Foul Play Walkthrough Guide

This guide will help you earn every achievement and unlock the entire gallery in Foul Play.

Foul Play Walkthrough Guide

Guide to getting all unlockables in the game.

First Playthrough – Winter

◈Start a new game
◈Hints On
◈Name yourself
◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesWorld’s Longest Green Light – Beginning main character’s journey.

◈Accept my mistakes and apologize
◈Wholeheartedly agree to join the investigation
◈Apologize profusely
◈Click on the wallet, the postcard on his back, and the bloody footprints to the right of him

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesDoes This Mean I’m Promoted? – You picked the wrong choice, and Cynthia suffered the consequences.

◈Reload from last decision
◈Order gyoza. Who even is this defier of gyoza anyway?


◈Keep true identity hidden
◈Catch a ride with her
◈We need to examine it for the investigation
◈Apologize profusely
◈Accept – This could be a good opportunity to get to know her better!
◈What are you wearing?
◈I’m really into Cynthia’s aesthetic also!
◈I promise you I’m not like that
◈Joke back with her
◈I haven’t thought of that perspective before
◈Ask for more information
◈Click the needle, the postcard beside her, and the sticky note on the table to the very right
◈Open email, messages, and calendar
◈She’s so authoritarian! It’s pretty admirable
◈The Garbage and Recycling Services Center
◈Cynthia is strength goals
◈I thought you liked it since you said you used to skate in Canada
◈It’s okay, who knows what he could be going through
◈When did you know you were gay?
◈I had butterflies, but this is new territory and I’m just not ready

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesBaby Gay – You realize you’re gay. It’s a long journey ahead of you, buddy.

◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesIt’s Sag Season – There’s always that one lesbian who is obsessed with astrology.
◈I have to admit, in this relaxed environment, she’s kind of cute
◈Ask her what she does for fun
◈I’m interested in preventing all types of killings, even mood-killings
◈Enjoy a quiet day indoors drawing pictures
◈Admit that I enjoy learning more about her
◈Be receptive to Cynthia
◈Get her a bacon sandwich
◈The Kerrs’ file is suspicious
◈Try Cynthia’s coffee concoction


◈Ask Winter to the party
◈Listen to what she has to say
◈Date date
◈That’s a good question
◈French kissing?
◈She went over to the catered food
◈Any information I give might incriminate me
◈I won’t tell them about Winter’s scarf
◈Hold back for now
◈Is there a possibility that Winter will ever change?
◈I wish I could understand Winter’s situation better
◈Side with Winter
◈Yes, I am sure
◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesWow, Toxic – Kiss Winter. You’ll need a bucket for all these red flags.

◈Accept Winter’s date
◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesGenie, Do You Like Cheese? – Go on a fancy date with Winter. Try the pão de queijo.

◈It’s kind of complicated, but if you’re willing to listen…
◈I need to tell Winter that I’m not trying to use her for fancy meals and new clothes
◈Why would these criminals agree to be monitored?
◈Working for Raeni might not be such a bad thing
◈When are you going to quit killing people, Winter?
◈Do nothing
◈Ask Winter more about her past

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesSão Joaquim – Learn about Winter’s past.

◈Invite her to share the bed
◈I might take her up on that offer
◈I want to but I don’t know how to say so

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesDaddy’s Girl – Spicy times with Winter.

◈I’m open to learning more about Raeni
◈Oi arrombadinha


◈Accept Raeni’s offer
◈She can’t have milk
◈Send an e-mail dismissing the guards
◈Find the list of pardoned criminals
◈Use the USB
◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesSocial Justice Warrior – Start a new career by working for Raeni.

First Playthrough – Cynthia


◈Divulge the truth
◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesDon’t Talk To Strangers – Winter doesn’t like detectives… alive.


◈Ask Cynthia to the party
◈Tell Brandy or Ginny or whatever her name was, goodbye
◈Ask her to dance with me
◈So you were planning on dancing?
◈Nudge Cynthia to go get a drink before last call
◈Tell her I’ve been practicing chess
◈Maybe I should admit that I unknowingly went on a date with the potential killer
◈I should hand in Winter’s scarf
◈Give more details about Winter
◈Is there a possibility that Winter will ever change?
◈Now I need to tell Cynthia about Winter and Raeni
◈Side with the law
◈Her actions are wrong and she’s a danger to everyone
◈Tell her the truth

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesNatural instinct – Answer most detective questions correctly.

◈Ask her if she also feels there is something between us
◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesDo You Think She Really Likes Me? – Kiss Cynthia but you’re still not sure if she likes you.

◈Wouldn’t there be more moving parts?
◈That’s what makes us good together!
◈I’m up for the blitz challenge
◈Try to win

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesCheckmate – Your happy little horse packs a punch.

◈Calm her down
◈Confess my crush on her
◈What if I am curious about the rabbit hole?

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesTeacher’s Pet – Spicy times with Cynthia

◈Let Winter escape
◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesBackstabbed – You didn’t arrest Winter when you had the chance. RIP.

◈Reload from last decision
◈Arrest Winter

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesU-Haul Lesbian – U-Haul with Cynthia, who you’ve dated for less than one month

◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesJust Gals Being Pals – Date both Winter and Cynthia


◈Decline Raeni’s offer


◈Trust Winter
◈{Continue story}

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesThere’s No Going Back – Runaway with Winter ending


◈Don’t trust Winter

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesCynthia’s Extra Target Practice – Cynthia shoots Winter

Self Care

Start a new game

◈Hints On
◈Name yourself
◈Accept my mistakes and apologize
◈Vehemently refuse to be involved
◈Apologize profusely
◈Click on the wallet, the postcard on his back, and the bloody footprints to the right of him
◈Order gyoza. Who even is this defier of gyoza anyway?
◈Keep true identity hidden
◈Catch a ride with her
◈We need to examine it for the investigation
◈Apologize profusely
◈Decline – It sounds weird to have my boss come to my house
◈What are you wearing?
◈I promise you I’m not like that
◈Joke back with her
◈I haven’t thought of that perspective before
◈Ask for more information
◈Click the needle, the postcard beside her, and the sticky note on the table to the very right
◈Open email, messages, and calendar
◈She’s so authoritarian! It’s pretty admirable
◈The Garbage and Recycling Services Center
◈Cynthia is strength goals
◈I thought you liked it since you said you used to skate in Canada
◈It’s okay, who knows what he could be going through
◈When did you know you were gay?
◈I had butterflies, but this is new territory and I’m just not ready
◈I have to admit, in this relaxed environment, she’s kind of cute
◈Ask her why she eats so much
◈What do you mean?
◈Don’t mention anything, try to remain professional
◈Keep to myself
◈Get her a chocolate croissant
◈The Kerrs’ file is suspicious

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesSmooth Operator – Break Cynthia’s heart more than 3 times

◈Politely decline
◈Ask Cynthia to the party
◈Ignore her
◈Suggest she make herself more approachable at work
◈Which was your favorite style?
◈Gently remind Cynthia that she’s a borderline alcoholic
◈Tell her about a new glass-blowing competition show I’ve been watching
◈Any information I give might incriminate me
◈I won’t tell them about Winter’s scarf
◈Hold back for now
◈Is there a possibility that Winter will ever change?
◈I wish I could understand Winter’s situation better
◈Side with the law
◈Her actions are wrong and she’s a danger to everyone
◈Ask her if she also feels there is something between us
◈Do you own any of those other games? I’d rather do those
◈Arrest Winter

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesSelf Care – Ending a game by focusing on yourself and not dating anyone

Cynthia 100%

Start a new game

◈Hints On
◈Name yourself
◈Accept my mistakes and apologize
◈Wholeheartedly agree to join the investigation
◈Don’t make a scene! I’ll just… keep staring at the ground
◈Click on the wallet, the postcard on his back, and the bloody footprints to the right of him
◈Order gyoza. Who even is this defier of gyoza anyway?
◈Keep true identity hidden
◈Catch a ride with her
◈We need to examine it for the investigation
◈Take accountability for the dreadful coffee stain
◈Accept – This could be a good opportunity to get to know her better!
◈What are you wearing?
◈I’m really into Cynthia’s aesthetic, also!
◈I promise you I’m not like that
◈Joke back with her
◈I haven’t thought of that perspective before
◈Ask for more information
◈Click the needle, the postcard beside her, and the sticky note on the table to the very right
◈Open email, messages, and calendar
◈She’s so authoritarian! It’s pretty admirable
◈The industrial building
◈Cynthia is strength goals
◈I thought you liked it since you said you used to skate in Canada
◈It’s okay, who knows what he could be going through
◈When did you know you were gay?
◈I had butterflies, but this is new territory and I’m just not ready
◈I have to admit, in this relaxed environment, she’s kind of cute
◈Ask her what she does for fun
◈I’m interested in preventing all types of killings, even mood-killings
◈Enjoy a quiet day indoors drawing pictures
◈Admit that I enjoy learning more about her
◈Be receptive to Cynthia
◈Get her a bacon sandwich
◈The Kerrs’ file is suspicious
◈Try Cynthia’s coffee concoction
◈Ask Cynthia to the party
◈Tell brandy or Ginny or whatever her name was, goodbye
◈Ask her to dance with me
◈So you were planning on dancing?
◈Nudge Cynthia to go get a drink before last call
◈Tell her I’ve been practicing chess
◈Maybe I should admit that I unknowingly went on a date with the potential killer
◈I should hand in Winter’s scarf
◈Give more details about Winter
◈Should I go in to work tomorrow and tell Cynthia everything?
◈Now I need to tell Cynthia about Winter and Raeni
◈Side with the law
◈Her actions are wrong and she’s a danger to everyone
◈Tell her the truth
◈Ask her if she also feels there is something between us
◈Wouldn’t there be more moving parts?
◈That’s what makes us good together!
◈I’m up for the blitz challenge
◈Try to win
◈Calm her down
◈Confess my crush on her
◈What if I am curious about the rabbit hole?

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesQuid Pro Quo – Reach 100% on Cynthia’s romance bar.

◈Arrest Winter

Winter Heartbroken

Start a new game

◈Hints On
◈Name yourself
◈Accept my mistakes and apologize
◈Wholeheartedly agree to join the investigation
◈Don’t make a scene! I’ll just… keep staring at the ground
◈Click on the wallet, the postcard on his back, and the bloody footprints to the right of him
◈Don’t order any food
◈Keep true identity hidden
◈I don’t know her. I’ll call a cab
◈We need to examine it for the investigation
◈Take accountability for the dreadful coffee stain
◈Decline – It sounds weird to have my boss come to my house
◈What are you wearing?
◈I promise you I’m not like that
◈This is an inappropriate conversation to be having while I’m technically working
◈Ask for more information
◈Click the needle, the postcard beside her, and the sticky note on the table to the very right
◈Open email, messages, and calendar
◈She’s so authoritarian! It’s pretty admirable
◈The industrial building
◈Cynthia is strength goals
◈I thought you liked it since you said you used to skate in Canada
◈It’s okay, who knows what he could be going through
◈Is your hair naturally white?
◈It was fun but I’m not sure how I feel about her yet
◈I have to admit, in this relaxed environment, she’s kind of cute
◈Ask her why she eats so much
◈What do you mean?
◈Don’t mention anything, try to remain professional
◈Keep to myself
◈Get her a chocolate croissant
◈The Kerrs’ file is suspicious
◈Politely decline
◈Ask Winter to the party
◈Cut her off

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesSmooth Criminal – Break Winter’s heart more than 3 times.
◈Stop this playthrough here

Winter 100%

Start a new game

◈Hints OFF
◈Name yourself
◈Accept my mistakes and apologize
◈Wholeheartedly agree to join the investigation
◈Don’t make a scene! I’ll just… keep staring at the ground
◈Click on the wallet, the postcard on his back, and the bloody footprints to the right of him
◈Order gyoza. Who even is this defier of gyoza anyway?
◈Keep true identity hidden
◈Catch a ride with her
◈No, you can keep it
◈Take accountability for the dreadful coffee stain
◈Decline – It sounds weird to have my boss come to my house
◈What are you wearing?
◈I could ask you the same
◈Joke back with her
◈I haven’t thought of that perspective before
◈Ask for more information
◈Click the needle, the postcard beside her, and the sticky note on the table to the very right
◈Open email, messages, and calendar
◈She’s so authoritarian! It’s pretty admirable
◈The industrial building
◈Cynthia is strength goals
◈I thought you liked it since you said you used to skate in Russia
◈Make death threats to the rude person, even if I don’t mean them
◈When did you know you were gay?
◈I had butterflies, but this is new territory and I’m just not ready
◈I have to admit, in this relaxed environment, she’s kind of cute
◈Ask her why she eats so much
◈What do you mean?
◈Don’t mention anything, try to remain professional
◈Keep to myself
◈Get her a chocolate croissant
◈The Kerrs’ file is suspicious
◈Politely decline
◈Ask Winter to the party
◈Listen to what she has to say
◈Date date
◈That’s a good question
◈French kissing?
◈She went over to the catered food
◈Any information I give might incriminate me
◈I won’t tell them about Winter’s scarf
◈Hold back for now
◈Is there a possibility that Winter will ever change?
◈I wish I could understand Winter’s situation better
◈Side with Winter


◈Yes, I am sure
◈Accept Winter’s date
◈It’s kind of complicated, but if you’re willing to listen…
◈I need to tell Winter that I’m not trying to use her for fancy meals and new clothes
◈It seems like a shame to have so many resources allocated as sitting ducks
◈Working for Raeni might not be such a bad thing
◈Admit I have real feelings for her
◈I’ve been considering Raeni’s offer
◈Do nothing
◈Ask Winter more about her past
◈Invite her to share the bed
◈I might take her up on that offer
◈I want to but I don’t know how to say so
◈I’m open to learning more about Raeni
◈Oi arrombadinha

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesWell, That’s a First – Reach 100% on Winter’s romance bar.

◈Accept Raeni’s offer


◈She can’t have milk
◈Send an e-mail dismissing the guards
◈Find the list of pardoned criminals
◈Use the USB

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesLights Out – Play entire game with hints off.

Finishing Up


◈Open notebook in bottom left corner which brings up your phone
◈Scroll through both Winter and Cynthia’s profiles

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesExpert Stalker – Collect all phone notes on Cynthia & Winter.

Start a new game

◈Hints on
◈Name yourself
◈Accept my mistakes and apologize
◈Wholeheartedly agree to join the investigation
◈Don’t make a scene! I’ll just… keep staring at the ground
◈Click on the wallet, the postcard on his back, and the bloody footprints to the right of him
◈Go to credits

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesJust Quit Your Job?! – Answer most detective questions incorrectly.


◈She can’t have shrimp

Foul Play | Complete Walkthrough | Achievements | ScenesF Is For Failure – You failed Raeni’s test.