gone.
Yellow Bloon
Yellow Bloons are the fourth bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 11. Yellow Bloons move very fast and you already know you will make money from it at death. When popped, it becomes a Green Bloon and you know what to do with it.
Pink Bloon
Pink Bloons are the fifth bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 15. Pink Bloons are the fastest bloon in the game. When popped, it becomes a Yellow Bloon.
Black Bloon
Black Bloons are the sixth bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 20. Black Bloons have similar speed to that of the Green Bloon. When popped, it becomes 2 Pink Bloons. Black Bloons also have a special protection that makes it invulnerable to explosions.
White Bloon
White Bloons are the seventh bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 22. White Bloons are slightly faster than Black Bloons. When popped, it becomes 2 Pink Bloons like its brother the Black Bloon. White Bloons are immune to freezing.
Purple Bloon
Purple Bloons are the eighth bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 25. Purple Bloons move almost as fast as Yellow Bloons. When popped, it becomes 2 Pink Bloons. Purple Bloons are immune to non-sharp projectiles.
Zebra Bloon
Zebra Bloons are the ninth bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 26. Zebra Bloons move as fast as Green Bloons. When popped, it becomes 1 White Bloon and 1 Black Bloon. Zebra Bloons are immune to freezing and explosions.
Lead Bloon
Lead Bloons are the tenth bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 28. Lead Bloons move as fast as Red Bloons. When popped, it becomes 2 Black Bloons. Lead Bloons are immune to sharp projectiles.
Rainbow Bloon
Rainbow Bloons are the eleventh bloon to appear ingame. They take 1 Hit to pop and first appear on Round 35. Rainbow Bloons move slightly faster than Zebra Bloons and Green Bloons. When popped, it becomes 2 Zebra Bloons.
Ceramic Bloon
Ceramic Bloons are the twelfth bloon to appear ingame. They take 10 Hits to pop and first appear on Round 38. Ceramic Bloons move much faster than Rainbow Bloons but slower than Yellow Bloons. When popped, it becomes 2 Rainbow Bloons.
Massive Ornary Air Blimp (M.O.A.B.)
MOABs are the thirteenth bloon to appear ingame. They take a whopping 200 Hits to pop and first appear on Round 40. MOABs move as fast as Red Bloons and Lead Bloons. MOABs are part of a family of bloons called the MOAB-Class Bloons. When popped, it becomes 4 Ceramic Bloons.
Brutal Flying Behemoth (B.F.B.)
BFBs are the fourteenth bloon to appear ingame. They take a jaw-dropping 700 Hits to pop and first appear on Round 60. BFBs move much slower than Red Bloons, Lead Bloons, and MOABs. BFBs are part of a family of bloons called the MOAB-Class Bloons. When popped, it becomes 4 MOABs.
Zeppelin Of Mighty Gargantuaness (Z.O.M.G.)
ZOMGs are the fifteenth bloon to appear ingame. They take a wild 4,000 Hits to pop and first appear on Round 80. ZOMGs move much slower than BFBs. ZOMGs are part of a family of bloons called the MOAB-Class Bloons. When popped, it becomes 4 BFBs.
Dark Dirigible Titan (D.D.T.)
DDTs are the sixteenth bloon to appear ingame. They take a sticky 400 Hits to pop and first appear on Round 90. DDTs move very quickly moving almost as fast as Purple Bloons. DDTs are part of a family of bloons called the MOAB-Class Bloons. When popped, it becomes 4 Camo Regen Ceramics. DDTs are like a fusion of Pink Bloons, Black Bloons, Lead Bloons, MOABs, and Camo Red Bloons. This means they cannot be detected by most towers, are massive with lots of HP, cannot be hit by non-hot sharp projectiles, unable to be hit by explosives, and move very fast.
Big Airship of Doom (B.A.D.)
BADs are the seventeenth and final bloon to appear ingame. They take a screeching 20,000 Hits to pop and first appear on Round 100. BADs move as fast as ZOMGs being very slow. BADs are part of a family of bloons called the MOAB-Class Bloons. When popped, it becomes 2 ZOMGs and 3 DDTs. BADs are currently the last bloon to appear and are the strongest in the game. Good luck defeating it at Round 100!
Regrowth Bloons Property
These bloons are special heart-shaped bloons that have a powerful ability. This ability allows them to regrow their lost layers and even multiply if the conditions are right and if it is a Black Bloon or stronger. Regrowth bloons first appear on Wave 17 as Yellow Bloons. Any bloon that isn’t a MOAB-Class Bloon can be a Regrowth bloon. Regrowth bloons regrow a layer every 3 seconds and it won’t regrow a layer if that layer is the last layer of the original Regrowth bloon. These bloons are dangerous especially in rushes where weak defense would only make the rush worse. Regrowth bloons are easily countered with any tower easily destroys rushes such as a Super Monkey or a Tack Shooter.
Camo Bloons Property
This special property makes the bloons have camo all over them. This special property first appears on Wave 24 as a single Camo Green Bloon. Camo Bloons Property makes the bloon unable to be detected by most towers. However to combat this, there are special upgrades for towers to see Camo bloons. Any Non-MOAB-Class Bloon can be Camo. DDTs are an exception to this which will always have this property but it can be modified like any other Camo bloon. Camo bloons are dangerous but can be easily countered with a 0-2-0 Monkey Village which enables the towers in its radius to detect Camo bloons.