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The Caligula Effect Overdose: World Reward Stigmas

A short and simple list of all the World Reward Stigmas and their effects.

World Reward Stigmas

Battle Reward Type Effects
Aichmophobia Belonephobia Attack Attack + 30, HP + 300, SP + 30
Sleepless Habits Ataraxi Attack Attack + 46, Defense + 46, Accuracy + 53, Evasion + 53
Bondage Operation Antagonistic Attack Attack + 231, Evasion + 40, Critical + 40
Phonophobia Silent Debate Amplification Accuracy + 19, Evasion + 25, Critical + 19, HP + 1240
Labyrinthosis Fugitive Amplification Attack + 50, Defense + 50, Accuracy + 90, SP + 70
All-in Dilemma Compulsive Gambler Attack Atatck + 60, Accuracy + 20, Critical + 20, SP + 25
Unusual Hair Collector Cuticle Honey Amplification Evasion + 130, HP + 200
Eager Atonement Miserable Trouble Defense Defense + 68, SP + 45
Nesciant Rhythm Frontier Defense Attack + 55, Defense + 55, Accuracy + 10, Critical + 10, HP + 550
Narcolepsy Hypno Defense Defense + 270, Evasion + 70
Actually… Nirvana Amplification HP + 700, SP + 60
Trypophobia Xenophobia Amplification Accuracy + 75, Evasion + 75, Critical + 75
Line-Line Play For Me Amplification SP + 300
Nobody to Talk To Absolution Defense Attack + 10, Defense + 40, Accuracy + 30, Critical + 60
Polka-Phobia Post-Traumatic Stress Defense Defense + 15, HP + 2500
Peniaphobia Reverse Resentment Attack Attack + 70, Critical + 90
Pica Disorder Grand Gratonia Attack Attack + 93, Accuracy + 85, Critical + 30, SP + 80
Sleeping Disorder Somniloquy Attack Attack + 330
Anthropophobia Face Mask Attack Attack +150, Defense + 150, Accuracy + 20, Evasion + 20, Critical + 20
Shapeshifter Conundrum Dear Doppelganger Defense Defense + 80, Evasion + 23, HP + 600
Unrequited Love Taboo Forbidden Love Defense Attack + 40, Defense + 106, Critical + 20, HP + 260, SP + 50
My One and Only, Forever Festering Infection Defense Defense + 360
Cold Feet Elope Eager Defector Amplification Evasion + 200
Speedster Rocket Dive Amplification Accuracy + 200
Perfectionist Entelechy Amplification Attack + 30, Defense + 30, Accuracy + 30, Evasion + 30, Critical + 30, HP + 3000, SP + 300
Wish or Nothing Doomsday Despair Attack Attack + 300, Defense + 300, SP + 150
Written by abarax

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