Home > The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt > The Witcher 3: Gwent Skellige Style Walkthrough

The Witcher 3: Gwent Skellige Style Walkthrough

Gwent Skellige Style Walkthrough

This quest can be acquired via a notice posted on the Kaer Trolde Harbour Notice board in Ard Skellig.

As with the other Gwent side-quests ‘Gwent: Skellige Style’ requires you to track down and play Gwent against a series of four increasingly difficult opponents. As you approach each of the challengers, you need to speak with them to start a match, during this conversation you can bet Crowns – if you win, you’ll double your deposit and if you lose you’ll lose it all.

You can find the Gwent players associated with this side-quest in the following locations:


Location: Found either at the Druid camp at Gedyneith, eastern Ard Skellig or at Kaer Trolde Keep depending on progression.

Ermion plays with a Monsters faction deck and he focuses on the Muster ability. He the full set of Vampires, Arachas, Nekkers and Ghouls and will try to wheel them out in quick succession. In addition to this, he also has access to most of the Monster Heroes. He’ll also use Scorch at least once in the match and also has the ‘Villentretenmerth’ card – so keep an eye on your front row strength values (and keep the total under 10) until he plays it. I found that the best strategy against him is to try to get him to use as many Musters as possible early on – use high level units and Decoys (if possible) to get him to overcommit in the first round. A Northern Real deck (which should be stacked with heroes and Tight Bond cards by now) should have little trouble against him.

Defeating him will earn you the ‘Leshen’ Gwent card.

  • Note: For beating Ermion you’ll earn 25XP.

After defeating Ermion, he’ll update your objectives with another pair of Gwenters to beat – Crach an Craite at Kaer Trolde Harbour and Gremist, also at Gedyneith. As we are already at Gedyneith, let’s head over and challenge Gremist first.


Location: Found at the Druid camp at Gedyneith, eastern Ard Skellig.

If you haven’t bumped into Gremist before, as you approach him he’ll be in a heated conversation with another Druid. No matter what you do he won’t talk to you at this point. As such, instead of doing that, wait for the other Druid to leave before following him and speaking with him to kick off the side-quest ‘Practicum in Advanced Alchemy’. Complete this side-mission to be able to challenge Gremist.

Gremist plays with a Nilfgaardian Empire deck and his deck has a focus on units consisting primarily of Medic and Tight Bond cards. He’ll most likely use a Spy Card at some point and definitely pinch and recycle any that you play with Decoy cards. The most bothersome aspect of Gremist’s strategy is that he has a LOT of Medic cards (including the ‘Yennefer of Vendenberg’ card) and will constantly use them to revive either discarded Medic cards, Tight Bond cards or high value strength cards to repopulate his side of the board – so be ready for that!

With a well-constructed Northern Realms deck featuring some Tight Bond Units (Blue Stripes Commando + Catapults), Decoys and Spy/Medic cards, you should have no trouble overwhelming him. As always, it’s also a wise move to switch your leader variant to Foltest with the ability to cast clear weather to help out if you get in a bind in the later rounds.

Defeating him will earn you the ‘Mysterious Elf/Avalla’ch’ Gwent card.

  • Note: For beating Gremist you’ll earn 25XP.

Crach an Craite

Location: Can be found in his quarters in Kear Trolde Keep, Ard Skellig.

Crach plays with a Monsters faction deck and although he plays in a similar fashion to Ermion, he focuses less on the Muster ability and more on high strength cards. He the full set of Endrega Muster cards and will try to get them out at some point. In addition to this, he also has access to most of the high strength Monster cards and a hero or two. As with most Gwent quest players, he’s also keen to use Scorch at some time before the end of the game. A Northern Real deck (which should be stacked with heroes and Tight Bond cards by now) should have little trouble against him.

Defeating him will earn you the ‘Draug’ Gwent card.

  • Note: For beating Crach you’ll earn 25XP.

After defeating Crach, he’ll send you to play against a fellow names Sjusta who can be found in Kaer Trolde Harbour.


Location: Found in one of the houses opposite the Inn in Kaer Trolde Harbour, Ard Skellig.

Sjusta plays with a Northern Realms deck and uses Spy cards and Decoys when available. This fellow has the ‘Yennefer of Vendenberg’ card in his deck, so watch out for a powerful unit card to come back with the associated Medic ability. He’ll also use Scorch at least once (but up to 3 times) in the match and also has the ‘Villentretenmerth’ card – so keep an eye on your front row strength values (and keep the total under 10) until he plays it. Using the Northern Realms, you should be able to use your Decoy cards and Spy/Medic abilities to quickly gain some additional cards in your hand. You’ll also want to try and get him to overcommit early so that you’ll be able to outlast him with your larger hand.

Defeating him will earn you the ‘Yaevinn’ Gwent card.

  • Note: For beating Sjusta you’ll earn 25XP.

With all of the other challenges out of the way, the final Gwent player we need to best is Jarl Madman Lugos who can be found in Kaer Murie, southern Ard Skellig.

Madman Lugos

Location: Found in his quarters at Kaer Murie, southern Ard Skellig.

Note: If you fail to play and beat the Madman Lugos at Gwent before completing the ‘King’s Gambit’ side-quest you can find the unique ‘Gwent Card Vampire: Katakan’ in a small lockbox on a desk in his quarters.

For beating Madman Lugos/acquiring his special card you’ll earn 25XP.

For beating all five players you’ll earn the one of the Nilfgaardian Empire deck leader card variants ‘Emhyr: The White Flame’.

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