Mystwood Manor Guest Request Answers + Well Explanation + Final Mission Answers

This guide will layout the answers for all the different options possible for guests during activities and which answer is correct for which request including Jim’s event answers. Also, a small explanation on how “The Well” works and the answers to the final mission.

Request Answers, Well Explanation + Final Mission Answers

I wrote this guide for people who just want to progress through the game and the story, but don’t want to either write down answers themselves or don’t enjoy the Guest Request mechanic. I will outline all the possible requests and the correct answers as well as Jim’s answers to his events.

It’s worth noting I have combined “Kitchen” & “Restaurant” to one as labelled it “Food” as they have the exact same options. There are 2 different “Food” options though, one for “Morning” and one for “Afternoon/Evening”. The “Club” options are also a bit different but I will explain that further in Level 5.

Also there is a tarot card “The Fortune Teller” that is a Purple Level 3 card which will highlight the correct answers when equipped. This card is incredibly helpful for speeding up the grinding through the last part of the game.

Guest Request Answers + Well Explanation + Final Mission Answers

How to level guests

There are other guides for this but I figured I would add a small guide for those who don’t know how to level guests as it is required to progress and I have seen a lot of people confused by it. If you already know just continue to the answers.

As your hotel levels up you are able to level your guests as well. This will increase their rewards but they will also require new facilities so make sure you have those ready. Just put Julia in the Lobby and click the little number in the top left to choose the level of the guests you want to receive.

Guest Request Answers + Well Explanation + Final Mission Answers

Level 1

Honestly the level 1 requests are very clear as they order exactly what the option is, so just pick what they request.

Level 2

The level 2 answers are still fairly straightforward but I have listed them regardless.

– Some Fruit = A fruit platter
– Something sweet = Pancakes with syrup
– Something quick and simple = Some breakfast cereal
– Some meat = A cheeseburger
– Some fish = Smoked salmon
– Some vegetables = A salad

– A French drink = A cognac
– An American drink = A bourbon
– A Scottish drink = A scotch

– You to go easy on me = A light workout
– You to give me a decent workout = A medium workout
– A real challenge = A heaby workout

– A traditional sauna = A traditional sauna
– A dry sauna = A dry sauna
– An infrared sauna = An infrared sauna

Level 3

– An Asian breakfast = Some spring rolls
– A French breakfast = A croissant with jam
– An English breakfast = Beans on toast
– Some Italian food = Lasagna
– Some French food = Ratatouille
– Some English food = Cottage pie

– Some red white = A glass of Merlot
– Some white wine = A glass of Sauvignon Blanc
– Some champagne = A glass of Brut

– To get more muscle tone on my arms and legs = Lifting weights
– To improve my endurance = Cardio
– To improve my posture = Strengthening your core

– A sauna that is nice and hot, with plenty of steam = A traditional sauna
– A sauna that is nice and hot, but without steam = A dry sauna
– A sauna that is not too hot, and without steam = An infrared sauna

– A regular massage = A Swedish massage
– One of those massages where you use stones =
– One of those massages where you use scented oils = Aromatherapy

Level 4

– A Colombian breakfast = Changua
– A Swedish breakfast = Pannkakor
– A Polish breakfast = Jajecznica
– Some Indonesian food = Nasi goreng
– Some Indian food = Biryani
– Some Japanese food = Tempura

– A cocktail with tequila = Margarita
– A cocktail with vodka = Cosmopolitan
– A cocktail with rum in it = Mai Tai

– To increase my muscle endurance = High reps with light weight
– To increase my muscle mass = Low reps with heavy weight
– To improve my stamina = Cardio

– A sauna that uses a stove = A traditional sauna
– A sauna where water is boiled = A steam room
– A sauna that uses light = An infrared sauna

– A nice and relaxing massage = A Swedish massage
– A muscle to relieve tension in my muscles = A deep-tissue massage
– A more active form of massage to stretch my body = A Thai massage

– How do I burn as little calories as possible? = The breast stroke
– How do I burn as many calories as possible? = The butterfly stroke
– How do I cover as much distance as possible? = Freestyle

Level 5

So the “Club” in Level 5 works a little bit different to the rest. If you assign Hana they will request a song, and if you assign Catalina they will request a dance. With the singing requests their are 3 different possible collection of requests (genre, artist, decade)

– An Argentinian breakfast – Medialunas
– A Bulgarian breakfast = Banitsa
– A Finnish breakfast = Puuro
– Some Korean food = Bulgogi
– Some Russian food = Pelmeni
– Some Serbian food = Ćevapi

– A cocktail with gin in it = Negroni
– A cocktail with brandy in it = Sidecar
– A cocktail with whiskey in it = Boulevardier

– To work on my lats = Chin-Ups
– To work on my traps = Upright Rows
– To work on my quads = Squats

– A very hot sauna, with low humidity = A traditional sauna
– A moderately hot sauna, with as much humidity as possible = A steam room
– A moderately hot sauna, with low humidity = An infrared sauna

– A Japanese massage = An Amatsu massage
– A Hawaiian massage – A LomiLomi massage
– An Indian massage = A Champissage massage

– Which stroke is best for improving my chest, back and lat muscles? – The breast stroke
– Which stroke is best for improving my posture and hip flexibility? = The back stroke
– Which stroke is best for combining core and upper body training? = The butterfly stroke

– That focuses on steady breathing = The lotus pose
– That stretches both my upper and lower body = The downward facing dog
– That really stretches my spine = Cobra

Dance (Catalina)
– A Dominican dance = The Bachata
– An Angolan dance = The Kizomba
– A French dance = The Can-Can

Sing (Hana)
By Genre
– A pop song = Baby one more time
– A rap song = Lose Yourself
– A ballad = Purple Rain

By Artist
– A Michael Jackson song = Beat It
– A Queen song = Bohemian Rhapsody
– A Madonna song = Like a Virgin

By Decade
– A song from the 90’s = I will always love you
– A song from the 70’s = Stairway to Heaven
– A song from the 80’s = Billy Jean

Jim’s Event Answers

Jim Dalson is a guest who will wager you to a bunch of bets during his events. The bets are basically multiple choice questions about different topics so I figured it makes sense to add them into this guide as well. His Level 1 event has no bets so it’s not included. If you want to know how to trigger each event you can click on the “Guests” tab to the right of the Planning Screen, go to Jim and click on the “Progress” tab. Then hover over the little blue information bubble and it will tell you exact how to trigger the event. It is also worth noting you MUST have the amount required to bet in order to progress and actually do the bet from his Level 3 event onward. The amounts are;

Level 3: $5,000
Level 4: $10,000
Level 5: $20,000

Most Populated cities in the world…

Best selling artists of all time…
Elvis Presley
The Beatles
Michael Jackson

Highest grossing movies of all time…
Avengers: Endgame

Most sold cars of all time…
Volkswagen Golf
Toyota Corolla
Ford F-series

The Well

“The Well” although not vital to the story of the game is very helpful in speeding up some of the grinding and it is easily missable. In order to use the well you first have to Explore the Woods during the Morning/Afternoon. I’m not 100% sure at what point it will trigger as I only found it late into the game, but you don’t trigger it keep visiting until you do. Once you have triggered the event and gone through all the options you will need to talk to Orville during one of his events and there will be a new dialog option available.

You can ONLY interact with Orville during his events, so if you complete them all THEN trigger The Well you will not be able to interact with him to be able to use the well so make sure you leave at least his final event open.

Once you have interacted with Orville you can now visit the well freely during the Morning and Afternoon. You will have the option of putting money in the bucket and lowering it, then you will be presented with 2 choices, “Fama” or “Fatum”.
Fama = Hotel Reputation
Fatum = Destiny Points

Depending on how much gold you put in will alter how many points you get in return.
100 Gold = Nothing happens
500 Gold = 50 points
1000 Gold = 100 points.

Final Mission Answers (SPOILERS)

These are the correct answers to the final mission in the game. Figured since I put the answers for everything else I may as well include this too. Once you head to the Bank with the key after paying off the loan you have to solve the mystery at the end. If you answer something wrong you have to come back and try again. The answers are;

Orville’s story is true!
I’ve been able to see and talk to Dad
Penelope seemed to show up out of thin air
Isabella’s shack
The Royal Stag
The Black Widow
Betrayed her sisters!
Libby killed my father…