Planet Coaster: All Staff Salaries

These are the lowest prices to maintain your staff’s happiness. I have tested this in challenge mode by trial and error. I also noticed that the salaries are similar to the training costs. But you can’t see the next training costs immediately after training an employee. Trainees will by default have satisfactory salaries.

Other Planet Coaster Guides:

Salary is not the only factor in keeping your staff (un) happy, for example another factor is the amount of workload.

This guide does not work on scenarios. In some scenerio staff demand is way more money than normal.

Planet Coaster Staff Salaries

These are the lowest prices to maintain your staff’s happiness.


Rank Pay
Trainee $100.00
Capable $107.50
Skilled $112.50
Expert $120.00
Master $125.00


Rank Pay
Trainee $60.00
Capable $70.00
Skilled $80.00
Expert $90.00
Master $100.00

The amount of janitors you need depends on how many bins you have in your park, how many guests you have, how many shops you have and the distance between all these.


Rank Pay
Trainee $80.00
Capable $85.00
Skilled $90.00
Expert $97.50
Master $105.00

Every shop needs a vendor. They will be automatically appointed when the shop opens. Toilets, first aid and ATM’s don’t require a vendor.


Rank Pay
Trainee $145.00
Capable $152.50
Skilled $160.00
Expert $167.50
Master $175.00

The amount of mechanics you need depends on the number of rides and coasters you have, the distance between them and how often an inspection is scheduled.


Rank Pay
Trainee $75.00
Capable $85.00
Skilled $95.00
Expert $105.00
Master $115.00

Quick-Reference Chart

Staff Entertainers Janitors Vendors Mechanics Guards
Trainee $100.00 $60.00 $80.00 $145.00 $75.00
Capable $107.50 $70.00 $85.00 $152.50 $85.00
Skilled $112.50 $80.00 $90.00 $160.00 $95.00
Expert $120.00 $90.00 $97.50 $167.50 $105.00
Master $125.00 $100.00 $105.00 $175.00 $115.00