Yu Escape Monday Walkthrough Guide (Official)

Here is the place the walkthrough will be released in after the game is released! Stay tuned and stay funky.

Yu Escape Monday Walkthrough

Here’s how you find the fruit combination for Shi’s lock and claim your breakfast (and your sexy surprise):

  • Switch on the Power Strip besides the bed. This turns on the Slotmachine and the Apple Computer
  • Look behind the Picture Frame on the table left of the door. There, you’ll find a Key.
  • Use the Key to open the Closet.
  • Search the waste bin and take out the Heart Key.
  • Use the heart key to open the heart box inside the closet and take out the USB Stick.
  • Insert the USB Stick into the Apple computer. The Apple Screen now displays a big fat 1 (and a small apple).

The first fruit is an apple.

  • Inspect the clothing combination in the Closet: A red wig, a blue bustier and a beige body.
  • Inspect Yu’s Box. Inside, find the stamp with the girl that has that specific color combination. She holds a Banana. The stamp costs 2ct.

The second fruit is a banana.

  • Inspect the Slotmachine. The picture shows this equation: 7 – banana = cherry.
  • Subtract the banana’s value (2) from 7 to get 5.

The fifth fruit is a cherry.

  • Press the Hidden Button on the right wall. A Safe is revealed on the left wall.
  • Gather the Poster Half from under Shi’s bed and complete the torn Poster.
  • The Safe needs the correct combination. Look at the color stripe below the safe door and compare it to the Poster with the fruit ice.
  • There’s 1 melon, 2 plums, 8 raspberries and 0 yellow fruits. The combination is 1280.
  • Inside the safe, you’ll find a Coconut. Use it on the nutcracker.
  • Inside the coconut is a message: Before the red fruit comes a violet fruit! The only red fruit that can have something before it is the cherry.

The fourth fruit is a (violet) aubergine.

  • Inspect the book on Shi’s Bedside Table. Inside, you’ll find a message: The pear comes in either third or fourth place. We already know the fourth place is an aubergine.

The third fruit is a pear.

The correct combination is:

  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Pear
  • Aubergine
  • Cherry

And that’s it! Have fun with Shi!

If that was too easy for you, check out Shi’s SEXTra Challenge – for sexy hardcore escape artists only!