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Boundary Operator & Gear Descriptions

All the descriptions you’ve been missing; all in one place!

Boundary Operator & Gear Descriptions

Finding it annoying that this information is not readily available while in the customisation screen, so I decided to post a guide instead of just writing it down for myself.

Triple question marks (???) indicate information that I haven’t unlocked yet, single question marks (?) indicate things I just haven’t figured out yet.


Operator stats:

|        | Health | Armor | Mobility |
| Orlan  | 1      | 3     | 2        |
| Probe  | 2      | 1     | 3        |
| Leeway | 1      | 2     | 2        |
| Fort   | 3      | 3     | 1        |
| Doc    | 2      | 1     | 3        |
| Spike  | 2      | 1     | 3        |


EMP Grenade
Ammo Capacity: 3/3
Fire control: manual (launcher must be deployed first)
Launches a ranged-projectile that causes a brief stun.

HE Grenade
Ammo Capacity: 3/3
Fire control: manual (launcher must be deployed first)
Launches a ranged-projectile with a small explosive.

Ammo Capacity: 25
Fire control: lock-on required (can be fired with weapon still in hands)
Launches five seeking missiles at a time, requires clearance above the operator’s head (launches upward initially before munition’s booster fires)

Motion Sensor
Ammo Capacity: 1/1
Fire Control: manual (launcher must be deployed first)
? Launches a ranged projectile that attaches to surfaces and ?

Snapshot Sensor
Ammo Capacity: 1/1
Fire control: manual (launcher must be deployed first)
? Launches a ranged projectile that scans for enemies within a small radius.

Ammo Capacity: 1/1
Fire control: manual (launcher must be deployed first)
? Launches a ranged projectile with a ‘ T ‘ and wifi looking symbol…transmit? is it a radar decoy?

Smoke Launcher
Ammo Capacity: 3/???
Fire control: ???

EMP Mine
Ammo Capacity: 1/???
Fire control: ???

40mm Canon
Ammo Capacity: 15/???
Fire control: ???

Impulse Grenade
Ammo Capacity: 3/???
Fire control: ???

Ammo Capacity: 1/1
Fire control: manual (launcher must be deployed first)
? Launches a ranged projectile that ? heals I guess? Unclear if it does armor, health or both.

Ammo Capacity: 1/2
Fire control: manual (can be fired with weapon still in hands)
? makes a cloud which obscures visuals around you for a few seconds. Unclear if this breaks radar contact.

Final thoughts.

Clearly there are still many gaps in this guide. I will continue to fill it out as I unlock stuff (and piece together what it all does) in game.

Written by maru

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