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FF7 Remake Just Flew in from the Graveyard Walkthrough

FF7 Remake Just Flew in from the Graveyard Walkthrough

Just Flew in from the Graveyard Objectives

  1. The Scrap Dealer has info on a new job. Head to the pillar plaza.
  2. The neighborhood watch needs someone to take care of the cerulean drake in the abandoned factory. A watch security key is needed to go inside, but one should be hidden inside a wooden crate near the building. Find the key and slay the drake.
  3. The cerulean drake has been defeated. Tell Gwen the good news
  4. Gwen lashes out at the Shinra soldiers, accusing them of being unconcerned about the welfare of the slums’ residents. Cloud learns of the complex relationship between Shinra and the people of the undercity.

Just Flew in from the Graveyard Walkthrough

Prerequisite: Complete the earlier Nuisance in the Factory side quest listed above.

  • Head to the NPC arguing with Shrina guards near the entrance to the Abandoned Talleger Factory. After the conversation, head back to factory. Battle through the factory and smash every Shinra crate you see in order to try to find the Key Card to the door – it can seemingly spawn in any crate inside the factory. We found it in the crates near the vending machine and rest spot.
  • Once you have the key card and find key in crates near Vending machine. Head to locked door and fight Cerulean Drake. The Cerulean Drake is an enemy that can teach you the Algid Aura move for your Enemy Skill materia.
See also:  Final Fantasy 7 Remake Status Effects

Just Flew in from the Graveyard Quest

Just Flew in from the Graveyard Quest Reward

  • Star Bracelet
  • HP and MP fully restored

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