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List of conditions required to unlock all the content in the game.
There are several unlockables in this game ranging from galleries, codex, jukebox, and hidden commanders. I will list out all the unlockables in this guide and their unlock conditions. So obviously spoiler alert.
Good luck unlocking them!
There are 3 known commanders that can be unlocked. Once unlocked, they are playable in arcade and multiplayer.
The phantom Princess of the fallen nation of Cacophony.
Unlock Condition:
- Finish campaign Act 7, Mission 2
Mercia after she is taken over by Requiem
Unlock Condition:
- Finish campaign epilogue, which in turn requires 100 stars to unlock
King Mercival II is the ruler of Cherrystone before he was assassinated by Sigrid
Unlock Condition:
- Have at least 151-165 stars (exact number to be discovered)
- In campaign Act 2, Side 1, place Caesar on the statue to the bottom left corner of the map to get Orb 1
- In campaign Act 3, Side 1, place Caesar on the statue to the top of the map to get Orb 2
- In campaign Act 5, Side 1, place Caesar on the statue to the top left corner of the map to get Orb 3
- In campaign Act 6, Side 1, place Caesar on the statue to the bottom right corner of the map to get Orb 4
- You must get the Orb in order, so you can’t get the Orb from Act 3, Side 1 until Act 2, Side 1 is done.
- You must win the map after you got the orb from the statue
- You can play the map on easy
- You must have the required number of stars first otherwise statue will just say “…”
- Possible alternative requirement to stars is to complete all Cherrystone commander on arcade mode, still need to test this
Statue location
Act 2, Side 1
Act 3, Side 1
Act 5, Side 1
Act 6, Side 1
Arcade Mode
Arcade mode is 5 consecutive skirmishes with the selected commander trying to obtain/destroy requiem. It is unlocked by completion of campaign Act 1, Mission 4. However, only Mercia is playable initially, you must complete the remaining campaigns to unlock rest of the commanders.
Here are a list of commanders and the mission required to unlock them in Arcade
Cherrystone Kingdom
- Mercia – Unlocked when you unlock Arcade mode
- Caesar – Complete campaign Act 2, Side 1
- Emeric – Complete campaign Act 3, Mission 2
- Mercival – Unlocked when you unlock the commander
Felheim Legion
- Valder – Complete campaign Act 6, Mission 3
- Ragna – Complete campaign Act 3, Side 2
- Sigrid – Complete campaign Act 6, Side 2
Havensong Empire
- Tenri – Complete campaign Act 4, Side 2
- Koji – Complete campaign Act 5, Mission 1
- Ryota – Complete campaign Act 5, Side 2
Floran Tribes
- Greenfinger – Complete campaign Act 2, Side 2
- Nuru – Complete campaign Act 2, Side 3
- Sedge – Complete campaign Act 4, Side 1
- Elodie – Unlocked when you unlock the commander
- Dark Mercia – Unlocked when you unlock the commander
There are 4 unlockable sections in codex, character lore, character info (age, height, favorite thing and least favorite thing), lore, and fish.
Character lore are unlocked through campaign.
Cherrystone Kingdom
- Mercia – Complete campaign Act 1, Mission 1
- Caesar – Complete campaign Act 2, Side 1
- Emeric – Complete campaign prologue
- Mercival – Unlocked when you unlock the commander
Felheim Legion
- Valder – Complete campaign Act 6, Mission 2
- Ragna – Complete campaign Act 1, Side 3
- Sigrid – Complete campaign Act 3, Mission 3
Havensong Empire
- Tenri – Complete campaign Act 4, Side 2
- Koji – Complete campaign Act 4, Mission 3
- Ryota – Complete campaign Act 4, Mission 2
Floran Tribes
- Greenfinger – Complete campaign Act 2, Mission 2
- Nuru – Complete campaign Act 2, Side 3
- Sedge – Complete campaign Act 2, Side 2
- Elodie – Unlocked when you unlock the commander
- Dark Mercia – Unlocked when you unlock the commander
Commander character info is unlocked when you complete corresponding Commander’s Arcade mode. Except Elodie, Mercival, and Dark Mercia, they are unlocked when the commander is unlocked
Lores are Unlocked throughout the campaign missions except Requiem, which is through Arcade.
- Aurania – Complete campaign Act 1, Mission 4
- Cherrystone – Complete campaign Act 1, Mission 4
- Felheim – Complete campaign Act 1, Mission 2
- Heavensong – Complete campaign Act 4, Mission 1
- Floran – Complete campaign Act 2, Mission 1
- Lost Leagues – Complete campaign Act 3, Side 1
- Cacophony – Complete campaign Act 3, Mission 2
- Magic/Tech – Complete campaign Act 7, Mission 1
- Cherryblade – Complete campaign Act 6, Mission 1
- Fell Gauntlet – Complete campaign Act 6, Mission 3
- Requiem – Complete Elodie’s Arcade mode
- Vampires – Complete campaign Act 3, Mission 1
- Outlaws – Complete campaign Act 5, Mission 1
There are 18 fish codex in the game. They are unlocked by using the “Gone Fishing” groove from Mercival on a water tile (river, ocean, reef, or shore). The 18th fish is the star fish, and it unlocks the final star required for the 200 stars achievement. Because fishing is random, you get repeats, and his groove charges slowly, I made 3 maps to help you catch all the fish faster.
Here are the code for the 3 fishing maps:
Grass Biome: XVA7DF2Y
Desert Biome: TX6V4S8S
Ice Biome: 347Y5DM9
All galleries images are unlocked by stars. The last image requires 200 stars, which basically means you need all the stars possible to get all the images from the gallery.
The only Jukebox entries that can be unlocked are character themes. They are unlocked once you complete their corresponding commander’s Arcade mode. So for example, to unlock the theme for Mercia in the Jukebox, you need to finish Mercia in the Arcade.
Map Editor
Once you unlock Elodie, Dark Mercia, and Mercival, you can also use them in the map editor.