Home > Cinderella Phenomenon > Cinderella Phenomenon: Karma Endings Guide

Cinderella Phenomenon: Karma Endings Guide

Karma’s Route

When you have to select your pair, go for Karma (top one).

It’s terrible.
Stand up for Rumpel.
Remain inside.
I can see why you wouldn’t tell her.
The fancy cupcake with the lizard.
Tease Karma.
Fight back.
The lips.
Try to convince them.
Step away from him.
You have to tell Jurien.
Bite his hand.
Scold him.
Let’s run the errands first.
I came to speak with you.
Turn and point your sword at him.
I want a hug.
Thank you.
I want to talk to you.
I promise.
I could never be afraid of you.

Achievement: Rose in Full Bloom

It’s not that terrible.
Slap Rumpel.
Go outside.
Just say something to her.
The cupcake with the pearls.
Attempt to leave with Karma.
Wait for an opening.
The cheeks/eyes.
Try to fight them.
Don’t move.
…It’s nothing.
Topple him.
Comfort him.
Let’s look for Karma’s gift first.
I came to give you something.
Put your hand over his.
I want you to smile.
I am sorry.
I want to keep practicing.
I cannot promise that.
Why would I be afraid of you?

Achievement: Rose of Thorns

Achievement: Light and Darkness (You’ll get it as soon as you start the next route.)

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