Home > Mega City Police > Mega City Police Beginners Guide

Mega City Police Beginners Guide

Here is a complete guide to the Characters, Maps and Enemies in Mega City Police – I’ll add the weapons later if I can be bothered because there is just too many.

Mega City Police Beginners Guide

Hi guys, girls, everything in between and on the spectrum,

Here is your one stop shop for everything you need to know about Mega City Police.

Arguably one of the dumbest things I need to tell you before you start the game is, when given the option to do so DO THE TUTORIAL!

Not because its fun or actually helps you play the game (I mean it could be/do both of those things) but because it’s an achievement and if you skip it, guess what… No 100% for you if you don’t want to reset all your data, which quite frankly I cbf doing ๐Ÿ˜›

With that said here is my 1st attempt at a guide, go fourth and conquer! If you feel like giving me constructive criticism or thanks please do, if you feel like being an ass please go somewhere else but its the internet so you do you champ!


There are 9 characters currently in the game as of writing this guide, aside from the Outlaw you unlock them and their second weapons by playing normally.

Everything Mega City Police


  • 20Hp
  • 2 Melee swings
  • Upgraded ammo pouches +20% ammo capacity.
  • Tactical Dash, dodge in the direction you’re facing.
  • Flash bang, stuns enemies.
Everything Mega City Police


  • 30Hp
  • 2 Melee swings
  • Internal Holster, starts with 3 weapon slots.
  • Magnetic Pulse, cancels any attack and stuns any enemy within its radius.
  • Targeting computer, as it says helps with targeting for a short period of time.
Everything Mega City Police


  • 15Hp
  • 2 Melee swings
  • Lightweight frame, starts at speed 4.
  • Ammo specialist, 20% extra ammo from pickup.
  • Optical Camouflage, go invisible for a shot period of time and become unhittable by projectiles/beams.
  • Laser sight, ensures critical hits from projectiles/beams.
Everything Mega City Police


  • 20Hp
  • 2 Melee swings
  • Search Professional, +5% of weapon drops.
  • Go Prone, become unhittable by projectiles/beams.
  • Reinforcements, call in 2 police robots for aide.
Everything Mega City Police


  • 25Hp
  • 2 Melee swings
  • Gun Lover, 10% chance of rarer weapons.
  • Energy Barrier, deploy a bubble that shields you from damage.
  • Combat drone, deploy a drone that follows you and shoots anything in sight.
Everything Mega City Police


  • 25Hp
  • 2 Melee swings – 5 with melee weapon
  • Experienced Fighter, 25% stamina recovery.
  • Shield up, deploy shield to block all projectile, beam and melee attacks.
  • Shield Charge, charge forward stunning and damaging everyone in your path (invulnerable whilst doing so).
Everything Mega City Police


  • 15Gp
  • 3 Melee Swings – 8 with melee weapons
  • Private contractor, stark with $2,000.
  • Gym enthusiast, start with 175% stamina.
  • Sword deflect, deflect incoming projectiles.
  • Sword lunge, lunge forward hitting anything in your path but becoming unhittible by enemies.
Everything Mega City Police


  • 20Hp
  • 2 Melee Swings
  • Bribe Expert, +20% money from picked up cash.
  • Decorated shooter, 5% crit chance.
  • Extraction, teleport to wherever you choose.
  • Airstrike, mark an area to come and do so.
Everything Mega City Police


  • 20Hp
  • 3 Melee swings – 5 with melee weapons.
  • Heavyweight, +50% more melee damage.
  • Former Pitcher, thrown melee weapons that font kill get returned 1.5 seconds faster.
  • Adrenalin Shot, an Adrenalin injection that halves incoming damage and increases speed, recovery and melee damage.
  • Improvised explosive, throws etiher: molotov, pipe bomb, dynamite, grenade or c4.


All characters have 4 skins, their base one and 3 others which are unlocked by respectively completing each difficulty with said character, if you wish to change them go to the Locker where the scout is located.

Everything Mega City Police

Overall Map + Secret Level

Everything Mega City Police

You Begin @ MCPD picking your character, you progress through the levels as follows:
Suburbs – Construction Site – Ruins – Prison (secret level) – Japan Town – Megacorp

I highly recommend going to the Prison level for the extra upgrades, cash and weapons!

In the boss room of the Ruins you should always be able to find a wrench grab it and find the damaged bus, hit the damaged bus with the wrench until it lets you press E (standing next to it) and you will enter the prison level before going to Japan Town.

It looks like this to begin with.

Everything Mega City Police

Once it has the wings on the side it should be complete.

Everything Mega City Police

Enjoy going to prison ๐Ÿ™‚

Suburbs – Enemies

Everything Mega City Police

Standard type enemy that fires one shot, just dodge.

Everything Mega City Police

Wants to punch you, get out of close range.

Everything Mega City Police

As the name suggest he throws a Molotov at you, the fire is rather annoying as you have to spam E to cool yourself down, you can still shoot whilst doing so but you lose health the longer its on you.

Everything Mega City Police

As the notes say, he uses a shotgun, hide around corners/dodge or just take him out from afar.

Everything Mega City Police

Sniper enemy, look for the large red line and avoid it like the plague because it hurts.

Everything Mega City Police

The boss of the Suburbs, he has 3 attacks, a machine gun that fires a 2 shot spread multiple times, a sniper shot and he will smack you if you get too close, will hunt you.

Construction Site – Enemies

Everything Mega City Police

Melee only, stay out of close range.

Everything Mega City Police

Fires a spray of nails, just dodge.

Everything Mega City Police

Fires saw-blades that ricochet off walls, easy to dodge but watch for the bounce.

Everything Mega City Police

Short range blowtorch, keep out of melee range but watch out when you kill him because he’ll explode.

Everything Mega City Police

Self explanatory, keep out of melee.

Everything Mega City Police

Fires saw-blades, throws TNT and will smack you one if you get too close, will hunt you.

Ruins – Enemies

Everything Mega City Police

Stabs with a knife, stay out of melee range

Everything Mega City Police

Fires a machine gun, dodge.

Everything Mega City Police

Shoots a triple shot cross bow, easy to dodge.

Everything Mega City Police

Hits with a hockey stick, longer than normal melee range and will stun.

Everything Mega City Police

Self explanatory, flame thrower – beware will explode when killed.

Everything Mega City Police

First simultaneous Boss, Shoots napalm rockets, will smack you one if you get to close, easy to dodge but don’t step in fire, will hunt you.

Everything Mega City Police

Second simultaneous Boss, Shoots a Gatling gun, will smack you one if you get to close, corners are your friends, will hunt you.

Prison – Enemies

Everything Mega City Police


Everything Mega City Police

Throws easy to dodge knives.

Everything Mega City Police

Same as the Molotov from Suburbs.

Everything Mega City Police

More Melee, Longer than normal Melee swing.

Everything Mega City Police

More Melee, has a dash attack.

Everything Mega City Police

More melee.

Everything Mega City Police

More melee, starts punching and won’t stop.

Everything Mega City Police

More melee only higher health and extended reach..

Everything Mega City Police

Shoots a machine gun and throws what appears to be an exploding teeth grill, will smack you one if you get too close, will hunt you – take out everything else in the room first without getting too close and this boss is a lot easier. Defeating this boss will give you access to the outlaw character.

Japan Town – Enemies

Everything Mega City Police

Attacks with that looks like a Kanabล, will stun.

Everything Mega City Police

Fires a single machine gun.

Everything Mega City Police

Stealth until attacking with a Katana.

Everything Mega City Police

Fires dual pistols.

Everything Mega City Police

Charge attack, will stun.

Everything Mega City Police

First simultaneous Boss, Close range Katana, mid range triple Shuriken, will hunt you.

Everything Mega City Police

Second simultaneous Boss, Uses 2 machine-guns and fires a tonne of bullets, lazy boss doesnt feel like hunting you.

Everything Mega City Police

Third simultaneous Boss, Melee only, will stun, long reach, will hunt you.

Megacorp – Enemies

Everything Mega City Police

Fires hard hitting assault rifle.

Everything Mega City Police

Same as Fanboy, sniper shot, hurts like hell, easy dodge big red line.

Everything Mega City Police

Same as the Molotov/Arsonist.

Everything Mega City Police

Same as Sledge/Musclehero, lots of HP, melee only, extended reach and will stun.

Everything Mega City Police

Uses a chaingun.

Everything Mega City Police

Final Boss, shoots homing missiles which you can destroy with your guns, mortars which will display a nice red X on the ground so you can avoid them, shoots lasers similar to Fanboy/Sniper, has 3 distinct bullet hell patterns from the Chaingun, will shoot directly 2 you, fires off 4 successive big spread waves covering the arena or a single wave with a tight spread.

Written by Temporary

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