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This guide will tell you which calls you recieve will be false alarms.
Other This Is the Police 2 Guides:
- This Is the Police 2 Tips and Tricks
- This Is the Police 2 Guide to Investigations
- This Is the Police 2 Scanner Codes
- This is the Police 2 A Comprehensive Guide to Sharpwood’s Finest
These calls can happen on any day, I’ve just listed them in the day and order that happened to my current save.
False Alarms (Before I Started Recording Them)
I think there are two or three calls that turn out to be false alarms before I started to record them. The only one I can remember, however, is the call reporting animal abuse that involved a guy waving a stick at his dog. It turned out he was just playing fetch with his dog.
November 26
The child was playing with bandit with a toy gun. He doesn’t pose any threat. For now.
November 29
The girl wasn’t really being kidnapped. ‘Bride stealing’ is a traditional ritual for the Kazakh people, and the family custom of the newlyweds.
Mrs. Cranters’ friend is all right. She was speaking loudly on the phone, which was interfering with her husband watching the hockey game on TV. Her husband became angry, yelled at her, and tore the telephone cable out of the wall.
November 30
The crowd of angry people turned out to be a harmless line of postal customers waiting to pick up their parcels. The people were only slightly unahppy with the speed of the line. Many had to stand in the cold, because everyone simply couldn’t fit inside the post office.
The girl isn’t a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, but the priest’s daughter. She just likes to wear short skirts.
A corpse had been placed on a rusty gurney. The rickety thing gave out and crashed onto the floor under the weight. That was the sound that scared the orderly.
The man wasn’t selling combat weapons. He was offering toy guns only. He figured that the rich people’s children like to play “war” too.
The bank was celebrating the bank manager’s birthday, and they’d invited the famous bard Dragomir Almaz to perform some experimental music.
December 1
Suspicious Individual (5-69)
The “sniper” was a crippled bum with a walking stick, who was digging around in the contstruction debris along the upper bleachers of the dilapidated stadium.
Attempted Murder (5-26)
The guy wasn’t threatening the girl with murder, but just trying to make a joke. He works as a waiter and poses no threat.
Suspicious Item (5-70)
The bag beside the grave was no military missile. It contained the corpse of an elderly man who didn’t have the money for a proper funeral.
December 4
Extortion (5-55)
The nurse didn’t do anything illegal: she just wanted the patient to pay for some expensive medicines that were bought specially for him. The elderly man didn’t hear her correctly, and called in the police to sort things out.
December 6
Theft (5-54)
The pigs smelled the bacon crumbs and escaped their pen to help themselves. Together with the man’s food, they accidentally gobbled down the watch that was laying beside it. The case was solved by following the trail of bread crumbs.
December 7
Illegal Arms Sales (5-68)
The men didn’t have any weapons – they were trading rare issues of the managa comic “Kiss of the Lotus”
December 8
Police Impersonation (5-73)
The woman was frightened by a snowman, who the children dressed up as a forest spirit.
December 9
Hostage Situation (5-44)
A drunk man fell in love with the pharmacist, and was loudly declaring that she’d stolen his heart. The man has already recieved a solid slap in the face, and was sent home.
Reckless Driving (5-12)
Some children were playing loudly near the woman’s house, imagining themselves racecar drivers. They’ve already been called home for dinner.
December 11
Fight (5-24): Forest
It turned out that men weren’t fighting, but sparing. They’re fond of martial arts, and were just having some exercise in the fresh air, wearing their kimonos.
Extortion (5-55): Trailer Park
The single mother was late again for the rent on the trailer, and the owner was merely reminding her about it.
December 12
Missing Person (5-48)
Eddie McGreen suffers from dementia, and forgets that his wife passed away five years ago. He often wanders the town looking for her. His granddaughter is taking the elderly man home.
Drug Use (5-65)
The boy really was truant, but he was only smoking ordinary cigarettes. Neither of which is actually a crime.
December 13
Counterfeiting (5-72)
An old woman simply had a freshly-printed bill, and was mistaken in sounding the alarm.
Assault (5-30): Beauty and the Beast Hair Salon
The hairdresser persuaded the woman to try a homemade facial mask made from tree bark. It started to irritate the old woman’s face, so they wiped the cream off – but the woman vowed that someone would have to pay!
Massacre (5-28)
The neighbors are alive. They were just watching “Bloody Shirt 5” at full volume.
Noise Complaint (5-19)
Nobody in the house was being beaten. Mrs. Sixton’s neighbor had hung up a punching bag and was training on it.
Domestic Disturbance (5-23): Jameson Hill
A woman is complaining of terrible noises coming from the neighbors: “That ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is beating Sarah again!”
There wasn’t a fight. The married couple were celebrating their anniversary, and the romantic dinner turned into passionate sex, the sounds of which had alarmed the neighbor.
December 14
Explosion (5-58): Jameson Hill
There was no explosion on the second floor of Zara Avramov’s house. It was just a window slamming and breaking, because of the draft.
Bomb Threat (5-57): Bus Stop
A grandfather is shouting for people to stay away from him, yelling if they approach him closer than 20 years. “Yes, I’m gonna explode! Not one of you scumbags come one step closer!”
The grandfather had dropped his wallet somewhere near the bus stop, and was struggling to find it. He was deliberately keeping people back so they wouldn’t interfere with his search. The only thing exploding was the man’s patience.
Updated: 16.8.2018