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Raft Chapter 1: Radio Tower, Vasagatan and Balboa Island.
Raft Chapter 1 Walkthrough Guide: All Notes & Blueprints
To begin the story, you need to craft a Receiver, 3 Antennas and a Battery [how to craft and use the Receiver]. The moment you turn your receiver on, you’ll receive a note with coordinates (4 numbers), enter them and follow the blue square that appears on the receiver’s radar.
Every note and quest item will go in your journal, that way you can’t lose them even if you die. Your journal can be found on the right of your toolbar, key to open it can be changed in the settings.
Also you can check all Raft Guides!
Radio Tower Walkthrough

After following the blue square, you should find a Radio Tower.
Anchor your raft next to it and start the climb!
There are 5 notes to find in this building, including 4 optionals; and 2 blueprints (Head Light and Recycler).

Radio Tower (Notes/Blueprints)
The 1st note is underwater, in a suitcase, next to the door of the building A-2
=>[DECEMBER 12th: We stopped for the night…] – Page 3

The 2nd note is on the lowest floor, in the building marked B-1, on the left of the red telephone.
=>[JANUARY: It’s been weeks.] – Page 3

The 3rd note is on the next floor, in the building marked C-1, on the left when you enter, on a wall, the note has “TRACE” written on it.
=>[OWL’S RADIO NOTES: 22 Dec -Distress call…] – Page 4
The 1st blueprint (Head Light) is just next to this note.

The 4th note is on the second to last floor, in the building marked D-1, just in front of you when you enter. it’s a post-it with “people?” written on it.
=>[Errm… FEBRUARY(?) We’ve picked up a lot of signals.] – Page 4

The 5th note is on the top floor, in the building, on the white board. it’s a post-it with “people?” written on it.
=>[People? #….] – Page 5
The 2nd blueprint (Recycler) is just next to this note.
You will also find a new unlockable character there: Talia

The only document you need is the post-it which will give you the next coordinates to follow.
Reaching the white board will give you the achievement [Is there a Utopia?].
If you get all the documents, you’ll get the achievement [Radio Tower Historian].
Vasagatan Walkthrough
The inside of the boat is very dark, so use the blueprint you’ve found in the Radio Station to craft several headlights (it took me 2 headlights to explore everything). I’ve made a map to help you find your way and understand better my explanations.
- There are 11 notes.
- There are 2 blueprints to find, one for the Engine and one for the Steering Wheel, they are next to the post-it with the coordinates for the next story place in the last room you explore (the bridge).
The boat has many locked doors. To progress, you will have to find many items that unlock places to find other items that unlock other places… It’s kind of a treasure hunt.

=> Get 1 [Mechanical Part] in the swimming pool (on the yacht)
=> Go at the back of the yacht to enter the Hold.
=> First room, the Engine Room. You can use the lever on the wall to turn some lights on in the yacht but it’s not necessary. There’s a [Note] on a table and a [Crowbar] + a [Recorder] on another table (you’ll pick both up at the same time). Use the [Crowbar] to open the next door.
=> Ignore the 1st door (on your left) and the 2nd door (on your right). Enter the 3rd door (on your right), the Bathroom, to get a [Red Key].
=> Continue down the corridor until you find a 4th door (on your left), the Kitchen. Inside you’ll find a [Gas Tank] and 1 [Note].
=> Reach the last door which you can open with the [Red Key] to enter the Workshop. Collect the [Mechanical Part] on a shelf, the [Bolt Cutter] and a [Note] on a table, then go back to the 1st door in the corridor.
=> Open the 1st door in the corridor to enter the Staff Room, careful there’s a Lurker there. Open the locked locker with the [Bolt Cutter] to find a [Note] and a [Blue Key].
=> Open the 2nd door in the corridor with the [Blue Key] to show the stairs, Take them to reach the 1st Floor.
1st Floor:
=> Go on your left to reach the Dance Hall where you will find a [Bullet], a [Note] and a [Mechanical Part].
=> Go back to the stairs, climb them to reach the 2nd Floor. Careful there’s a Lurker there. Ignore this floor for now and go straight to the 3rd Floor (careful for another Lurker).
3rd Floor:
=> Get the [Key Card] on the Stage, then go back down to the 2nd Floor. Careful for the Lurker, it will be back.
2nd Floor:
=> Reach the 1st door in the corridor (on your right) which you can open with the [Key Card] to enter the Library. You’ll find a [Green Key] there, take it.
=> Continue down the corridor to the Dining Room, you’ll find a [Four Digit Code] and a [Note] on a table; and a [Mechanical Part] against a door. Then go back to the stairs and climb up to the 4th Floor.
4th Floor:
=> Open the only door with the [Green Key], careful for the Lurker there. Take the [Note] and the [Lighter] on the bed, on the other side of the huge bookshelf. Then go back down all the way to the 1st Floor. (as usual, the Lurker will be back at the 2nd Floor, so careful)
1st Floor:
=> After exiting the stairs, go on your right until you reach Cabin 2 (there will be a big 2 next to the door), take the [Note] there.
=> Continue down the corridor until you reach the Captain’s Quarters (with a big 3 next to the door). Careful, there’s a Lurker waiting on the other side of the door. Enter the cabin and open the locked chest with the [Four Digit Code], inside there’s 1 [Note] and some [Electrical Wires].
=> After exiting the cabin, look on your left for a door at the end of the corridor, enter the Storage Room where you will find your last [Mechanical Part]. Then go back to the last room in the Hold: the Workshop.
=> Craft the [Car Jack] and the [Bomb] on the two tables. Then go back up to the 3rd Floor (remember, a Lurker will be back on the 2nd Floor and 3rd Floor…)
3rd Floor:
=> Find the open door blocked by some fridge, use your [Car Jack] to move it out of the way. Inside the room, you will find a [Note]. Go back to the stairs and climb them up until you reach a locked door.
5th Floor:
=> Use a [Bomb] to open the locked door, go down the stairs a little to not get hit by the explosion.
=> You will find 2 [Blueprints] on the left of the room and 1 [Note] on the Steering Wheel. The note on the Steering Wheel is necessary to go to the next story place.
Reaching the last room of the boat will give you the achievement [Bootleg Fireworks!]
Vasagatan (Notes/Blueprints)
The 1st note is in the boat’s hold, in the engine room, on a table.
=>[ I heard from the captain we’re heading…] – Page 7

The 2nd note is in the boat’s hold, in the kitchen, on a counter.
=>[Ruben, The yacht is ill prepared for this journey.] – Page 7

The 3rd note is in the boat’s hold, in the last room at the end of the corridor, the workshop, on a table.
=>[ I saw a large rat last night…] – Page 7

The 4th note is in the boat’s hold, in the first room in the corridor, the staff room. It’s inside a locked locker, you need to get a bolt cutter in a room at the end of the hold to open this locker.
=>[TRAVEL LOG OLOF The captain keeps complaining about my route.] – Page 9

The 5th note is on the 1st Floor, in the Dance Hall, next to where you find the bullet.
=>[TRAVEL LOG OLOF As I’ve suspected the crew is completely incompetent.] – Page 9

The 6th note is on the 2nd Floor, in the dining room, on a table next to the Four Digit Code.
=>[TRAVEL LOG OLOF These ‘lurkers’ have potential.] – Page 10

The 7th note is on the 4th Floor, on the bed with the lighter, behind the huge bookshelf.
=>[(Transcribed) [The ship’s hull grinding against solid rock]] – Page 12

The 8th note is on the 1st Floor, on a desk in Cabin 2 (it has a big 2 next to the door).
=>[(Transcribed) (Hanne) – “But what does that mean? You can’t just fire them.] – Page 11

The 9th note is on the 1st Floor, in the locked chest inside Cabin 3 (it has a big 3 next to the door). You can open the chest with the Four Digit Code you found on Floor 2.
=>[(Transcribed) (Captain) – “Knocking” “Wilksirom, it’s urgent. There’s mist now.] – Page 11

The 10th document is on the 3rd Floor, on a desk, in a room blocked by a fridge. To remove the fridge, you need to craft a car jack in the boat’s hold by combining 5 mechanical parts scattered around the boat.
=>[CITIES IN THE BLUE calling the cost of the project’s realization…] – Page 8

The 11th note is on the last floor, on the steering wheel. The room is blocked by a locked door: to open it you need to craft a bomb in the boat’s hold by combining 1 electrical wires (locked Chest, 3rd Cabin, 1st Floor), 1 lighter (on a bed, 4th Floor), 1 gas tank (on a kitchen counter, Kitchen, Boat Hold) and 1 bullet (on a bar counter, Dance Hall, 1st Floor).
=>[Balboa ?! #….] – Page 12

The 2 blueprints (Steering Wheel and Engine) are on the last floor of Vasagatan. The room is blocked by a locked door: to open it you need to craft a bomb in the boat’s hold by combining 1 electrical wires (locked Chest, 3rd Cabin, 1st Floor), 1 lighter (on a bed, 4th Floor), 1 gas tank (on a kitchen counter, Kitchen, Boat Hold) and 1 bullet (on a bar counter, Dance Hall, 1st Floor).

Balboa Walkthrough
Balboa Island is supposed to be against the wind, so use the blueprints you’ve found in the boat to craft some Engines and a Steering Wheel, that will allow you to reach your destination faster. Don’t worry about fuel for now, you can use wood instead to power the engines. Remember that you need 1 Engine for 100 Foundation blocks.
- There are 13 documents.
- There are 4 blueprints to find, one for the Machete, one for the Fuel Tank, one for the Pipe and one for the Biofuel Refiner.
This time, to get the next coordinates you need to activate each Radio Station (there are 3 marked 2, 4 and 6), there’s a big lever in each to turn it on.

Arriving at the Island: There are 4 ways to enter the island and 3 starting points. A beach west, a beach south and a water path north ( that will also be your starting point if you enter through the water tunnel east ).
Center Island
=> Pick up at least 5 [Berries] around the island, there are many to be found.
=> Use the [Berries] on the [Basket] near Mama Bear’s cave to distract her ( the huge sleeping bear in the middle of the island ).
=> Now that Mama Bear is distracted, go inside the cave and pick up the crate, there’s the [Machete] in it!
=> Don’t forget to check out the big hill facing Mama Bear’s cave, there are 5 [Notes] on it and the [Lightbulb].
=> There’s a hill on the left when climbing towards Radio 6 and 4. There’s a locker on it with [Bruno’s Saw] inside.
Radio 6
=> Follow the signs until you reach a tunnel blocked by vines. Use your [Machete] on them to free the way. Radio 6 is on the other side of the tunnel.
=> There’s [Bruno’s Wrench] in the entrance of the Radio Station, on the left, on a counter.
=> There are 2 [Notes] inside the Radio Station. Both on a desk, but not the same.
=> There’s also a [Blueprint] next to a [Note], on a desk.
=> Don’t forget to switch the lever at the end of the room! If it’s the 3rd lever you activate, 1 being in each Radio Station, you will receive a [Note] with the coordinates for the next story place).
Radio 4
=> Follow the signs until you reach a precipice. Other the other side you can see a raised bridge with a lever next to it. Shoot the lever with an arrow to lower the bridge (you should be able to hit it with a stone, but it’s really hard).
=> There’s a [Blueprint] on your left, on the wall when you enter the Radio Station.
=> There are 2 [Notes], one next to the [Blueprint] on the wall, on the left when you enter. And one on a stool next to a bookcase.
=> There’s [Bruno’s Hammer] on a shelf next to the big screen.
=> Don’t forget to switch the lever at the entrance, on the left when you enter! (If it’s the 3rd lever you activate, 1 being in each Radio Station, you will receive a [Note] with the coordinates for the next story place).
Radio 2
=> Follow the signs until you reach a path filled with some kind of yellow liquid. Jump on the crates to reach the other end. Careful the crates sink when you touch them, so hurry.
=> There’s 1 [Note] in an open locker.
=> Don’t forget to switch the lever at the entrance, on the right when you enter! (If it’s the 3rd lever you activate, 1 being in each Radio Station, you will receive a [Note] with the coordinates for the next story place).
Ranger Station
=> Follow the signs for Radio Station 2, it’s just next to it. When you reach a path filled with some kind of yellow liquid. Jump on the crates to reach the other end. Careful the crates sink when you touch them, so hurry.
=> There’s a dummy at the entrance, you can give it the [Lightbulb] you found on the big hill facing Mama Bear’s cave.
=> There’s a [Blueprint] on the table, on the left when you enter.
=> There’s a [Note] in a small room at the back, on a mattress.
=> There’s a board with tools on it, on the wall, on the right when you enter. Use the 3 tools on it to make it fall and reveal another [Note] ([Bruno’s Saw] was on a hill, on the left when climbing towards Radio 6 and 4; [Bruno’s Wrench] was in Radio 6; and [Bruno’s Hammer] was in Radio 4).
Balboa (Notes/Blueprints)
The 1st and 2nd documents are on the path that climbs a hill. The said hill is facing Mama Bear’s cave.
=>[IT’S DONE…] – Page 17
=>[FATHER HAS A NEW…] – Page 17

The 3rd, 4th and 5th documents are at the top of the hill where you found the first and second documents. There’s one on a tree stump laying on the ground, one inside a mannequin and one on a hanged mannequin.
=>[FATHER HAS TO MAKE…] – Page 17
=>[NOT ENOUGH BOAT…] – Page 18

The 6th document is inside Radio 6, on a desk.
=>[7th Entry…] – Page 17

The 7th document is also inside Radio 6, on another desk.

The 8th document is inside Radio 4, it’s a map between a lever and a blueprint, on a wall.
=>[Map : DO NOT LOSE!] – Page 18

The 9th document is also inside Radio 4, on a stool between a bookcase and a desk.
=>[4th Entry…] – Page 16

The 10th document is inside Radio 2, inside an open locker next to a desk.
=>[1st Entry…] – Page 15

The 11th document is inside the Ranger Station, in a dark room, on a mattress.
=>[SCHEDULE…] – Page 15

The 12th document is also inside the Ranger Station, hidden behind a toolboard. You need to bring 3 tools to this toolboard to reveal the note ( wrench is in Radio 6, hammer in Radio 4 and saw on a hill next to the path (on the left when climbing the path) leading to Radio 6 and 4 ).
=>[Picture : MERRY CHRISTMAS…] – Page 16

The 13th document will be revealed when you have activated all 3 Radio Station, the coordinates will appear on the screens inside each Radio Station and the corresponding note will automatically be added in your journal.

Remember that you discover the blueprint the moment you pick it up, so you can throw it away after that. You’ll just have to finish the research in the research table without the blueprint.
- The 1st one (Machete) is in Mama Bear’s cave, in a crate with EMP written on it.
- The 2nd one (Fuel Tank) is in Radio 6, on a desk.
- The 3rd one (Pipe) is in Radio 4, on a wall.
- The 4th one (Biofuel Refiner) is in the Ranger Station (next to Radio 2), on a table.