Deadside is a hardcore multiplayer shooter with large open world and wide gameplay possibilities. Deadside gets you into realistic game environment full of hopelessness and despair. It tries to keep balance between the dynamics of the shooter and the hardcoreness of “survival” gameplay. The world of the game does not imply the existence of fantastic elements like zombies or anomalies, concentrating the player’s attention on realistic aspects of life on the ruins of the dead civilization.
Deadside PC Keyboard Controls
switch view free camera tilt right tilt left forward backward right left sprint walk autorun jump crouch fire aiming use disassemble inventory map global chat channel local chat channel squad chat channel voice chat toggle hood join squad fire mode reload raise/down next weapon previous weapon flashlight/target designator zoom in zoom out aiming mode show/hide quick slot #1 quick slot #2 quick slot #3 quick slot #4 quick slot #5 quick slot #6 quick slot #7 quick slot #8 quick slot #9 quick slot #10 quick slot #11 server admin panel respawn after death message to the last chat channel ingame menu close interface |
Middle Mouse Button Left Alt E Q W S A D Left Shift Left Ctrl V Space Bar Z Left Mouse Button Right Mouse Button F G Tab M J K L F6 H F5 X R Caps Lock Mouse Wheel Up Mouse Wheel Down T Page Up Page Down End Equals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F1 F2 F3 F4 F10 Enter Enter Escape Escape |
How to Rebind Controls?
- Open the game
- Press Esc to open the Menu
- Go to the Settings
- Select “Control”
- Change “Controller” to “Keyboard+Mouse”
- Click on any bind and change key that you want.
Note: The controls used to play Deadside are a combination of keyboard keys, the mouse and mouse buttons. all keys can be re-assigned using the Controls tab found in the Settings tab on the main menu of the game. From there you can change the key bindings.
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