Which “ordinary” items you should keep for quests.
Items you should keep for quests
Have you ever been face to face with the questions like: “Should I keep that item for later use?”, “May I sell this trash for gold without bitter regrets?”?
Questions no more! The author spend some time playing this game and corresponding googling to present the information below:
Quantity | Item english name | Item code | Item rus name |
10 | Hammer | It_Hammer | Молоток |
15 | Saw | It_Saw | Пила |
20 | Pickaxe | It_Pickaxe | Кирка |
40 | Gold nugget | It_GoldNugget | Золотой самородок |
5 | Sulphur | It_Sulfur | Сера |
30 | Lump of sulphur | It_SulfurNugget | Кусок серы |
5 | Iron ore | It_IronOre | Железная руда |
5 | Iron ore lump | It_IronOreNugget | Слиток железной руды |
175 | Ore | It_Ore | Руда |
10 | Magic ore blank | It_Sword_RawOre | Болванка маг. руды |
30 | Bread | It_Bread | Хлеб |
50 | Raw meat | It_Meat_Raw | Сырое мясо |
55 | Roast meat | It_Meat_Fried | Жареное мясо |
some | each kind of alcohol | – | всякий алкоголь |
8 | Endurance potion | It_Potion_Stamina | Зелье выносливости |
5 | Mana potion | It_Potion_Mana | Зелье маны |
4 | King’s Sorrel | It_Plant_Perm_01 | Царский щавель |
12 | Healing plants | It_Plant_Health | Целебная трава |
50 | Mana plant | It_Plant_Mana | Растение маны |
10 | Cactus flower | It_Plant_Cactus | Цветок кактуса |
10 | Boozeberry | It_Plant_Booze | Пьяная ягода |
5 | Herbaceous lobelia | It_Plant_Trelott | Травяная лобелия |
35 | Ice wolf skin | It_IceWolf_Fur | Шкура снежного волка |
10 | Bison skin | It_Bison_Fur | Шкура бизона |
30 | Wolfskin | It_Wolf_Fur | Волчья шкура |
5 | Lion skin | It_Lion_Bastard_Fur | Шкура шелудивого льва |
10 | Lurker claw | It_Lurker_Claw | Коготь шныга |
10 | Lurker skin | It_Lurker_Skin | Кожа шныга |
10 | Sabertooth | It_Sabertooth_Tooth | Клык саблезуба |
3 | Shadowbeast horn | It_Shadowbeast_Horn | Рог мракориса |
5 | Dark snapper leather | It_Dark_Snapper_Leather | Кожа темного глорха/снеппера |
>40 | Bundle of weapons | It_WeaponPack | Связка оружия |
Regarding the tools
You can:
Find tools in various houses in villages, such as Montera;
Get tools when beating up NPCs using those tools currently. Find a slave who uses one of these tools and keep beating him until you have enough. Just let him get back to work first, NPCs always invoke into their inventory the required item when they want to interact with an object.