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Elden Ring Iron Fist Alexander Quest Walkthrough

Iron Fist Alexander Quest Walkthrough

  1. Alexander can be found in Northern Stormhill. West to the river and North of the Agheel Lake North Site of Grace.
  2. After that first encounter, he can be found at Gael Tunnel in the border between Caelid and Limgrave.
  3. He can be found at Redmane Castle, preparing to enter the festival.
  4. After killing Starscourge Radahn, Alexander can be found near the site of grace, recovering.
  5. South of Carian Study Hall, on the cliff, Alexander can be found stuck in another hole, overlooking Jartown. You must use one or more oil pots and then heavy attacks to free him.
  6. In Seethewater Terminus, behind the Magma Wyrm, you can find Alexander bathing in the lava.
  7. Once the player has reached Crumbling Farum Azula, Alexander can be found on a large flat span of ruins and will ask that you duel him so he can face a hero’s death. Drops Shard of Alexander as well as Warrior Jar Shard if you have not already received it.
See also:  ELDEN RING Quest Tracker

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