The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia – All Texts

Just all the texts in the game that you have to write when battling bosses.

The Guide

This is meant as a way to see what bosses have enough letters for the 250 combo achievement. It can also be used to make macros that writes all the words but use it as you please.

Caesar The Thief

characters count: 63

shut up
redeem yourself at once
wretched soul cease your existence of crime

Magda The Possesses

Characters count: 166

saint michael the archangel
defend us in our battle against the darkness
against powers and the spirits of evil in the high places
for the powers granted to me i banish you monster from this vessel amen

Matthew The Gangster

Characters count: 253

witness the cross of the lord flee away ye hostiles
may thy mercy o lord rest upon us for we have hope
the lion of the tribe of judah the root of david hath conquered
we cast you out every unclean spirit every satanic power and onslaught
cursed dragon we adjure you may the lord be with you and with thy spirit amen

Enoch Varg The Devil’s Son

Characters count: 343

behold the ancient enemy and murderer strongly raises his head
fight the lord battles with the undefeated army of the angels
as once thou didst fight the first apostate and he prevailed not
where the sea of peter has been settled for the light of the gentiles
where the behemoth was cast out the serpent called the devil seduced the world
pray the god of peace to crush satan may he no more be able to harm innocents amen

Mother Superior

Characters count: 306

in nomine dei patris omnipotentis exorcizo te
et in nomine jesu christi et in virtute spiritus sancti
ut descedas ab hoc plasmate dei et quod dominus noster
ad templum sanctum suum vocare est ut fiat templum dei vivi
crux sacra sit mihi lux nunquam draco sit mihi dux vade retro satana
ego te linio oleo salutis in christo jesu domino nostro ut habeas vitam aeternam amen

Demon Phrase

ego voco diaboli


Characters count: 449

the sacred sign of the cross the glorious mother of god commands you
regna terrae cantata deo psallite cernunnos regna terrae cantata dea psallite aradia
caeli deus humiliter majestati gloriae tuae supplicamus ut ab omni infernalium spirituum potestate
ab insidiis diaboli libera nos dominates ut coven tuam secura tibi libertate servire facias te rogamus audi nos
terriblis deus sanctuario suo cernunnos ipse truderit virtutem plebi suae aradia ipse fortitudinem plebi suae

may his soul through the mercy of god rest in peace amen

Head Guard Furius

some of the text is scrambled so let me know if someone wanna “unscramble it”

Characters count: 466

begone satan master of all deceit and enemy of human salvation
princeps gloriosissime caelestis militiae sancte michael archangele defende nos
veni in auxiuitm hominum quos deus crevati ineilaibrexetmens et ad inanimge suae fecti
adesto itaque dux invictissime populo dei contra irrumpentes spirituales nequitias et fac victoriam
ubi sdese ptire et ctardhae veisrtait ad lcmue gnemtui ctsttiouna est ibi tounhrm pnetsouru asnooitnaimbi
sed projectus est draco ille magnus sspener ausuqnit qiu vctuaro sanaast qiu seuticd usvirmune omebr amen.

Exorcists Showdown

Characters count: 450

in the name and by the power of our lord jesus christ we chant
may you be snatched away from this fiend and redeemed by the divine
transfiguratus in angelum lucis c-um tota malignorum spirituum caterva late circuit
ecclesiam agni immaculati sponsam faverrimi hostes repleverunt amaritudinibus inebriarunt absinthio
virus nequitiae suae tamquam flumen immundissimum draco maleficus transfundit in homines depravatos mente
ut in ea deleat nomen dei ad aeternae gloriae coronam destinatas furetur mactet ac perdat ininteritum amen

Laurentius IV

Characters count: 449

vade satana inventor et magister omnis fallacie hostis humanae
da locum ecclesiae uni sanctae quam christus ipse acquisivit sanguine suo
humiliare sub potenti manu dei contremisce a nobis sancto et terribili nomine jesu
quem inferi tremunt cui virtutles subjectae sunt quem seraphim seraphim indefessis vocibus audant
dicentes sanctus dominue deus sabaoth domine elxaudi orationem meam et camor meus ad te veniat
gloriae tuae supplicamus ut ab omni infernalium spiritum potestate laqueo deceptione nos potenter liberare amen

The Gates of Hell

Characters count: 475

exsurgat deus et dissipentur inimici ejus et fugiant qui oderunt eum a facie ejus

judica domine nocentes me expugna impugnantes me confundantur quaerentes animam meam
quoniam gratis absconderunt mihi interitum laquei sui supervacue exprobaverunt animam meam
sicut deficit fumus deficiant sicut fluit cera a facie ignis sic pereant peccatores a facie dei
avertantur retorsum et confundantur cogitantes mahi mala fiant tamquam palvis ante faciem venti
gloria patri et filio et spiritus sancto sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper in saecula seculorum amen