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The Witcher 3: Contract Missing Son Walkthrough

Contract Missing Son Walkthrough

Contract Missing Son Walkthrough: Skellige Isles Witcher Contracts

Start Location: This quest can be acquired via a notice posted on the Rannvaig Notice board in western, central Ard Skellig.

After grabbing the side-quest from the notice board in Rannvaig, you can start it by heading into the town and speaking with an NPC named Odhen. You’ll learn that his son is missing and it’s up to us to find out what happened.

Following the conversation, we’ll have a new objective marker on the map. Hop on your horse and ride to the next point of interest – a small search area encompassing a ruined castle keep.

As you arrive at the search area from the north, activate Witcher Sense and you can inspect the following:

  • A set of monster footprints to examine
  • A corpse by the footprints.

Once you have examined this pair of items, Geralt should be able to figure out what it is we’ll be up against shortly. Rest, meditate and prepare yourself for a fight against a Fiend. When you are ready, enter the main section of the castle ruins to trigger the fight.

Boss: Morvudd (Fiend) – Part 1

As you reach the next search area, you’ll find yourself face to face with a Fiend. If you haven’t fought one before, you’re in for a tricky fight for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Fiends have a lot of health and also boast regenerative powers, so will regain lost health over time. Secondly they are able to cast a Hypnotize status ailment on Geralt, which will disable auto targeting for its duration.

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In addition to its abilities, the Fiend also has some nasty melee and leaping/charge attacks in addition to a nasty head-butt/gore manoeuvre. All of its attacks cover quite a large range and as such we’ll need to dodge/roll away from them as much as possible.

It can be damaged by bomb types including Samum and Devil’s Puffball and will be temporarily stunned by AXII. Importantly, if you can interrupt the hypnotize cast (it will roar when it is starting to do this), things will be much easier. Other than that the fight boils down to standard operating procedure for the larger beasties we’ve fought to date – get a hit or two in, dodge, repeat.

After damaging it enough, the Fiend will run off.

At this stage, Geralt will find himself in the midst of a new search area. Throw on your Witcher Sense and you can inspect the following:

  • The body at the base of the wall of the ruined castle.
  • The Fiend’s footprints leading away from the area.

Activate your Witcher Sense and follow the monsters trail down to the ledge below and then a short distance until the tracks stop at the edge of the river. At this point, cross to the far side and approach the next yellow search area in the ruins.

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Again, switch on Witcher Senses and you can pick up the Fiend’s trail. At this point, you’ll also be close enough to the Fiend that if we turn on Witcher Senses, we’ll be able to locate the red ripple in the environment representing the boss Follow this through until it leads you to another open area by some ruins in which we’ll need to fight once again.

Boss: Morvudd (Fiend) – Part 2

This time around, you’ll be fighting the Fiend to the death. As mentioned above, the boss can be damaged effectively by bomb types including Samum and Devil’s Puffball and will be temporarily stunned by AXII. Importantly, if you can interrupt the Fiend’s hypnotize cast (it will roar when it is starting to do this), things will be much easier. Other than that the fight boils down to standard operating procedure for the larger beasties we’ve fought to date – get a hit or two in, dodge, repeat.

Once the Fiend boss is dead loot its body for the Fiend Trophy and Fiend Mutagen along with any other items of interest it is carrying around.

Note: At this point you’ll earn 25XP.

Before leaving the area, use Geralt’s Witcher senses once again to locate a body by the wall at the northern end of the area. Inspect this to have your objectives update.

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With the Fiend Trophy in your possession, return to Odhen in the village of Rannvaig to hand in the side-quest.

Note: At this point, you’ll earn 300XP and 204 Crowns.

Note: For completing this Witcher Contract, you’ll earn the achievement/trophy ‘Fiend or Foe?’

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