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Destiny 2 Season of Dawn: Warlock Build

With the release of Destiny 2 Season of Dawn, players who haven’t tried the game in a while might be a bit confused with all the changes and how to best make use of their gear.

Before we get to build, I highly recommend leveling up the Lantern of Osiris and unlocking different seasonal mods. It’s entirely possible to make these builds work without mods but they synergise incredibly well.

Destiny 2 Season of Dawn: Warlock Build

Floor is Lava

Before we detail the build in detail, here’s what it looks like:

  • Subclass – Attunement of Sky (Dawnblade)
  • Grenades – Solar Grenades
  • Rift/Jump – Healing Rift and Burst Glide
  • Exotic Armor – Sunbraces
  • Armor Mods – 2x Enhanced Ashes to Assets, Breach Resonator, Molten Overlord, Disruptor Spike, Solar Pleux, Enhanced Impact Induction
  • Weapons – Monte Carlo, Marty’s Retribution with Demolitionist, Heretic with Demolitionist

If you don’t have any of these things, I highly recommend grinding for them since they’re incredibly good this season. But how does this all work?

The build essentially lets you stay in the air for a long, long time and spam Solar Grenades all over the place. What you need to do is to consume your Solar Grenade to proc. Heat Rises and jump into the air. While you’re hovering, use your new ranged melee to kill a small ad to proc. Sunbraces.

Sunbraces should let you throw 5x Solar Grenades during its duration. You can spam 4 of these around the area and consume the last one to keep the Heat Rises running. However, I should mention it here that if you consume a Solar Grenade while Sunbraces is active, it won’t work. Therefore, only consume the final nade if you see that the effects of Sunbraces have worn off.

Also, since the damage from multiple Solar Grenades doesn’t stack, I’d recommend spreading them out to clear as many ads as you possibly can. On top of that, with the Enhanced Ashes to Assets, you’ll be getting your Super back in about 30 to 45 seconds.

Coming to weapons, if you lucked out in rolling a Martyr’s Retribution or Heretic with Demolitionist on it, you should be able to alternate between your Solar Grenade and weapon shots for decent single-target damage. If you don’t have them, try to stick to Monte Carlo to get your Melee back as fast as possible.

I should also note here that this build is not incredibly powerful against bosses in general but is more of a fun build and to clear ads effectively. On top of that, once you’ve unlocked Seasonal Mods e.g. Breach Resonator, Molten Overlord, Disruptor Spike, and Solar Pleux, you should easily be able to clear ads in Ordeals.

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