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Red Dead Redemption 2 – Americans At Rest Walkthrough

Americans At Rest

Americans At Rest is one of the missions available in Red Dead Redemption 2’s second chapter. During this mission you have to visit a saloon. The visit will end with a fist-fight. Your goal is to defeat a few people, including Tommy.

How to get a gold medal in Americans At Rest?

  • Save Javier within 15 seconds.
  • Defeat Tommy within 1 minute 30 second.

Win The Bar Fight

  1. Defeat the first guy you face in the Saloon.
  2. Help Javier near the bar by grappling the guy he is fighting with.
  3. Escape the grapple from an enemy that grabs you.
  4. Save Javier from Tommy at a table near the bar.
  5. Defeat Tommy outside of the Saloon.

1 and 5. Mix Up Your Moves To Win Fights

You will be given prompts that teach you different moves in hand to hand combat. Mix up grapples, strikes, and blocks to overcome your enemies in the barfight!

5. Be Patient When Fighting Tommy

Tommy has a lot of reversal moves in his arsenal, so don’t aggressively go in and punch him all the time. Get in a few good hits, and back off!

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