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This guide will help you unlock every achievement, along with all images and scenes in the gallery.
The Neverwhere Tales Book 1 Walkthrough Guide
Guide to getting all of the unlockables in The Neverwhere Tales – Book 1.
Walkthrough Pt 1
◈Start a new game
◈Name yourself
◈Hit enter
◈Read the introduction
◈Good morning, honey
◈Leave door open
Tempus Fugit – Breakfast is for the weak.
◈I’m [MC] by the way
◈Check her out
◈Pay for both of you
◈Offer her a seat
◈Be understanding
◈Good choice, I like it
◈Tease him
◈How about me?
My Favorite Bartender – Be as charming as possible when talking to Kate.
◈Text her
Thirteen Miles in Thirty Minutes – There’s always someone faster than you.
◈Flirt x2
◈Hug her
Ginger Disaster – Max out points with Fiona in Chapter One.
Neverwhere? Nowhere? Neverland? – Hear about Neverwhere for the first time.
◈Make her coffee
◈Check her out
Repeat Offender – Check out Elea two times in Chapter 1.
◈A smart girl
Coffee Addicted – Max out points with Elea in Chapter One.
◈Kinda cute
◈Be careful, Kaija
Double Trouble – Max out points with Kaija in Chapter One.
◈Talk to him
The Mandela Effect – You call that a knife? THIS is a knife!
◈Knock him down
◈{Continue story}
Truth Revealed – Complete Chapter One.
◈Morning, Eric
◈Go to Fiona’s studio
◈Hey, Orla
◈Tell her everything
◈To impress the cute girl?
Close my eyes, I am rhythm – Watch Fiona dance in her studio.
◈{Continue story}
Quid Pro Quo – Tell the full truth. And be rewarded.
◈Of course I am
◈Tell her the short version
◈Check her out
◈Ask Helena if she wants to come
◈Check her out
◈Hitting on pretty girls
◈No. Now I can hit on you
Unprofessional – Who cares about business rules…
Hazzard Style – JUMP IN!
◈Take a peek
Peek Games – You can make a game out of anything, right?
◈And if I don’t want to?
◈I don’t know
◈Damn sexy
◈Hug her
◈I’ll take the tour
◈Bring a spare helmet!
◈Sure. See you tomorrow
◈Stop her
◈Push her away
◈Fight Kaija
◈Secret technique
◈Can you train me?
Teach Me Sensei – Get Kaija to train you.
◈Kiss her
◈{Continue story}
Interesting Indeed – Pique the interest of someone who wasn’t interested in you at all.
Way of the Water – Complete Chapter Two.
◈Thank her
◈No step back. I want to be with you!
Duty first? – Priorities can change.
◈I do
◈Works for me
◈Meet Fiona
◈Hug her
◈A romantic movie
◈Put your hand on hers
◈I love Italian
◈No. I’ll pay
◈Hold her
◈Train with Kaija
◈Tease her
◈Keep staring at her
◈[MC], please
◈Want to come to my room?
Training Started – Have your first training session with Kaija.
◈Tell her the truth
◈Support her
MythBusters – Show some support for Elea.
◈{Continue story}
Around The World – In 80… minutes?
◈Breakfast in Paris tomorrow?
◈You should wear that more often
◈{Continue story}
Into The Unknown – Complete Chapter Three.
◈You’re right
◈{Continue story}
From Dusk Till… Dusk – Find a nightclub in Neverwhere.
◈Can we stay a few minutes longer?
◈Hold her hand
Somewhere Over The Rooftops – Where trouble melts like lemon drops.
◈We need to help them
◈I acted out of instinct!
◈{Continue story}
Song Of The Nightingale – Nightingale… what an unusual name.
◈Diplomatic answer
Diplomacy Is My Middle Name – Prove that you can be diplomatic.
◈Kiss her
◈Let her in
◈I want to continue
◈Take off the shirt
Hot In Here – Surprise Linnae two times.
◈No, just lost in thought
◈Check her out x2
◈Call Fiona
◈No problem for me
◈Kiss her
Otherworldly Kiss – You caught up on a missed opportunity.
Truth To Be Told – Trust Fiona with the truth.
◈Take all the time you need
◈Stay silent
◈No. A deal is a deal
◈{Continue story}
Debt Paid – Complete Chapter Four.
◈Give him a short summary
◈Calm response x5
We Are Family! – Try to work things out with your family.
Peacemaker – You remained completely calm in a tense situation.
◈Don’t undersell yourself
◈We broke up
◈Get me a mead, too
◈Thank you for your advice
◈Stay for one more drink?
◈You want to come home with me?
Ride of the Valkyrie – Get Kari’s full scene after you met her at Morrisey’s.
◈I am
◈{Continue story}
Good Ears – Impress Nightingale.
◈Is she hurt?
◈I understand her
◈Spare her life
◈Her call
◈Take a bath
◈Okay, you got me there
◈I can show you
◈Go through all options
◈I’m in
◈Get closer
◈{Continue story}
Min Ebra – Forma a friendship that was not to be expected.
◈Call me [MC]
◈Go through all options
◈I didn’t mean to question your approach
◈Keep your mouth shut
◈{Continue story}
Stories of the Past – Learn something about Medb’s past.
Walkthrough Pt 2
◈I’m sorry
◈Of course I want to
◈Follow her
◈Join her
Day Off – You spent a day off with Finnabair.
◈{Continue story}
Oberon’s Methods – You met King Oberon of the Ljósálfar.
◈{Continue story}
Daughter of the Sun – Get the final scene of Chapter 5.
Start a new game
◈Name yourself
◈Hit enter
◈Jump into the game
◈Good morning honey
◈Close door
◈Tease her
◈Kiss her
◈I’m [MC] by the way
◈Check her out
◈Pay for both of you
◈Offer her a seat
◈Be mad
◈Good choice, I like it
◈Tease him
◈How about me?
◈Flirt x2
◈Hug her
◈Make her coffee
◈Check her out
◈A smart girl
◈Kinda cute
◈Let’s go
◈Attack him
◈Shoot him
◈Cheeky reply
◈Go to your apartment
◈Tell her the short version
◈Check her out
◈Call Elea
◈Hug her
◈Let’s go
◈Jump in
◈Take a peek
◈And if I don’t want to?
◈Damn sexy
◈Sit down
◈Ask the other guy, please
◈Stop her
◈Push her away
◈Nice car by the way
◈Thank her
◈We take a step back and go from there
Duty first! – Kaija remains true to her priorities.
◈Of course I’m still interested
◈Pet her
◈Tell her the full truth
◈To impress the cute girl?
◈I do
◈Meet Fiona
◈Hug her
◈The action movie
◈I’m just enjoying the view
◈I love Italian
◈Let her pay
◈Hold her
◈Explore the castle
◈I don’t mind
◈Go through all options
Would You Like To Know More? – Ask Linnae about… everything.
◈I can deal with him
◈Ask her if she would train you
◈Maybe we can do this again?
◈He was right
◈I can’t
◈They have it under control
◈Like my safety was?
◈I saved your life!
◈Step in
◈Confrontational answer
◈Let her in
◈Take off the shirt
◈Something like that
◈Check her out
◈Call Elea
◈Yes, I am
◈Copy Elea
◈Ask her about Durendal
◈I love you
◈I like you too
◈Nothing serious
◈Of course
Dancing Queen – Be on Elea’s path in Chapter 4.
◈Queen who?
◈No. A deal is a deal
◈First you answer my questions
◈Planning more lies?
◈Confrontational response x5
Let it go! – You went full confrontational in a tense situation.
◈Now I want to see her
◈We broke up
◈Get me a mead, too
◈I need to think about that
◈Stay for one more drink?
◈You dodged the question
◈I’m on nobody’s side
◈Talk to you
◈What’s wrong with her?
◈Kill her
No Mercy – Show no mercy, rules are rules.
◈Go to your apartment
◈{Continue story}
Love hurts, love scars – Love wounds and marks
◈Go alone
◈Feel free to join
◈Put a hand on her leg
◈Take it further
◈Let’s go there
◈Hell yeah
Stay Friends – Accept Anissa’s proposition in Chapter 2.
◈No x2
◈Sit down
◈Ask the other guy, please
◈Stop her
◈Push her away
◈Tease him
◈Thank her
◈We work together. For now
◈I have other plans
◈I’m in
◈Go shopping with Anissa
◈Broke up with my girlfriend
◈Damn hot
◈Too much fabric
◈I need to see the other side
◈Eye♥♥♥♥ her
◈Of course
◈Keep going
Hayfever – We need more tissues!
◈Stop her
The Changing Room – It’s for changing clothes.
◈Give her your jacket
Well Prepared – Show Fiona how you prepare for a date.
◈I can’t
◈{Continue story}
You Are Better Than That! – Convince Kaija to fight for the right thing.
◈You’re right
◈Can we stay a few minutes longer?
◈Hold her hand
◈They have it under control
◈Like my safety was?
Cold As Ice – Everyone fights their own battles.
Shakespeare’s Legacy – Crack a joke in a tense situation.
◈Good night, Kari
◈(Look at Kate) Me too
No Ugly Coyote – Spend some time with Kate at Morrisey’s.
◈I like it
◈Offer help with the move
◈Put a hand on her thigh
Hidden Intentions – Get Kate’s full scene at Morrisey’s.
◈Tease him
◈Tease him again
◈And again
Pari e dispari – Pistachio. Always Pisatchio.
◈Burn bridges
No more Family! – Burn bridges with your family.
◈Bet is on
◈Fight Kaija
◈Try a feint and then a low kick
◈Don’t ask
◈Thank her
◈We work together. For now
◈I have other plans
◈Go to the Templar headquarters
◈Go to the bar
◈I don’t mind
◈Can you explain the Templar ranks?
◈The Storming of the Bastille?
◈Go through all remaining options in order
◈I can deal with him
◈Ask her if she would train you
◈Maybe we can do this again?
◈He was right
◈You’re right
◈Can we stay a few minutes longer?
◈Hold her hand
◈We need to help them
◈I acted out of instinct!
◈Step in
◈Diplomatic answer
◈Let her in
◈I want to continue
◈Take off the shirt
◈A bunch of politicians
◈Check her out
◈Stop this playthrough here.