Enderal Forgotten Stories – Alchemy Guide (Ingredient Properties)

This will be updated as I find out all the properites of various ingredients.

Other Enderal Forgotten Stories Guides:

Ingredient Properties

This will be updated as I find out all the properites of various ingredients, but for now, the ones I know are the following:

Baldris Root:
-wolf blood
-weakness to poison

Bear claw:
-restore stamina
-fortify health
-fortify one-handed
-chymicum: claws

-restore stamina
-damage stamina
-fortify stamina regeneration
-weakness to shock

Bee Honey Comb:
-restore stamina
-fortify block
-fortify light armor
-damage stamina

Blue Malphas Flower:
-Restore health
-Increase arcane fever
-fortify health
-wolf blood

Bone meal:
-damage stamina
-fire resistance
-fortify entropy
-wolf blood

Bug Eggs:
-weakness to poison
-fortify stamina
-damage mana

Chicken Egg:
-resist magic
-damage mana regeneration
-water breathing
-drain stamina

Crab Shell:
-restore stamina
-cure disease
-resist poison
-fire resistance

-restore mana
-wolf blood
-fortify mana
-shock resistance

Endralean Cotton:
-resist magic
-fortify mana
-chymicum: sturdiness
-fortify barter

Fish Scales:
-frost resistance
-damage health (second kind)
-chymicum: surdiness
-fortify block

Fog sponge:
-Shock resistance
-Chimicum swiftness
-wolf blood
-fortify health

-weakness to magic
-frost resistance
-restore mana
-fortify mana regeneration

-Fortify health regeneration
-fortify stamina
-fortify mana regeneration
-wolf blood

Ghost Wrapping:
-restore stamina
-fortify elementalism
-resist magic

Hanging Moss:
-damage mana
-fortify health
-damage mana regeneration
-fortify one-handed

Holly Berry:
-fire resistance
-fortify enchanting
-frost resistance
-chymicum: frost claws

Human Flesh:
-poison damage
-restore mana
-fortify sneak

Human Heart:
-poison damage
-damage mana
-chymicum: claws

Juniper berries:
-weakness to fire
-fortify archery
-fortify health regeneration
-damage stamina regeneration

-resist magic
-fortify stamina
-chimicum stamina
-fortify entropy

-weakness to frost
-fortify heavy armor
-restore mana
-chymicum: vigor

Luve Oil:
-weakness to magic
-chymicum: fire claws
-poison damage
-restore mana

Mana Salts:
-fortify enchanting
-resist magic
-restore mana
-fortify entropy

Mora Tapinella:
-restore mana
-damage health
-fortify stamina regeneration
-fortify psyonics

Mud morel:
-Shock resistance
-Increase arcane fever
-Restore health

-poison damage
-damage mana regeneration
-fortify elementalism

-frost resistance
-fortify block
-chymicum: frost claws

-restore stamina
-chymicum: swiftness
-restore mana
-shock resistnace

-Rat Skin:
-restore stamina
-cure disease
-increase arcane fever
-restore health

Red Vynroot:
-Poison damage
-damage stamina

-weakness to magic
-fortify light magic
-chymicum: claws
-fortify: mana regeneration

Sheer cap:
-Restore health
-increase arcane fever
-chimicum Vigor

Stain mushroom:
-Chimicum Shock claws
-poison damage
-wolf blood

Spidal Cane:
-weakness to shock
-damage health
-weakness to poison
-restore mana

-weakness to fire
-fortify block
-weakness to poison
-resist magic

-weakness to fire
-fortify mana regeneration
-restore mana
-frost resistance

-weakness to magic
-fortify psionics
-fortify mana regeneration
-restore mana

-frost resistance
-damage stamina
-chymicum: swiftness

Troll fat:
-resist poison
-chymicum shock claws
-poison damage

Vatery Eyeball:
-restore stamina
-damage health
-increase arcane fever
-restore health

Vatry Ear:
-poison damage
-resist poison
-fortify lockpicking

Void Salt:
-weakness to shock
-resist magic
-poison damage
-chymicum: shock claws

-Poison damage
-damage stamina

-restore health
-fortify health
-damage stamina regeneration
-increase arcane fever

Yellow Butterfly Wing:
-restore health
-fortify banter
-drain stamina
-increase arcane fever