The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Episode 2 Routes
Quick guide to putting you on the routes for the split episodes of 3A and 3B.
Burial Route
In the choice of “Trust him.” and “F that!”, pick Trust him.
In the choice of “Accept.” and “Decline.”, pick Decline.
Love Subroute
Set up the objects as such:
- Heart on the left pedestal
- Sunshine on the center pedestal
- Broken Heart on the right pedestal
Friendship Subroute
Set up the objects as such:
- Sunshine on the left pedestal
- Broken Heart on the center pedestal
- Heart on the right pedestal
Decay Route
Do either of the following:
In the choice of “Trust him.” and “F that!”, pick F that!
In the choice of “Accept.” and “Decline.”, pick Accept.