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Witcher 3 How to Beat Hagubman (Nekker Warrior)

How to Beat Hagubman (Nekker Warrior)

The boss Nekker is quite similar to those you have fought in the game so far, he just has significantly more health and can do a lot more damage with his attacks. He performs the same general melee swipes and leap attacks as you would see from a regular Nekker, and by this stage you should be adept at blocking/dodging these!

At several points during the fight Hagubman will burrow into the earth and summon a group of four level 13-14 Nekkers. We’ll be required to defeat the group of Nekkers before the boss will return. The boss himself can be knocked down by a blast of AARD, stunned by AXII, slowed by YRDEN and will take damage from IGNI. His biggest weakness however is Northern Wind Bombs which will dish out significant damage.

Once the Nekker Warrior is dead, loot the body for the Nekker Warrior Trophy, Nekker Warrior Mutagen and any other goodies it was carrying.

Witcher 3 Hagubman (Nekken Warrior)

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