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Breathedge Cheats – Console Commands

Here is the list of the different game commands available in Breathedge. While playing the game, press Tilde ~ (the key above TAB) to display the console window.

Breathedge Console Commands

Modify motion blur mode:

r_MotionBlur 0

This option can be found in the Graphics settings. However, it can be changed manually. Set the integer to 0 to disable motion blur, set it to 1 for camera blur, and 2 for object blur.

Disable HUD:

g_showHUD 0

To disable HUD, set the integer to 0, to enable set it to 1.

Modify gravity:

p_gravity_z -13

The default value is -13.

Modify FOV:

cl_fov 60

The default value is 60. We recommend 90-100 for maximum experience without a lot of model clipping or unintentional texture glitches.

Quit to desktop:


This command is just the letter q.

Show FPS:

stat fps

Modifies the display gamma level:

GAMMA [value]

Modify anti-aliasing mode:

r_antialiasingmode 0

Default value is 0, can be changed to 1 for SMAA 1x, 2 for SMAA 1TX, 3 for SMAA 2x. This will adversly affect performace. These options can also be found in the Advanced Graphics options.

Disable VSync:

r_vsync 0

Use this to disable VSync to potentially increase performance. It is important to note that disabling this will allow screen tearing to occur. Set the integer to 0 to disable VSync, and 1 to re-enable it.

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