Home > TEKKEN 8 > TEKKEN 8 How to get up from the floor

TEKKEN 8 How to get up from the floor

TEKKEN 8 How to get up from the floor

Different ways to get up from the floor.

Tekken 8 has a lot of great training tools but it does not tell you how to get up from the ground, which is a huge problem for less experienced players since there are many ways to get up from the ground. There are many ways to get up from the ground, which also depend on how the grounded character is positioned, as well as the opponent’s response to certain moves. Ground options are important to mitigate damage and throw off your opponent.

This guide will give a basic overview of these ground states, wake up options and how to perform them. However, this guide will generally NOT give recommendations on which option to use.


  • U – up
  • D – down
  • F – forward (towards opponent)
  • B – back (away from opponent)
  • 1 – left punch
  • 2 – right punch
  • 3 – left kick
  • 4 – right kick

Grounded States

There are four different grounded states:

How to get up from the ground

  • A) Face Up with Feet Towards the opponent (FUFT)
  • B) Face Up with Feet Away from the opponent (FUFA)
  • C) Face Down with Feet Away from the opponent (FDFA)
  • D) Face Down with Feet Towards the opponent (FDFT)

Some options are only possible in certain grounded states (e.g. spring kick is only possible from the FUFT state. Certain getup moves are also slower or faster from different grounded states.

Immediate Wake Up

These are ways to wake up as you land on the ground (important: not falling/spinning/bouncing/etc). These will generally apply only when a character will land in the FUFT state.

Back Tech Roll: Hold B while airborne.

How to get up from the ground

Foreground/Background Tech Roll: Press 1/2 or 3/4 as you hit the ground. 1/2 will roll you into the background and 3/4 will roll you into the foreground.

How to get up from the ground

How to get up from the ground

You will usually have a few invincibility frames or be able to block during a tech roll.

Kip Up: Hold F while airborne. There is a small hitbox – note that it is very small so it will only hit opponents who are basically right next to you. You can’t block during a kip up so it is considerably riskier than a tech roll.

How to get up from the ground

Delayed Wake Up

A character on the ground in any of the grounded states has different options on how to get up as well as when to get up. You can choose when to perform each of these options while on the ground (hence delayed wake up). Note that the start up and lag for each wake up is different depending on the ground state it is performed from – generally FUFT will be the quickest/safest while FDFT/FUFA are the least safe.

Non-Attacking Wake Up

These moves will not attack the opponent when getting up.

Lay on the Ground: While technically not a recovery move, you can hold D or press nothing to remain laying on the ground. This can avoid certain follow up moves and tech punishes.

How to get up from the ground

If hit while grounded, you will usually bounce upwards and land back down. This will give you the opportunity to do a landing wake up (e.g. tech roll, kip up)

How to get up from the ground

Stand: Press U. This is the quickest way of getting back up.

How to get up from the ground

It is vulnerable to low attacks but can guard mid and high while rising.

How to get up from the ground

Standing from the FDFA or FUFA state takes slightly longer since the character will turn around before standing. A well timed low attack can keep the opponent in the back turn state.

How to get up from the ground

Back Roll: Press B. The character will slide up and backwards, and block mid and high attacks while rising.

How to get up from the ground

When getting up from the FDFT or FUFA states, the character will take a moment to turn around while getting up. There is a window here where the character’s back is turned to the opponent and is vulnerable.

How to get up from the ground

How to get up from the ground

Crouch: Press D+B. Can block low but is vulnerable to mid (like a regular crouch)

How to get up from the ground

Forward Roll: Press F. The character will roll forward, and is vulnerable to mid and low attacks during the roll.

How to get up from the ground

Foreground/Background Side Roll: Press 1 to roll sideways into the background or 1+D to roll into the foreground. The roll will rotate the character 540 degrees, so a face up character will go face down and vice versa. You can hold down in order to remain on the floor.

How to get up from the ground
How to get up from the ground

Attacking Wake Up

These moves will attack the opponent when getting up.

Cross Chop: Press F, then 1+2. The character will roll forward and perform a diving mid attack. The character is vulnerable to mid and low attacks until the attack comes out. Must be in the FUFT state.

How to get up from the ground

Spring Kick: Press 3+4. The character will leap forward and perform a mid attack. Must be in the FUFT state.

How to get up from the ground

Note that a character doing a spring kick or cross chop will maintain momentum even if blocked, which can be punished if the opponent sees it coming.

Mid Kick: Press 4. The character will perform a mid attack.

How to get up from the ground

Low Kick: Press 3. The character will perform a low attack.
How to get up from the ground

Toe Kick: Press D+3. The character will perform a low attack and roll backwards and get up if it deals damage. If it is blocked or misses, the character will get up in place.

How to get up from the ground

How to get up from the ground

How to get up from the ground

The character will only move back if performed from the FUFT state – this will result in a low kick otherwise.

How to get up from the ground


If you’ve read and understood everything you should have a general idea of how to get up from the ground as well as how to take advantage of your opponent on the ground. I didn’t mention how ground tech affects different characters’ combos as that would take way too long and I don’t have experience with most of them. Practice on your own to get a feel for these wake up options – they aren’t technically demanding but you should do them a few times to have a better idea of how you want to approach certain situations.

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