Home > Shenmue 3 > Shenmue 3 Key Items – Effect & Location

Shenmue 3 Key Items – Effect & Location

Key Items in Shenmue 3 are special items that are used to unlock or advance through certain quests or the main story. Key Items can be found on specific areas of a Location or are given by NPCs.

Shenmue 3 Key Items

This page will indicate a list of all the Key Items in Shenmue 3 which includes their description and usage.

Name Description Location

A capsule toy taken from Xu’s house. Can be found at Xu’s House
Picture  An old photograph found at Xu’s house.  Can be found at Xu’s House
Name List  A scrap of paper  found at Xu´s house.  Can be found at Xu’s House
Photo of the Verdant Bridge  A photo taken of the Verdant Bridge when an Imperial enjoy visited Bailu Vilage.  Can be found at Bailu Vilage
Ryo’s Watch  It features a black light that allows wears to check the time in the dark.  ???
Sword Handguard  It is a sword modeled after the Hazuki family crest: a sword ring, two stars, and a sword.  ???
Phoenix Mirror One of the two mirrors Iwoa brought back whit him from China. It was made from precious stone called Phantom river stone.  Can be found in China
Amulet The “prayer fulfillment” is an amulet that Nozomi Harazaki gave to Ryo.  ???
Heavens Lighter  This lighter has the emblem of the Heavens engraved on it. Given to Ryo by Wong
Tails Coin A fake coin whit tails on both sides. ???
Heads Coin  A fake coin whit heads on both sides.  ???
Chawan Sing Paper It is a paper whit a secret code. Can be found inside the copy of  “Wulinshu” keep in the library behind Man Mo Temple.
Photo of Xun A photo whit Fangmei Xun taken by Shiguan Fu. ???
Photo of Iwa A photo of Ryo’s father, Iwao Hazuki. ???
Magatama A comma-shaped bead received from Xiuying Hong, the other half is in her brother’s possession. It is given be from Xiuying Hong
White Leaf A dry white leaf Can be found in the basement of Hazuki Dojo.
Secret Poetry Scroll A secret poetry scroll hidden behind the “Principles of Yin and Yan” scroll in the Hazuki Dojo. Can be found in hidden behind the “Principles of Yin and Yan” scroll in the Hazuki Dojo.
Photo of Friends A photo taken of Ryo, Nozomi Harasaki, and other friends. ???
Photo of Hazuki Househol  A photograph whit two Hazuki Household residents: live-in student Masayuki Fukahara and the housekeeper, Ine Hayata. ????
Photo of Harasaki A Polaroid taken whit Nozomi Harasaki. ???
Photo of Xiuying A rare picture showing Xiuying along whit the others working at Man Mo Temple. ???
Photo of Joy A photo of Joy taken at Pigeon Park ???
Map to Ternary Spring A map draw by Shenhua showing the way to Ternary Spring.  ???
Ema An ema Iwao dedicated to Man Yuan Temple. It contains a messege intended for Ryo’s mother. ????
Bailu Herb Map 1 Conveniently shows where herbs grow in Bailu. Can be used to find where herbs grow are.
Bailu Herb Map 2  Conveniently shows where herbs grow in Bailu.  Can be used to find where herbs grow are.
Bailu Herb Map 3  Conveniently shows where herbs grow in Bailu.  Can be used to find where herbs grow are.
Bailu Herb Map 4  Conveniently shows where herbs grow in Bailu.  Can be used to find where herbs grow are.
See also:  Shenmue 3 Mini-Games Guide

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