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Starbound Cheats & Console Commands

You’ve fled your home, only to find yourself lost in space with a damaged ship. Your only option is to beam down to the planet below, repair your ship and set off to explore the universe…

Starbound Cheats & Console Commands

Starbound Cheats & Console Commands

In admin mode, commands can be used by typing a / followed by the keyword for the command. Admin mode can be toggled on and off using the command /admin. Admin mode is only required for admin and debugging commands – basic commands can be used even without admin privileges.

Console commands that you can use in your game:

Basic Commands

Use /help commandName to get detailed documentation.

Usage /admin. Enables or disables admin mode, which enables all crafting recipes, prevents damage or energy loss, and allows access to admin-only commands.

Usage /reload. Reloads your local, client side assets. Will cause lag as they are reparsed. Useful when testing a mod as it will reload the assets without requiring to exit the game.

Usage /whoami. Display your local username and admin status.

Usage /serverwhoami. Display your server username and admin status.

Usage /whereami. Display the celestial coordinate of your current location.

Usage /pvp. Enable or disable your Player vs. Player mode.

Usage /played. Displays the total play time of the current character.

Usage /deaths. Displays the total death count of the current character.

Usage /suicide. Kills the current character, incurring all normal death penalties (including permadeath!). This can be used as a last resort if you are irreversibly stuck.

Usage /naked. Remove all gear. Useful in macros to give a character new gear replacing the existing gear, or you know, for fun.

Debugging Commands

Usage /debug. Enable debugging mode.

Usage /gravity. Display the gravity at the player’s position.

Usage /boxes. Toggle the display of collision debugging polygons if debug mode is enabled.

Usage /clearboxes. Toggle whether or not to clear boxes displayed with /boxes every frame. Useful for determining routes that enemies take, can get messy looking though.

Usage /togglelayer. Toggle the visibility of the specified layer. A layer is a number between 1 and 21. They are in order: Sky, Parallax, Background, Platforms, Plant, PlantDrop, Object, CursorHintedObject, ParticlesBottom, Effect, Projectile, NPC, Player, ItemDrop, Water, ParticlesMiddle, Foreground, ParticlesTop, Nametag, InfoBars.

Usage /fullbright. Disable the lighting engine and show everything.

Usage /fixedcamera. Toggle locking the camera’s position; camera will not scroll. Sectors may not load or behave correctly when the camera is distant from the player’s position.

Usage /setgravity level. Sets your local gravity to the level specified. Negative values will make you fall up but you can’t jump from your head. This change is local only, and looks pretty heinous on a server, because it screws very heavily with delta prediction.

Usage /resetgravity. Undoes /setgravity. Begin using server gravity again.

Usage /eval <lua>. Evaluates given lua in script processor context. Only usable locally.

Usage /entityeval <lua>. Evaluates given lua in the context of the closest scripted entity to the cursor. Only usable locally.

Usage /radiomessage messageId. Triggers the player to receive the radio message with the specified id.

Usage /clearradiomessages. Resets all history of received unique radio messages, allowing the player to see these messages again.”

Usage /clearcinematics. Resets all history of played unique cinematics, allowing the player to see these cinematics again.

Usage /cinema cinematicPath. Plays the specified cinematic for testing.

Usage /startquest questArcDescriptor. Give the player a quest with the specified quest arc descriptor, which should be a JSON string or object enclosed by single quotes. To start a quest by quest template ID, enclose the template ID in single and double quotes, e.g. /startquest ‘”protectorate”‘

Usage /completequest questId. Force completion of a currently active quest with the given quest ID (usually the quest template ID).

Usage /failquest questId. Force failure of a currently active quest with the given quest ID (usually the quest template ID).

Usage /previewnewquest questTemplateId positionInSequence questGiverSpecies. Displays the New Quest interface for the given quest without altering the player’s quest state. Valid positionInSequence options are: first, last, next, solo. May break if the quest doesn’t have example data configured.

Usage /previewquestcomplete questTemplateId positionInSequence questGiverSpecies. Displays the Quest Complete interface for the given quest without altering the player’s quest state. Valid positionInSequence options are: first, last, next, solo. May break if the quest doesn’t have example data configured.

Usage /previewquestfailed questTemplateId positionInSequence questGiverSpecies. Displays the Quest Failed interface for the given quest without altering the player’s quest state. Valid positionInSequence options are: first, last, next, solo. May break if the quest doesn’t have example data configured.

Usage /clearscannedobjects. Resets the player’s record of previously scanned objects. Will not reset quest progress for object scanning quests.

Usage /statistic statName. Displays the value of the specified achievement statistic.

Usage /resetachievements. Resets all of the player’s achievement statistics.

Usage /enabletech techName. Unlocks the specified tech for use.

Usage /maketechavailable techName. Makes the specified tech visible and available for purchase.

Usage /giveessentialitem item slotName. Sets the specified essential slot to the specified item, overwriting the existing contents. Valid slot names are: beamaxe, wiretool, painttool, inspectiontool.

Usage /upgradeship shipUpgrades. Applies the specified ship upgrades to the current player’s ship. shipUpgrades should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes, e.g. ‘{“shipLevel” : 5}’

Admin Commands

Usage /spawnitem itemName [count] [variantParameters]. Spawn the specified item at the mouse cursor. If the item does not exist it will spawn a Perfectly Generic Item. Items can be spawn in different colors using the color index like so:
/spawnitem florantier6mhead 1 ‘{“colorIndex”:4}’
1. Black 2. Grey 3. White 4. Red 5. Orange
6. Yellow 7. Green 8. Blue 9. Purple 10. Pink 11. Brown

Usage /setuniverseflag flagName. Sets the current universe flag, triggering any associated world changes.

Usage /warp warpAction. Warps player to a world and/or position. Valid warp action formats include: OwnShip, OrbitedWorld, CelestialWorld:celestialcoordinates, InstanceWorld:worldid:<uuid>:<level>, ClientShipWorld:playeruuid, Player:playeruuid, Nowhere (current world). Most warp actions can have =xcoordinate.ycoordinate added to specify a position within that world.

Usage /spawnnpc species type [level] [seed] [overrides]. Spawn an NPC of the specified species and type at the mouse cursor. Level defaults to 1. Overrides should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.

Usage /spawnstagehand type [parameters]. Spawn a Stagehand of the specified type. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.

Usage /spawnmonster type [level] [parameters]. Spawn a monster of the specified type at the mouse cursor. Level defaults to 1. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.

Usage /settileprotection dungeonId isProtected. Set protection for blocks with the specified dungeonId to be true (unbreakable) or false (breakable)

Usage /placedungeon dungeonname [position]. Place the given dungeon into the world anchored at the specified position or the player’s cursor position. Positions should be specified as x,y. Ignores anchoring rules.

Usage /list. List all clients logged into the server. Format is $clientId : serverNickname : $$playerUuid. If the serverNickname contains unprintable characters the unicode escape sequence for those characters will be displayed instead.

Usage /setspawnpoint. Sets the default spawn point on the current world to your character’s position.

Usage /spawnliquid liquidName [quantity]. Spawn a quantity of the specified liquid at the mouse cursor. Quantity defaults to 1.

Usage /spawntreasure poolName [level]. Spawns all items in a single random generation of the specified treasure pool at the mouse cursor. Level defaults to 1.

Usage /enablespawning. Enable automatic monster spawning on the current world.

Usage /disablespawning. Disable automatic monster spawning on the current world.

Usage /spawnvehicle type [parameters]. Spawn a vehicle of the specified type at the mouse cursor. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.

Usage /ban playerSpecifier [reason] [kind] [timeInSeconds]. Kick and ban the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player’s server nickname is used as the reason. Kind is specified as “uuid” or “ip” or “both” and defaults to “both”. timeInSeconds defaults to forever. Bans that have a specified duration are not persistent. If you shut down the server or reload configuration, all of your temporarily banned users will be unbanned immediately.”

Usage /kick playerSpecifier [reason]. Kick the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player’s server nickname is used as the reason.”

Usage /whereis playerSpecifier. Display the celestial coordinate of the specified player’s current location.

Usage /serverreload. Reloads the remote, server side assets. Will cause lag as they are reparsed.

Usage /timewarp time. Warp universe time ahead by the specified number of seconds.

Usage /clearstagehand. Despawns any stagehands with positions close to the current cursor position.

Usage /resetuniverseflags. Clears all universe flags, but doesn’t directly revert any effects triggered by those flags.

Source: Starbound Wiki

Where to obtain names for /spawn commands?

Written by Kadetino

So you may ask me this guide “Where i need to look at these names?”. So there are some of them, which, i guess, is gonna be useful.

Monsters: I dont think you will need it, but there is link to Wiki.


Liquid /spawnitem /spawnliquid
Water liquidwater water
Lava liquidlava lava
Poison liquidpoison poison
Oil liquidoil tarliquid
Liquid Erchius Fuel liquidfuel fuel
Healing Water liquidhealing healingliquid

NPC: Below this words ONLY NPC names of crew members that you can hire. For other NPC there is a link.

Every NPC spawns at level 0 unless you add a level after the name (separated by a space).
Command: /spawnnpc {Race} {NPC name} {level}.

P.S. Spawning them at a higher level will usually make them have better gear, higher hp, and higher damage.

Example Command: /spawnnpc human airshipcaptain 6

Crew Member Class
Soldier crewmember
Outlaw crewmemberoutlaw
Medic crewmembermedic
Engineer* crewmemberengineer
Mechanic crewmembermechanic
Chemist crewmemberchemistyellow (Glow Boost)
crewmemberchemistorange (Raaaage Boost)
crewmemberchemistblue (Jump Boost)
crewmemberchemistgreen (Speed Boost)
Tailor crewmembertailor
Janitor crewmemberjanitor

*There should be orange color.

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