Home > Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns > Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns Cheats and Console Commands

Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns Cheats and Console Commands

Out of all the upcoming Paradox expansions, Hearts of Iron 4’s naval DLC, Man the Guns, has the most of that all important quality which drives grand strategy games: sex appeal. War is terrible, but as Man the Guns reminds us, it also contains buff, shirtless dudes.

Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns Cheats

While playing the game, press ”tilde ~” (between the Tab and ESC keys) to display the console window. When the console is open, type the following codes.

Note: You may first need to change your keyboard layout to “US” to use this function. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
Allows to nuke every province without checking any conditions debug_nuking
Gives max war score in all wars for the country winwars
Research a technology when clicking on technology tree icon research_on_icon_click
Adds manpower to player manpower [<Amount>]
Add core add_core [<Province ID>]
Add opinion to/from add_opinion [<Country tag>]
Gives Army, navy and air experience to player xp [XP amount]
Adds more humans morehumans(humans) [num]
Reinitializes the supply reloadsupply(relsup)
Updates the equipment database updateequipments
Updates the subunit database updatesubunits
Toggles the AI on or off ai
Toggles AI naval invasions ai_invasion
Adds diplomatic entroute add_diplo
Toggle weather simulation weather
Instant research on/off instantresearch
Instant production on/off instantsproduction
Instant construction on/off instantconstruction
Adds or show thread level of player threat [Threat amount]
Gives political power to player pp [amount]
Toggle fog of war debug_fow
Instantly prepares naval invasions instant_prepare
Toggle AI favorable response ai_accept
Spawns a tweaker GUI tweakergui
Mass conquer tool massconquer(massc)

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