Home > Speed Dating for Ghosts > Speed Dating for Ghosts – All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Ghost Achievement Guide

Speed Dating for Ghosts – All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Ghost Achievement Guide

A simple guide on how to get the All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Ghost achievement.

The objective: “Be rejected or reject nine ghosts in a single playthrough.”

This guide is broken into three sections. Each section covers a room with the three ghosts that are dateable in that room. There are one or two rounds per ghost, so I’ve included the dialogue options you can choose during each round to get the achievement.

Keep in mind… there are multiple ways to get this achievement. This is just what I did to get it and what worked for me. Goodluck and enjoy your dates!


Riley [round one]
-Slow down there, buddy.
-You’re not even gonna ask my name?
-Are you really this obnoxious?
-I just don’t like jocks.
-So you’re a SAD jock?
-A jock?
-So what are you?

Vera [round one]
-Nice to meet you.
-Ghost hunters?
-That’s pretty cool.
-So you’re famous?
-What’s different about it?
-I think you look nice.
-I’ll try, ma’am.

Steph [round one]

-You could say that…
-You look like one big booger.
-Just joking!
-It shows.
-I feel so awkward.
-It’s hard not to judge.
-Do I make a good first impression?
-Tell me about playing clarinet.
-What happens if you don’t?
-Spit is gross.
-Can dead people play the clarinet?
-Because you can’t breathe.
-That’s different.
-Because you’re dead.
-I don’t understand.

Riley [round 2]
-Always talking sports, huh?
-You seem angry, Riley!
-You think I’m a bummer?
-What if I said yes?

Vera [round 2]
-Yes ma’am.
-Sorry, lady.
-But you have earned it.
-Fine, but what now?
-We should just sit here quietly.
-I’m fine, thanks.

Fran on Steph’s behalf [round 2]
Your responses here don’t matter, so choose anything you’d like.


Kyo [round one]
-I’m not THAT scary.
-What good would that do?
-It’s not so bad.
-You get used to it.
-What’s wrong with being a ghost?

Spooky Peter [round one]
-I do okay.
-I’m not scared of you.
-I thought the plague was earlier.
-Are you the devil?
-I’m not like that.
-You’re a weird dude.
-I wouldn’t be.
-I don’t like you.

Leon [round one]
-Excuse me?
-I understand what money is.
-This is a singles’ mixer.
-I’m not interested.
-Stop that.
-You’re making me mad.
-Then scram.
-Not interested.

Kyo [round 2]
-Spooky Peter has been around.
-He said he’s been in books.
-He made an impression on me.
-Your speed dates are going well then.
-How did you die?
-How did you drown?
-What did you do?
-How did you get out?
-I just need positivity right now.

Fran’s questions about Leon
Your responses here don’t matter. Leon won’t come back or be dateable at this point.


Drea [round one]
-I’d rather be alive.
-Nice to meet you, Drea.
-You’re not very nice.
-It’s called being polite.

Hattie [round one]
-The home?
-Few nursing homes are…
-You could haunt anywhere, though.
-Why bother?
-Everyone dies.
-Is everything okay?
-I feel the same way.

Gary [round one]
-(Stare back.)
-(Narrow your eyes.)
-Please, no more!

Drea [round two]
-Excuse me?
-Sometimes a snooze is good.
-I wish I was in the ground.
-You never told me how you died.

Hattie [round two]
-Not really…
-Wait, you like true crime?
-Truman Capote.
-The Corpse Had a Familiar Face.
-I was just testing you.
-I just don’t think we’re working.

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