Home > Sherlock Holmes The Awakened > Sherlock Holmes The Awakened Achievements & Secrets Guide

Sherlock Holmes The Awakened Achievements & Secrets Guide

This guide helps you to get 100% in the game.

General info

  • Offline trophies: 28
  • Online trophies: 0
  • Approximate amount of time: 10-14 hours
  • Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 (all trophies can be obtained for the one run)
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: No


Pay attention that this guide contains game spoilers!

It is possible to get all trophies on Sherlock Holmes The Awakened in one playthrough, since all of them are tied to completing chapters, or specific puzzles/sections inside a chapter. No one is missable as you can replay all the chapters that you complete at any time you want.

The first set of trophies are the ones related to completing the chapters. There are 8 unmissable trophies in this category.

Chapters achievements

The game contains 8 chapters, meaning 27 achievements and the 28th achievement you will get immediately after obtaining all 27 achievements.

These 8 achievements can not be lost, all you have to do is finish all the chapters, and after you finish each chapter, you will get one of them:

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To Hell In A Handcart
Complete Chapter One

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Whispers In The Dark
Complete Chapter Two

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A Method To His Madness
Complete chapter Three

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The New World
Complete chapter Four

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Knives Out
Complete Chapter Five

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No Man Is An Island
Complete Chapter Six

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At Wits’ End
Complete Chapter Seven

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Stop the ritual

Chapter #1 – Baker Street

In this chapter, you must get 1 Achievements other than the chapter ending Achievement:


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Read Between The Lines
Help Barnes with his love life

After resolving “Why is Bernes acting so strangely?” question, there will be a conversation with Barnes. Choose “I know what to do” line to help him with his love.
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Chapter #2 – Thames Port

In this chapter, you must get 3.5 Achievements other than the chapter ending Achievement:


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High Profile
Learn about the missing Nepali brother

When you find Nepali boy, interact with the table located at his home. There are two spots for zooming: silver pendant and photo.
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Lock, Stock, And Barrel
Pick every lock

There are four locks in the game. To obtain the achievement, you should pick a combination to all of them without skipping this process. The first is located in MQ02 (Warehouse 12) and others are in MQ03 (Asylum).

Lockpick combinations:

  • 3-4-2 (Warehouse 12)


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Big Breakthrough
Find out how the intruder got into the warehouse

After you locate Warehouse 12, there will be 2 spots to examine: open window and broken fence outside a warehouse.
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Curiosity Killed The Cat
Rouse evil from its slumber

At Warehouse 12 basement, where you investigate a ritual, a Cthulhu statue is present. Interact with it three time.
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Chapter #3 – Asylum

In this chapter, you must get 4 Achievements other than the chapter ending Achievement:


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Fond Memories
Find the book about tulpas

It’s present on a stack of books in a storage room at the beginning of chapter by playing Sherlock.
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Lock, Stock, And Barrel
Pick every lock

There are four locks in the game. To obtain the achievement, you should pick a combination to all of them without skipping this process. The first is located in MQ02 (Warehouse 12) and others are in MQ03 (Asylum).

Lockpick combinations:

  • 2-4-3-1 (Sherlock’s cell)
  • 1-3-2-3-4 (Storage room)
  • 2-3-1-3-2-4 (Maurizio’s cell)


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History Check
Learn more about Gygax

Gygax has two notes: one is located in her office desk and one on the table in Asylum basement.
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Gaze Into The Abyss
Make it look back at you

There is a well in the basement of the Asylum. Examine it to obtain an achievement.
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Chapter #4 – Louisiana Port

In this chapter, you must get 2 Achievements other than the chapter ending Achievement:


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Going Once…
Find out more about the auction

A lot of posters with auction are hanged around the city. Interact with any of it.
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Let Me Be Frank
Pretend to be Barnaby

After you find The Gold Coin Bank, speak with a guard stood at the entrance. Choose “I am Frank Barnaby” line, when he asks about an invitation.
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Chapter #5 – Louisiana Mansions

In this chapter, you must get 3 Achievements other than the chapter ending Achievement:


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Back In The Saddle
Help quench the horse’s thirst

After a conversation with Eulah, you will enter the Arneson’s mansion via the stables. There you will see a thirst horse. Get water from a barrel placed in a small pasture and quench it thirst.
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Open Sesame
Unlock the safe

You will find the safe during a walkthrough. Safe code: 1862.


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Sticky Fingers
Find the raccoon nest

You will find the nest during a walkthrough.

Chapter #6 – Louisiana Swamps

In this chapter, you must get 3 Achievements other than the chapter ending Achievement:


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Brain Food
Feed yourself to a gator

During your journey along the swamps, you will be blocked by a group of gators. Direct your boat to this group to trigger the cutscene and get an achievement.
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Land, Ho!
Reach the island

You will reach the island during a walkthrough.


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Identify all the unknown substances

You will identify two unknown substances via Archive during a walkthrough. Right solutions are presented below:

Unknown decoction:
2(2) – 3(3) – 4(1)

Transparent liquid:
2(3) – 3(2) – 4(4)

Chapter #7 – Baker Street Return

In this chapter, you must get 1 Achievement other than the chapter ending Achievement:


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Read It And Weep
Leave Barnes the book

After finishing investigation in Barnes’s bookshop, he will ask you to leave the book for him. Choose “Of course” line to get an achievement.
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Chapter #8 – Lighthouse

In this chapter, you must get 2 Achievements other than the chapter ending Achievement:


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No Stone Unturned
Find all evidence at the cliffside crime scene

There are six evidences which should be founded:

  1. Bloody shirt
  2. Ashmat
  3. Symbol on the wall
  4. Blood spot
  5. Branch on the ground
  6. Key hidden by a rock
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100% trophies guide - Sherlock Holmes The Awakened
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100% trophies guide - Sherlock Holmes The Awakened


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Up In Flames
Learn about the lighthouse keeper

Lighthouse keeper has two notes: one is located right after finishing sound puzzle in cave, and the second one in the crate in Dirty Sommer room.
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Collect all trophies

You will get this trophy after obtaining all others. It’s platinum trophy 😉

Written by Boronesha

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