How to Unlock Trickster: Blackwing Library, you need to pretend to be the superior of the cultists and make them fight each other.
Other Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Guides:
Blackwing Library Information
- If you have high perception skill and Lore (Religion) Skill, you can find that the crusaders here are imposters. You can use high Athletic skill to knock out one enemy before the fight begins.
- If you trick the cultists to believe you are their superior, you will unlock the Trickster mythic path.
- There’s a secret room at the bottom right corner.
Trickster Guide
Tricksters have the option of selecting a variety of tricks as they level up. In total, they receive eight Tricks, four Improved Tricks, and two Greater Tricks. The progression is as follows:
Level | Abilities |
3 | Mythic Ability, Mythic Trick, Sneak Attack, Sneaky Quack, Sneak Attack, Summon Nixie Prankster |
4 | Mythic Feat, Mythic Trick, Improved Mythic Trick, Summon Bogeyman |
5 | Mythic Ability, Mythic Trick, Summon Wild Hunt Archer, Sneak Attack |
6 | Mythic Feat, Mythic Trick, Improved Mythic Trick, Summon Wild Hunt Scout |
7 | Mythic Ability, Mythic Trick, Greater Mythic Trick, Sneak Attack, Summon Vilderavn |
8 | Mythic Feat, Mythic Trick, Improved Mythic Trick, Summon Wild Hunt Monarch |
9 | Mythic Ability, Mythic Trick, Improved Mythic Trick, Sneak Attack, Summon Wild Hunt |
10 | Mythic Feat, Mythic Trick, Greater Mythic Trick |
Trickster Mythic Tricks
Name | Rank 1 bonus | Rank 2 bonus | Rank 3 bonus |
Athletics | Any character can break free from entangling effects by succeeding on Athletics check. But if you are strong enough – there is no actual difference between being entangled and suffering from any other delibitating condition. Every round you attempt an Athletics check to remove one negative condition affecting you. The DC of this check is equal to the effect’s original save DC + 15. | You already can break free from continuous conditions. But if you are strong enough – there is little difference between continuous and instantaneous. Every time you fail a saving throw, you can make an athletics check against DC equal to the original save DC +20. If you succeed, you automatically pass the saving throw. | You know what? If you are strong enough, there is little difference between anything and anything else. If you fail any d20 check, you can attempt an Athletics skill check instead. The DC of this check is equal to original DC + 25. If you succeed on this check, you also succeed on the original check. |
Knowledge (Arcana) | You can now understand how to use magical items even better. Every item with an enhancement bonus that you identify has this enhancement bonus increased by 1. | You can reveal hidden effects that can be used by wearer of magical equipment. Every item you identify gets an additional random minor effects. | You can reveal item properties that aren’t even there and couldn’t possibly be there. Every item you identify gets an additional random major effect. |
Knowledge (World) | You know so much trivia that you know how to do almost anything better, and can give helpful advice to others. Whenever you, or anyone within 50 feet from you, make a skill check other than Knowledge: World, you attempt a Knowledge: world check to add half your mythic rank to the original check. The DC of this check is equal to the check’s original DC. | You now know so much about the world that you understand that everything in this world is decided by dice. And you are good at dice. You have some very special dice that you will use from now on. Every time a member of your party would roll a 1 on a d20 roll the result of the roll instead becomes 20. | You and members of your party can now ignore requirements of feats when leveling up. |
Lore (Nature) | Even in the Worldwound you can find yourself a healthy meal and some useful items. Every time you rest you search the surrounding area, finding a random potion or a random scroll and enough food to cook a common meal that will give some benefits to all your companions. | You know nature so well that you know that it is natural to find gold and valuables in the wield. Every time you hunt you get some gold, potions, scrolls and other valuables. | You know nature so well that you know that it is perfectly natural to find powerful magical items in the wild. Maybe they do grow on the trees after all? You return from your hunts with random magical items. |
Lore (Religion) | You learned how to heal not only the body, but the soul as well. Your Treat Affliction removes not only poisons and diseases, but any negative conditions affecting the target. | You now know religion so well that you can use abilities usually reserved for clerics. You can select two domains. You gain abilities of those domains and can use spells from those domains once per day as long as the level of those spells is lower than your mythic rank. | You now know enough about religion to start your own. You can select two additional domains. |
Mobility | Acrobatic movement to avoid attack of opportunity reduces you movement speed despite the fact that the skill is called mobility. With this unlock this confusing problem is removed – acrobatic movement now instead increases you movement speed by half. | Instead of just avoiding attacks of opportunity by your acrobatic movements, you can instead make them yourself every time you avoid one. Enemies count as flat-footed against those attacks – this is unexpected, after all. | Instead of avoiding just attacks of opportunity, you can now avoid normal attacks too. Every time you are hit by an attack you can attempt a mobility check with a -10 penalty. If the result is higher than the attacker’s result, the attack misses. |
Perception | You see more than other people. You are under a constant effect of see invisibility and can now find hidden items in unexpected places. | Nothing can escape your notice. You automatically detect creatures who attempt to use Stealth. You also notice more about yourself and your companions, allowing both them and you from now on to take feats from a special trickster list. | |
Persuasion | You are so good at demoralizing enemies that just entering combat against you is enough to demoralize them. Any enemy that begins combat against you is immediately affected by your demoralize ability. | You are so good at demoralizing your enemies that they lose the will to fight completely. Enemies affected by your demoralize ability must succeed at a Will saving throw with a DC of 10 + your ranks in Persuasion, or become paralyzed and completely helpless. They may make another saving throw against this condition every round. | You are so good at demoralizing your enemies that they lose the will to live. Enemies that fail their saving throw against your demoralize ability must spend their first round making a Coup de Grace against themselves. |
Stealth | You can easily slip into shadow at any time. You can enter stealth during combat as a move action. This stealth is not broken by a single enemy detecting you – instead it acts similar to the invisibility spell, giving you total concealment against all creatures that did not succeed on a Perception check against you. | You exceed at stealth, fading from sight with your every move. Your stealth in combat now works more akin to greater invisibility spell effect. | You exceed at stealth so much that you can avoid spells targeting you. You gain spell resistance equal to your Stealth bonus – 10. |
Infuse Magic Device | You have learned of a way to improve the efficiency of used magical items. Caster level of all abilities from magical items you use is increased by your mythic rank. | You have learned of a way to use items so delicately that the use is completely unnoticed. Wands you use no longer lose charges for use and you can equip any magical items possible, regardless of requirements. | You can copy spells from scrolls as if you are a wizard of your character level |
Trickery | Magical effects do not differ much from magical traps, and can be disabled just like any device. You can, as a standard action, attempt a Trickery check to dispel any effects on target or on the ground. Treat this as the dispel magic spell, only with a caster level check replaced by a Trickery skill check with a -10 penalty. | Multiple magical effects do not differ much from complex magical traps, and can be disabled together just like any device. You can, as a standard action, attempt to dispel all magic effects on the target or on the ground. Treat this a the greater dispel magic spell, only with a caster level check replaced by a Trickery skill check with a -20 penalty. | Living creatures are also just complex devices and can also be easily disabled. You can try to disable them, forcing them to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15 + your ranks in Trickery). If the target fails it, it dies. |
Trickster Mythic Spells
Name | Effects | Level |
Summon Monster Zero | This spell summons an extraplanar murder pony to your side for one minute. | 1 |
Bear’s Grace | If the target of this spell fails its Will saving throw, it is granted the grace of a bear, giving it a -8 penalty to Dexterity. | 2 |
Fish Missile | You launch a smelly, slimy, putrid fish at your enemy as a ranged touch attack. The fish deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage, plus and additional 1d6 per two caster levels you have above the first. On a successful hit, the target must make a Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4+1 rounds. | 2 |
Summon Small Beer Elemental | This spell summons a Small Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. | 2 |
Glorious Beard | This spell causes a glorious beard to erupt from the face of a willing target. The beard grants a +2 natural armor bonus to AC, and DR 5/slashing.Additionally, it makes you look so glorious! | 3 |
Hallucinogenic Cloud | Hallucinogenic Cloud creates a bank of fog like that created by fog cloud, except that the vapors are hallucinogenic. Creatures in the cloud become confused. This condition lasts as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves (roll separately for each confused character)/ Any creature that succeeds on its save but remains in the cloud must continue to save each round. This is a mind-affecting effect. | 3 |
Invisibility,Almost Greater | This spell functions like greater invisibility, but… not so great. Instead of not ending after an offensive action, it ends with a chance equal to 5% plus 5% per attack you made during the invisibility. | 3 |
Summon Medium Beer Elemental | This spell summons a Medium Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. | 3 |
Summon Greasly Bear | This spell summons a Greasly Bear for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. | 4 |
Summon Large Beer Elemental | This spell summons a Large Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. | 4 |
Microscopic Proportions | You call upon the primordial power of ancient microfauna to shrink the size of your target. Your target shrinks to microscopic proportions, decreasing in size by two categories. The target gains a +6 size bonus to its Dexterity score. | 5 |
Phantasmal Healer | You summon a Phantasmal Healer, who stays in place for a number of rounds, equal one per every four caster levels. Each round it heals every living creature in 30 feet radius for 1d6 per four caster levels. The creatures make a Will saving throw to halve the amount. | 5 |
Rain of Halberds | You create a rain of halberds, making an attack roll against every creature in 10 feet radius. A successful attack deals 1d10 points of slashing and piercing damage per caster level, and can critically strike. | 5 |
Summon Greater Beer Elemental | This spell summons a Greater Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. | 5 |
Charm Whatever | You can make any creature fight on your side as if it was your ally. It will attack your opponents to the best of its ability. However this creature will try to throw off the domination effect, making a Will save each round. | 6 |
Summon Perpetually Annoyed Wizard | This spell summons a powerful Wizard, who is, for some mysterious reason, perpetually annoyed. The summoned wizard appears where you designate and acts according to his initiative check results. He attacks his opponents to the best of his ability. | 6 |
Summon Elder Beer Elemental | This spell summons an Elder Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. | 6 |
Recreational Pit | You create an extra-dimensional comfy hole with a depth of 10 feet per two caster levels (maximum 30 feet) and a trampoline at the bottom. Since the pit extends into another dimension, the pit has no weight and does not otherwise displace the original underlying material. You can create the pit in the deck of a ship as easily as in a dungeon floor or the ground of a forest.Any large or smaller creature standing in the area where you first conjured the pit must make a Reflex saving throw to not jump to safety in the pit. In addition, the edges of the pit are sloped, and any creature ending its turn on a square adjacent to the pit must make a Reflex saving throw with a +2 bonus to avoid falling into it. Creatures subjected to an effect intended to push them into the pit (such as bull rush) do not get a saving throw to avoid falling in if they are affected by the pushing effect.Creatures who fall into the pit take no falling damage (the trampoline is really handy).Each round any creature in the pit is healed for 3d6 as extra-dimensional entities heal their wounds and make massage. To climb the pit’s soft and cozy walls, a creature need a successful Athletics or Mobility skill check with a DC of 25. When the duration of the spell ends, creatures within the hole rise up with the bottom of the pit until they are standing on the surface over the course of a single round. | 6 |
Ray of Halberds | You blast your enemies with a stream of halberds. You fire one halberd per two caster levels. Each halberds requires a ranged attack to hit and deals 1d10 + Charisma modifier damage. | 7 |
Summon Hog of Desolation | This spells summons a cute little piglet for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks its opponents to the best of its ability. | 7 |
Trick Fate | When the fate gives your friend a challenge — you respond with a special die. For three rounds, the target ally always rolls 20 on all d20 rolls. | 7 |