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Hearts of Iron IV Cheats & Console Commands

Cheats, useful commands and how to use them.

  • Some commands may have unexpected results, save before using commands!
  • Some commands may also affect the ai countries, pause before using commands!

Hearts of Iron IV Cheats & Console Commands

Console Window
To open the console window, where cheat codes are entered, press:

  • The button above TAB
  • The key which has a ½ or § symbol on it
  • If none of the above work, just slam your head on the keyboard a couple times until it works

Cheats & Console Commands

Result Cheat Code
Allows to nuke every province without checking any conditions debug_nuking
Gives max war score in all wars for the country winwars
Research a technology when clicking on technology tree icon research_on_icon_click
Adds manpower to player manpower [<Amount>]
Add core add_core [<Province ID>]
Add opinion to/from add_opinion [<Country tag>]
Gives Army, navy and air experience to player xp [XP amount]
Adds more humans morehumans(humans) [num]
Reinitializes the supply reloadsupply(relsup)
Updates the equipment database updateequipments
Updates the subunit database updatesubunits
Toggles the AI on or off ai
Toggles AI naval invasions ai_invasion
Adds diplomatic entroute add_diplo
Toggle weather simulation weather
Instant research on/off instantresearch
Instant production on/off instantsproduction
Instant construction on/off instantconstruction
Adds or show thread level of player threat [Threat amount]
Gives political power to player pp [amount]
Toggle fog of war debug_fow
Instantly prepares naval invasions instant_prepare
Toggle AI favorable response ai_accept
Spawns a tweaker GUI tweakergui
Mass conquer tool massconquer(massc)

State/Party Ideologies

  • Non-Aligned – neutrality
  • Fascist – fascism
  • Democratic – democratic
  • Communist – communism

Advanced/Customizable Cheat Codes & Commands

Code: setowner “country tag” “state id”
Description: Will change owner of a specified state.

  • To change the owner of Maryland to Sweden, write: setowner SWE 361
  • To change the owner of Catalonia to Australia, write: setowner AST 165

Code: civilwar “ideology” “country tag”
Description: Will trigger a Civil War started by the selected ideology in the selected country.

  • Fascists will start a civil war in Poland, write: civilwar fascism POL
  • Democrats will start a civil war in Japan, write: civilwar democratic JAP
  • Communists will start a civil war in Australia, write: civilwar communism AST

Code: add_latest_equipment “amount”
Description: Adds a chosen amount of latest equipment in every category.

  • To add 420 of the latest equipment, write: add_latest_equipment 420
  • To add 50000 of the latest equipment, write: add_latest_equipment 50000

Code: ae “amount” “type”
Description: Adds a chosen amount of chosen Equipment

  • To add 100 Light Tank I, write: ae 100 Light Tank I
  • To add 5000 Infantry Equipment II, write: ae 5000 Infantry Equipment II
  • To add 10 000 Heavy Fighters, write: ae 10000 Heavy Fighter
  • To add 500 Convoy, write: ae 500 Convoy

About equipment type:
Easiest way to find equipment types is by looking in the production or research menu. For example Infantry Equipment. It comes in different iterations (I, II, III). Here are some more examples: Support Equipment, Motorized, Heavy Fighter, Medium Tank, Convoy

Code: manpower “amount”
Description: Adds a chosen amount of Manpower to the player nation

  • To add 10 000 manpower, write: manpower 10000
  • To add 1 000 manpower, write: manpower 1000

Code: nu “amount”
Description: Adds a chosen amount of National Unity to the player nation

  • To add an additional 15% national unity, write: nu 15
  • To add an additional 1% national unity, write: nu 1

Code: whitepeace “nation tag”
Description: Will trigger white peace with the chosen nation.

  • A white peace will be triggered with Poland, write: whitepeace POL
  • A white peace will be triggered with Hungary, write: whitepeace HUN

Code: nuke “amount”
Description: Adds a chosen amount of Nukes to the player nation

  • To add 50 nukes, write: nuke 50
  • To add 1 nuke, write: nuke 1

Code: tag “nation tag”
Description: Switch player to a different country.

  • To change to Lithuania, write: tag LIT
  • To change to South Africa, write: tag SAF

Code: annex “nation tag”
Description: Annex another nation.

  • To annex Italy, write: annex ITA
  • To annex Turkey, write: annex TUR

Code: add_party_popularity “ideology” “units”
Description: Add popularity for a specific ideology/party.

  • To add 5% popularity to a fascist party, write: add_party_popularity fascism 5
  • To add 35% popularity to a communist party, write: add_party_popularity communism 35
  • To add 80% popularity to a democratic party, write: add_party_popularity democratic 80
  • To add 1% popularity to a non-aligned party, write: add_party_popularity neutrality 1

Code: set_ruling_party “ideology”
Description: Change ruling party to the desired ideology.

  • To change to a fascist party, write: set_ruling_party fascism
  • To change to a communist party, write: set_ruling_party communism
  • To change to a democratic party, write: set_ruling_party democratic
  • To change to a non-aligned party, write: set_ruling_party neutrality

Country Tags – MODS & VANILLA

There is no need for a long list of country tags!

How to retrieve a country tag

  • First open the console window.
  • In the console, type “tdebug” (without the ” “).
  • Using your mouse, hover over the country which tag you want to know.
  • Once you’re done, type “tdebug” in the console again to turn it off.

This works for ALL vanilla and mod nations!


How to retrieve a state ID

  • First open the console window.
  • In the console, type “tdebug” (without the ” “).
  • Using your mouse, hover over the state which tag you want to know.
  • Once you’re done, type “tdebug” in the console again to turn it off.

This works for both vanilla game and modded games!

It’s end. I hope “Hearts of Iron IV Cheats & Console Commands” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.

Written by Michael Scarn

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