Table of Contents Show
This guide contains all points of interests such as quests, fishing spots, tombs, timed chests, buried treasures and some other stuff.
Dysmantle Maps (All Points of Interests)
This guide contains major spoilers about the gameIf you don’t want to get spoiled and would like to explore the game yourself, don’t read this guide
NOTE: Some areas shown in the maps might not be accessible
Locations included in this guide
- Campfires
- Quests
- Radios
- Bosses
- Buried Treasures
- Timed Chests
- Fishing Spots
- Arena Obelisks
- Link Towers
- Link Relays
- Tombs
- Wishing Wells
- Terminals
- Entryways
- Shelters
- Shelters Loudspeakers
- Locked Doors
- Myth Tablets
- Farmables
- Fixables
- Audio Logs
- Fabricators
- Rifts
I will provide the whole map, and then each area in the game alone for a better quality
This guide contains all point of interests in game as of v1.0
Interactive map
I’ve created an interactive map for the game, which allows you to customize the map to your heart’s content.
- A high quality map (24,576 x 12,288) pixels
- 5 zoom levels from (1,536 x 768) pixels, up to (24,576 x 12,288) pixels
- Supports both Island and Undercrown Maps
- Has an identical “Points of Interest” screen from the game, so you can tell what you’ve missed
- Details on most of the types, like the key required to open the lock, or the type of the fishing spot
- Hide/show tower borders
- Hide/show location names
- Hide/show specific type of markers
You can access the map through the following link:
Dysmantle Interactive Map
Frosthorn is only 98% completion. It misses a point of interest. I’ve found all the ones on the map on this page.