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This guide presents every weapon, talent, and spell in the Rogue Legacy 2, showing what they are, what they do, and who uses them.
Things are separated by weapons, talents, then spells, with everything in those categories being sorted alphabetically.
Big thanks to the folks who work on the Rogue Legacy 2 wiki, as some of the information here was taken from it.
Let me know if there’s anything I missed, or if you find any errors.
Bag o’ Spoons
Bounces once. After bouncing it will Skill Crit and gains bonus INT Scaling.
Appears on: Waiter / Fabled Chef.
Damage scaling: 175% / 1.75x STR. Does an additional 175% / 1.75x INT after bouncing.
Skill-crit method: Skill crits after bouncing once.
Boxing Gloves
Hold Attack to rapidly punch. Punches apply Combo. Hold Up + Attack to do an Uppercut.
Appears on: Boxer.
Damage scaling: Punches do 50% / 0.5x STR. Uppercuts do 100% / 1x STR.
Skill-crit method: Reaching 15 stacks of Combo makes all attacks skill crits. Can dash-crit.
Press to swing your Cannon. Hold to aim and fire your Cannon. Dash Attacks always Skill Crit.
Appears on: Pirate.
Damage scaling: Swings do 175% / 1.75x STR. Cannonballs do 230% / 2.3x STR.
Skill-crit method: Can dash-crit.
Celestial Sceptre
Creates a Blackhole. Only one Blackhole can be active at a time. Skill Crits enemies close to the centre.
Appears on: Astromancer.
Damage scaling: Initial impact does 60% / 0.6x STR. Ticks do 20% / 0.2x STR.
Skill-crit method: Skill crits enemies near the centre of the black hole.
Charge Lance
Press to Attack. Charge for Flying Joust (Can move up and down while flying). Flying Joust adds bonus INT. scaling, and always Skill Crits.
Appears on: Dragon Lancer.
Damage scaling: Jabs do 180% / 1.8x STR. Flying Jousts do 200% / 2x STR and 50% / 0.5x INT.
Skill-crit method: Flying Jousts always skill crit.
Charon’s Scythe
First strike Skill Crits high health enemies. Second strike Skill Crits low health enemies.
Appears on: Reaper / Fabled Mage.
Damage scaling: 125% / 1.25x STR twice.
Skill-crit method: First hit does skill crits to enemies with more than 50% health. Second hit does skill crits to enemies with less than 50% health.
Dual Blades
Last attack reduces cooldowns (2x) and is a Skill Crit.
Appears on: Assassin.
Damage scaling: First two strikes do 50% / 0.5x INT. Third strike does 100% / 1x INT.
Skill-crit method: Third strike always crits. Can dash-crit.
Electric Lute
Requires Kinetic Energy. Spin Kick objects to gain Kinetic Energy. Gaining Kinetic Energy also grants Charged (Bonus INT scaling).
Appears on: Rock Star / Fabled Bard.
Damage scaling: 150% / 1.5x STR and 150% / 1.5x INT.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit on its own. Spinkicking grants Charged.
Enkindled Gauntlets
Throws out explosive shots. After a short distance, they will Skill Crit. Explosions can hit you.
Appears on: Enkindled Boxer / Fabled Boxer.
Damage scaling: 200% / 2x STR.
Skill-crit method: Skill crits after travelling a short distance.
Can attack while moving. Can aim your attack. Dash Attacks are always Skill Crits.
Appears on: Valkyrie.
Damage scaling: 160% / 1.6x STR.
Skill-crit method: Can dash-crit.
Frying Pan
Strike Mid-sized Projectiles to Reflect them. Reflecting grants you Charged (Next attack is a Skill Crit).
Appears on: Chef.
Damage scaling: Strikes do 150% / 1.5x STR. Fireballs do 150% / 1.5x INT.
Skill-crit method: Reflecting a projectile gives you Charged. Can dash-crit.
Great Sword
Can attack while moving. Dash Attacks are always Skill Crits.
Appears on: Knight.
Damage scaling: 200% / 2x STR.
Skill-crit method: Can dash-crit.
Handheld Ballista
Can only be fired on the ground. Cannot cancel. Hold to aim. Perfect Releases are Skill Crits.
Appears on: Ballistic Archer.
Damage scaling: 425% / 4.25x STR.
Skill-crit method: Skill crits when shot after held for a certain time.
Hephaestus’ Hammer
Dash Attacks are always Skill Crits. Slowed while attacking.
Appears on: Fighter / Fabled Barbarian.
Damage scaling: 40% / 0.4x STR.
Skill-crit method: Can dash-crit.
Hold up or down to change direction of attack. Hit with the very edge to Skill Crit.
Appears on: Ronin.
Damage scaling: 200% / 2x STR.
Skill-crit method: Does skill crits if only the very tip hits an enemy.
Kinetic Revolver
Can be aimed. Press [USE] to Reload. Last 10 bullets always Skill Crit.
Appears on: Gunslinger.
Damage scaling: 40% / 0.4x STR.
Skill-crit method: Last 10 bullets in a magazine always do skill crits.
Only ground attacks regenerate Mana. Ground attacks always Skill Crit.
Appears on: Barbarian.
Damage scaling: Ground strike does 250% / 2.5x STR. Aerial strikes does 65% / 0.65x STR.
Skill-crit method: Ground attacks do skill crits. Aerial strikes can dash-crit.
Spin Kick notes to detonate them (INT. Scaling). Blocks Mid-sized Projectiles. Notes become Skill Crits after a short delay.
Appears on: Bard.
Damage scaling: Notes do 25% / 0.25x STR. Explosions do 200% / 2x INT.
Skill-crit method: Notes and their explosions do skill crits after existing for a short time.
Pacifist Sign
Can attack while moving. Opens Trick Walls.
Peace through protest.
Appears on: Not class-specific. Given to any heir that has the Pacifist trait.
Damage scaling: None.
Pepperoni Pizza
Returns to user. Can be Spin Kicked to bounce off. Skill Crits when returning.
Appears on: Pizza Delivery Person / Fabled Knight.
Damage scaling: 60% / 0.6x STR.
Skill-crit method: Does skill crits after beginning to return.
Air attacks can combo into ground attacks. Dash Attacks always Skill Crit.
Appears on: Duelist.
Damage scaling: 180% / 1.8x STR.
Skill-crit method: Can dash-crit.
Wand of Blasting
Can pass through walls. Blasts apply Magic Break. Spending 50 Mana grants Charged (Next attack is a Skill Crit).
Appears on: Mage.
Damage scaling: Projectile does 50% / 0.5x STR. Explosion does 125% / 1.25x STR.
Skill-crit method: Grants Charged every time you use 50 mana.
War Bow
Hold to aim. Perfect Releases always Skill Crit.
Appears on: Ranger.
Damage scaling: 225% / 2.25x STR.
Skill-crit method: Skill crits when shot after held for a certain time.
Destroys Large Projectiles and pushes enemies back. Recharge on hit.
Appears on: Dragon Lancer.
Cooldown: 6 hits.
INT scaling: 60% / 0.6x INT.
Combat Roll
Immune to all damage while Rolling. Recharges over time.
Appears on: Duelist.
Cooldown: 3 seconds.
INT scaling: 80% / 0.8x INT.
Comet Form
Gain Flight and Damage Immunity. Recharges over time.
Appears on: Astromancer.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
INT scaling: 20% / 0.2x INT.
Shout, converting all Mid-sized Projectiles into notes. Recharges over time.
Appears on: Bard.
Cooldown: 13 seconds.
INT scaling: 175% / 1.75x INT.
Destroy all Mid-sized Projectiles, restoring Mana. Recharges on hit and fully recharges on successful counters.
Appears on: Valkyrie.
Cooldown: 5 hits.
INT scaling: 75% / 0.75x INT.
Immortal Kotetsu
Hold to aim. Teleport a set distance, hitting everything in-between. Defeating enemies with this Talent resets its cooldown.
Appears on: Ronin.
Cooldown: 6 seconds.
INT scaling: 220% / 2.2x INT.
Ivy Canopy
Creates an ivy platform that blocks Mid-sized Projectiles and grants Spore Burst. Recharges over time.
Appears on: Ranger.
Cooldown: 8 seconds.
INT scaling: 100% / 1x INT on creation.
Knockout Punch
Can be aimed. Consumes all Combo Stacks. Damage increased for every consumed stack.
Appears on: Boxer.
Cooldown: 3 hits.
INT scaling: The initial punch does 40% / 0.4x INT. Enemy “projectiles” do 80% / 0.8x INT. The impact does 100% / 1x INT. An additional 30% / 0.3x INT scaling is added to the projectiles and impact per stack of combo.
Makeshift Explosive
Blocks Mid-sized Projectiles (holds 2 charges). Recharges over time (refills all charges).
Appears on: Gunslinger.
Cooldown: 9 seconds.
INT scaling: 165% / 1.65x INT.
Creates a cloak that avoids all damage. Recharges on hitting enemies. Attacking will apply Vulnerable and end the effect.
Appears on: Assassin.
Cooldown: 10 hits.
Pirate Ship
Creates a flying Pirate Ship that you can freely move around. Shoots stuff and blows itself up.
Appears on: Pirate.
Cooldown: 8 hits.
INT scaling: Cannonballs do 40% / 0.4x INT. Explosion does 200% / 2x INT and applies burn, which does 55% / 0.5x INT.
Shield Block
Hold to block 50% of incoming damage and apply Vulnerable. Recharges over time. Last second blocks prevent 100% of incoming damage.
Appears on: Knight.
Cooldown: 11 seconds.
INT scaling: Normal block does 125% / 1.25x INT. Perfect block does 250% / 2.5x INT.
Restores your Health and Mana. Recharges by collecting Health Drops (Holds up to 3 charges).
Appears on: Chef.
Cooldown: 1 health drop.
INT scaling: 200% / 2x INT.
Super Fart
Lifts you and applies Burn. Recharges over time.
Appears on: Not class-specific. Given to any heir that has the Super IBS trait.
Cooldown: 4 seconds.
INT scaling: 100% / 1x INT.
Winter’s Shout
Destroys Large Projectiles, and Freezes enemies. Recharges after getting hit.
Appears on: Barbarian.
Cooldown: 1 hit taken.
INT scaling: 75% / 0.75x INT.
Blaze Bellow
Toggle-able. Skill Crits after 2 seconds.
Burn brutes by blasting bad breath.
Mana cost: 10 per tick.
INT scaling: 90% / 0.9x INT.
Skill-crit method: Skill crits after being turned on for two seconds.
Explodes on impact and applies Burn. Last ticks of Burn are Skill Crits.
Send a fiery blast toward foes.
Mana cost: 50.
INT scaling: 150% / 1.5x INT. Burn does 55% / 0.55x INT per tick.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit on its own. Burn skill crits near the end.
Flame Barrier
Toggle-able. Skill Crits after 5 seconds.
Create a safe space out of FIRE!
Mana cost: 15 per tick.
INT scaling: 60% / 0.6x INT.
Skill-crit method: Skill crits after being turned on for five seconds.
Freeze Strike
Applies Freeze, and destroys Large Projectiles. Strike frozen enemies to Skill Crit.
Freeze formidable foes.
Mana cost: 100.
INT scaling: 150% / 1.5x INT.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit on its own. Any attack to a frozen enemy will become a skill crit.
Fungal Spread
Aggressive pollination.
Applies Spore Burst.
Mana cost: 75.
INT scaling: 50% / 0.5x INT. Spore burst does 170% / 1.7x INT.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit on its own. Spore Burst always skill crits.
Gravity Beam
A massive beam that destroys Large Projectiles. Last ticks are Skill Crits.
For use against house spiders.
Mana cost: 100.
INT scaling: 125% / 1.25x INT.
Skill-crit method: Last few hits are skill crits.
Lightning Storm
Damages enemies above you. Applies Vulnerable.
Your armor will keep you grounded.
Mana cost: 50.
INT scaling: 225% / 2.25x INT.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit on its own. Any hits to vulnerable enemies are skill crits.
Magic 8 Ball
Hold to aim. After one bounce, damage is Octupled. After two bounces, it will Skill Crit.
Mana cost: 50.
INT scaling: 67.5% / 0.675x INT. After bouncing once, 540% / 5.4x INT.
Skill-crit method: Skill crits after bouncing twice before hitting an enemy.
Magma Mass
Passes through terrain. Will Skill Crit while falling.
Summons 3 massive balls of magma to crash down on your foes.
Mana cost: 50.
INT scaling: 160% / 1.6x INT.
Skill-crit method: Magma balls do skill crits after falling from the top of their arc.
Poison Bomb
Hold to Aim. Applies Poison.
Mana cost: 75.
INT scaling: 25% / 0.25x INT on impact. 10% / 0.1x INT per tick. Poison does 5% / 0.05x INT per tick, per stack.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit on its own. Poison does skill crits after being applied for six seconds straight.
Prismatic Spectrum
Applies Freeze, Burn, and Spore Burst.
The complete array of ailments.
Mana cost: 100.
INT scaling: None on its own. Freeze does 25% / 0.25x INT, burn does 55% / 0.55x INT per tick, spore burst does 170% / 1.7x INT.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit on its own. The status effects have different methods of skill crits.
Searing Shot
Hold to aim. Passes through walls and applies Burn. Last ticks of Burn are Skill Crits.
Mana cost: 50.
INT scaling: 175% / 1.75x INT on impact. Burn does 55% / 0.55x INT per tick.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit on its own. Burn skill crits near the end.
Hold to aim. Goes through walls. Destroys Large Projectiles.
Blast enemies away with an audible wave.
Mana cost: 100.
INT scaling: 250% / 2.5x INT.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit.
Tesla Spike
After hitting a wall, it creates a storm that damages all enemies in a small area for a short duration. Last ticks are Skill Crits.
Mana cost: 50.
INT scaling: 50% / 0.5x INT.
Skill-crit method: Last few hits are skill crits.
White Star
Can damage Yourself. Will always Skill Crit.
Explosions know neither friend nor foe.
Mana cost: 75.
INT scaling: 450% / 4.5x INT.
Skill-crit method: Always does skill crits.
Wind Wall
Hold to aim. Blocks Large Projectiles.
Create a wall of safety.
Mana cost: 100.
INT scaling: 100% / 1x INT.
Skill-crit method: Does not skill crit.