Home > Red Dead Redemption 2 > Red Dead Redemption 2: Outfit Warmth and Temperature Suitability

Red Dead Redemption 2: Outfit Warmth and Temperature Suitability

Outfit Warmth and Temperature Suitability

In both Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, your health core drain rate is heavily dependent on how warm your outfit is and your location in the game world. The game isn’t particularly clear on how the warmth of clothing is determined. This guide is to give you a better idea.

Warmth Value

Different pieces of clothing have different values of warmth. Your total warmth determines what temperature the outfit is suitable for.

  • If your total is 0 to 2 points, your outfit is suitable for Hot weather. Roughly 70°F
  • If your total is 3, your outfit is suitable for Average temperatures.
  • If it’s 4+, your outfit is suitable for Cold weather, somewhere below 50°F degrees.

Language of the Catalogue

While the in-game menus don’t always indicate whether a particular clothing item provides warmth, the Social Club website’s Catalogue will tell you if it does using the following language:

  • Slightly Warm is 1 point.
  • Reasonably Warm is 2 points.
  • Warm is 3 points.
  • Very Warm is 4 points.

Guidelines by Clothing Type

  • All Coats are worth some amount of warmth. Between 1 and 4.
  • All Ponchos except the Rebellion and Torras provide 1 warmth.
  • At least three Hats have warmth. Woolen (1), Bartley (2), Sobol (2).
  • No Pants provide any warmth.
  • All Gloves have 1 warmth. It doesn’t matter if the fingers are cut out or they’re thick winter gloves. All provide 1 warmth.
  • Some Shirts have 1 warmth. Donegal Sweater, Farley Shirt, Lautnip Shirt, Stringham Shirt, Tillson Sweater, Wool Shirt, Woolen Sweater.
  • Some Vests have warmth and a few of them are variable based on the color/fabric.
  • Warm Boots: Strayhorn (2 points). Aguirre, Salter, Cerrada, Millard, Hightop (all 1 point).

Helpful Tips

Some pieces of clothing will provide more or less warmth based on the color/fabric used. It’s difficult to compile a list of these, but the Social Club’s Catalogue will tell you.

Don’t like the look of your warm boots? Try adding half chaps to cover up portions of them. Though not all boots can be covered in this way.


Though the description of the Neck Scarf says it provides warmth, it has no warmth value. This is likely an oversight.

It’s end. I hope “Red Dead Redemption 2: Outfit Warmth and Temperature Suitability” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.

Written by Zesty

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