All bosses featured in each pantheon, in order. Benches included.
Pantheon of the Master
- Vengefly king
- Gruz mother
- False knight
- Massive moss charger
- Hornet (1)
- Gorb
- Dung defender
- Soul warrior
- Brooding malwek
- New Boss 1 (look at spoiler section to reveal the boss. All new bosses are listed there, so watch out)
Pantheon of the Artist
- Xero
- Crystal guardian
- Soul master
- Oblobbles
- Mantis lords
- Marmu
- Nosk
- Flukemarm
- Broken vessel
- New Boss 2
Pantheon of the Sage
- Hive knight
- Elder Hu
- The Collector
- God tamer
- Troupemaster Grimm
- Galien
- Grey prince Zote
- Uumuu
- Hornet (2)
- New Boss 3
Pantheon of the Knight
- Enraged guardian
- Lost Kin
- No eyes
- Traitor Lord
- White Defender
- Failed Champion
- Markoth
- Watcher knight
- Soul Tyrant
- New Boss 4