Defending Lydia Collier Walkthrough Guide

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough for unlocking all achievements and scenes in Defending Lydia Collier.

Defending Lydia Collier Walkthrough Guide

Guide to getting all of the achievements and scenes in the game.

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideNaughty Girls achievement is currently bugged and does not work correctly.

Walkthrough Pt 1

◈Start a new game
◈I confirm I am at least 18 years of age…
◈Name yourself
◈Give her a bonus
◈No! It was nice, don’t worry about it
◈Stare at her arse
◈Offer to pay for her
◈Open WWW
◈Deposit $50 x4
◈Choose England to beat Australia -> Bet $50
◈Back -> Click the black pencil & note icon (projects folder)
◈Choose Helton Pest Control -> Get to work!
◈Click Tap to Unlock
◈Click the top-right red icon (Our Moments)
◈Click the photo
◈Click Search
◈Click Ellie
◈Click Follow Elliewickes2000! at the bottom
◈Click the home button at bottom of phone
◈Click door icon at top-left of screen
◈Stay and watch the Second Half
◈Well you look stunning
◈Ask for her number
◈Go to Sleep

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideOn The First Day – Complete the first day.

◈Click ‘Click to dismiss’
◈Click New Message
◈Click Steph -> 1
◈Click the home button at bottom of phone
◈Click door icon at top-left of screen
◈Go inside
◈How long have you been separated?
◈Where were you when it was taken?
◈Tell me about his new girlfriend
◈How long had they been together? She could be a suspect
◈So you were still on good terms even though that was happening?
◈Where did you go on the date and who with? It could give you an alibi?
◈What was her name?
◈What type of car was it?
◈Can we stick to either facts or questions, rather than insinuations, please Sergeant
◈Why weren’t we shown these beforehand?
◈That isn’t at all relevant
◈Enough DS Truman, that isn’t a question
◈Enough of this!
◈Open Ellie’s email
◈View all docs
◈There’s nothing to be questioned about those documents
◈Browse through your phone
◈Masturbate whilst looking through your phone
◈Open the Our Moments app and follow Jenna and Fleur
◈Close phone

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Big Cheese – Complete the second day.

◈Speak to Yennifer, the lady Lydia said she was on a date with
◈Open WWW -> Click BETONE
◈Russia to beat Canada -> Bet $50
◈Click WWW -> Web Search
◈Search for Councillor Yennifer and read the article
◈Close laptop
◈Glance at Ellie’s chest
◈Well they say feeling good and looking good go hand in hand
◈You need to tell me the truth, I’m here to help you
◈Chief Inspector, unless she has a point can you keep your theories private?
◈Go into the other room with Lydia
◈Would you like a lift? I’ve parked just outside
◈I’d quite like to see you again actually
◈Go straight to bed
◈Go to sleep

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideWhodunit – Complete the third day.

◈Get dressed and head outside
◈Hey, before you go, what are you up to this evening?
◈Eat breakfast and leave
◈Stare at Ellie’s arse
◈Leave the court
◈Hug her
◈Check out her arse
◈Go home

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideDate Night – Take a girl out on a date.

◈Drive to the restaurant
◈Keep eye contact with her
◈Maybe, but I’m not promising anything
◈Drive home

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideBailed Out – Complete the fourth day.

◈Focus on Helton Pest Control please
◈Wait until the traffic clears
◈We could always spend some time together
◈Head to the garage
◈Try and see if you can get into the club and find Ellie
◈Go inside


◈Dance with Ellie
◈Go home

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Plot Thickens – Complete the fifth day.

◈Shower and leave for Ironstar
◈Check out Eve
◈Drive to the garage
◈There was a note for Eve
◈Finish driving home
◈Use your phone
◈Click New Message
◈Click Vanessa -> 1
◈Back -> Our Moments app
◈Search for and follow Tanya
◈Close phone
◈Proceed with your day
◈Get ready and go to Vanessa’s house
◈Check Tiffany out
◈Check out her tattoo
◈Control yourself
◈Don’t stare at her in front of Vanessa
◈Go home

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideLeviathans – Complete the sixth day.

◈Check your phone
◈New Message -> Vanessa -> Close phone
◈Have a quick look at your laptop
◈Choose Taylor Jensen, Unleashed Energy -> Bet $50
◈Close laptop
◈Get to training
◈Leave it for Stanley
◈Aim very slightly to the right as I’m right-footed
◈Refrain yourself
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideTouch, Pause, Engage! – Complete the seventh day.

◈Quickly check your phone
◈New Message -> Click Ellie -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Head to Ernie’s house
◈No, guns are illegal here for a reason and I can’t take it
◈Head to the office

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideLover, Not A Fighter – Turn down the chance to arm yourself.

◈You look beautiful
◈Not at all
◈Watch the CCTV with Ellie
◈Yeah, just the two of us
◈Use your laptop
◈Choose Spain to win -> Bet $50
◈Close laptop
◈Speak with Ellie
◈Ask Ellie out to dinner
◈Head home
◈Pay and leave
◈Drive Ellie home
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideA New Week – Complete the eighth day.

Walkthrough Pt 2

◈Did you want to accompany me to the business lunch I’m heading to in a bit?
◈Use your laptop
◈Choose England to win -> Bet $50
◈Close laptop
◈Check your phone
◈Open Our Moments app -> Search for Chloe, Samantha, and Emma and follow them
◈Close phone
◈Leave to meet Connie
◈Drive to the restaurant to meet Miss Frankland
◈Drive Ellie home


◈Well if neither of us are doing anything…
◈I’d better just grab a quick bite to eat and then head to meet Ellie
◈Sit and watch the rest of the game with Ellie
◈Walk Ellie back to your apartment

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideCalling In The Cavalry – Complete the ninth day.

◈Go down on Ellie and give her a surprise
◈I’ll hold you to it. I can’t wait
◈Make your way to work
◈New Message -> Click Ellie -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Have a snoop around Ellie’s PC
◈Click Whistle -> Read messages
◈Close laptop
◈Click New Message -> Click Ellie
◈Close phone
◈Explain why you shouldn’t use a condom that old
◈Keep it hidden from her
◈Go home
◈Call Jenna
◈Lead the way
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideRisky Business – Head in without protection.

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideOnly Want One Thing – Fulfil every guy’s dream.

◈Creampie Jenna

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideBaby Mama – Take a risk.

◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideHere Comes My Hero – Complete the tenth day.

◈Peek at Georgia’s bum
◈Focus on her
◈We won’t involve the American legal system at all, jurisdiction will lie in Anguilla as the contract’s nominated port is there
◈They have a duty to deliver the goods ‘over the rails’ of the nominated ship
◈You could cancel it, but you could also seek a court order to deliver the barrels onto the ship, and damages for any losses

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideTop Marks – Answer all of Kylie’s questions correctly.

◈Choose Redhill Redcoats to win -> Bet $50
◈Read your emails
◈Close laptop
◈New Message -> Click Connie Frankland -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Cat Woman
◈New Message -> Click Connie Frankland -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Would you mind if we played a couple of hands?
◈Offer to pay Lydia’s $10 buy in
◈Raise by $1
◈Raise by $1
◈Bet $1 to stay in
◈Up your stake to two pounds to stay in
◈Check x2
◈Raise by one pound
◈Match Lydia’s raise
◈Call x2
◈Go all in
◈Slowly drive back
◈Click the USB icon -> Read all options
◈Close laptop
◈End relationship with Vanessa
◈Absolutely, I love seeing this side of you
◈Try and use Ellie’s computer -> Read Whistle messages
◈Close laptop
◈Look through your phone
◈Open Our Moments app -> Search for and follow Tiffany
◈Close phone


◈Pick right team (Kylie’s Pub Crew) -> Join Crew -> Confirm
◈A week please
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement Guide5 O’Clock Somewhere – Choose Kylie’s Pub Crew as your partners in the investigation.

◈Read Connie’s email -> Download
◈Close laptop
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideStakeout – Complete the eleventh day.

◈Time for gains!!
◈Click the USB icon -> Read all options
◈Close laptop
◈She’s hired!
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Assistant – Romance Ellie and get her as your girlfriend.

◈Help her with your fingers
◈Squeeze Lydia’s arse
◈Unlock phone
◈Close phone
◈I’m a single man, I’ll have you know…
◈Ask Maisie to help you jerk off
◈Send her $50

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Oldest Profession – Pay for a lady’s services.

◈Choose Austria to win -> Bet $50

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideHot Streak – Win six different bets using the computer.

◈Read new emails
◈Close laptop
◈Pick Frank, Lisa, and Xiuquin
◈Confirm x2
◈Have Darren investigate Xiuquin
◈Have Ella investigate Lisa
◈Have Kylie investigate Frank
◈Something really naughty
◈Send her $50
◈Look through Ellie’s computer -> Read Whistle messages
◈Close laptop
◈Keep watching this quiz show
◈Click the crew app and read reports
◈I’m ready to choose who to send Bedivere after!
◈I’m ready to pick
◈Pick Frank -> Confirm
◈Click New Message -> Click Ellie
◈Close phone

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideI Scream, You Scream – Complete the twelfth day.

◈Make Sam clean the office
◈Go through all options except news stories
◈Make the choice
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideSleepover – Stay over at Ellie’s house.

◈It will be okay for one time
◈Yes, how about…?
◈Choose your name
◈Check your new emails -> Close laptop
◈She asked for them…
◈I meant it, I love you

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideFirst Amongst Men – Be the first man in Ellie’s life.


◈Ellie’s right, she did get naked in front of us
◈Don’t rock the boat and leave it as it is
◈I thought I’d help you fix the oven, I think you mentioned the bulb needed replacing?
◈Would you like to come with me and use my gym, I haven’t been yet this morning?
◈Carry on as you were
◈Don’t say anything
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop
◈♥♥♥ inside Ellie
◈Try for anal
◈Creampie her
◈Take all your clothes off, including your boxers
◈Let Lydia win
◈Stare at her boobs
◈Lead the way!
◈That would interest me a lot

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideHomewrecker – Get a girlfriend, and then be disloyal to her.

◈Go and see Jenna
◈Creampie Jenna
◈Option C
◈Go and try the bathroom door
◈Knock on the door and wait
◈Just admiring how pretty you are
◈You’re welcome

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideMr. Popular – Go on four different dates.

◈Purple – Steak & Mushrooms
◈Let’s give your arse a try then
◈Decide who to send
◈Send Kylie
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop, head back to bed

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Mansion – Complete the thirteenth day.

◈Just use the one right in front of you
◈That’s a really weird thought and I’m not going to be doing that…
◈Use Ellie’s sex toy on her arse whilst you ♥♥♥♥ her
◈Don’t mention it
◈Check new emails
◈Close laptop
◈Yes, let me choose who to send
◈Follow the Receipt Trail
◈River Road Car Park
◈The Second Montgomery Hotel Room
◈Sure, send me the address
◈Yeah, I was just coming to see you were okay…
◈Be nice to her, she really does want to get along with you
◈♥♥♥♥ Lydia’s ♥♥♥♥♥
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideDungeon Master – Complete the fourteenth day.

Walkthrough Pt 3

◈Start a new game
◈Name yourself
◈Give her a bonus
◈No! It was nice, don’t worry about it
◈Go back to your desk
◈Offer to pay for her
◈Projects -> Divine Health -> Get to work!
◈Unlock phone and follow Ellie in Our Moments app -> Close phone
◈Stay and watch the Second Half
◈Well, you look stunning
◈Ask for her number
◈Go to sleep
◈Dismiss phone notification
◈Read Steph’s message -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Go inside
◈How long have you been separated?
◈Where were you when it was taken?
◈Tell me about his new girlfriend
◈How long had they been together? She could be a suspect
◈So you were still on good terms even though that was happening?
◈Where did you go on the date and who with? It could give you an alibi?
◈What was her name?
◈What type of car was it?
◈Remain silent x5
◈Open Ellie’s email
◈View all docs
◈There’s something wrong with the Marriage Certificate
◈Browse through phone
◈Just browse through your phone normally…
◈Search for and follow Jenna and Fleur -> Close phone
◈Investigate what really happened to Lydia’s car
◈Open BETONE app -> Thanks!
◈Close laptop
◈Save a copy of it
◈Leave the CCTV as you found it
◈…The TITAN Vehicle
◈Keep your eyes on her face
◈Well they say feeling good and looking good go hand in hand
◈You need to tell me the truth, I’m here to help you
◈Say nothing
◈Go into the other room with Lydia
◈Well good luck with that, take care of Lydia
◈Go straight to bed
◈Go to sleep
◈Get dressed and head outside
◈Gentle jog
◈How about you let me take you our for dinner later then?
◈Eat breakfast and leave
◈Just keep walking
◈Leave the court
◈Hug her
◈Check out her arse
◈Go home
◈Check your phone
◈Read Steph’s message and reply -> Close phone
◈Focus on Steph
◈Focus on your meal
◈Stare at Steph’s arse
◈Pay attention to Steph
◈Look at Steph’s face
◈I’ll pay
◈Pay and leave the restaurant
◈Sounds like a plan, let’s go!
◈Let’s go
◈Give him directions to your flat
◈Choke her
◈Go to sleep


◈Focus on Divine Health please
◈Wait until the traffic clears
◈We could always spend some time together
◈Head to the garage
◈Put in some overtime and do some more work
◈Work on Divine Health’s NDA
◈Shower and leave for Ironstar
◈Check out Eve
◈Drive to the garage
◈There was a note for Eve
◈Finish driving home
◈Use your phone
◈Read new message from Steph -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Proceed with your day
◈Go to Steph’s house
◈Hold her steady
◈Finish eating your food
◈Everybody as a past, I’m not going to hold it against you
◈Kiss with tongue
◈Get dressed and go home
◈Check your phone -> New message from Steph -> Close phone
◈Get to training
◈Take the ball yourself
◈Refrain yourself
◈Relieve yourself
◈I’ll get it!
◈When would I ever turn down fun with you?
◈You haven’t left my mind all day
◈Firmly grip her throat and start squeezing with some force
◈Can I tie you up?
◈Quickly check your phone -> Ellie message -> 2 -> Close phone
◈Head to Ernie’s house
◈It could be useful, but I don’t know how to use one…
◈Head to the Office

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideShall Not Be Infringed – Arm yourself.

◈I think you look better normally actually
◈Not at all
◈Watch the CCTV with Ellie
◈Make it for three, I’ve got an employee now
◈Speak with Ellie
◈Just go home
◈Head to bed
◈Drive to the office
◈They haven’t threatened me yet, and they’ve done what I’ve asked them with the lights. Refrain ◈from shooting them
◈Take her somewhere else to find out who she is and why she was following you
◈You’re lying to me
◈…Fine. You can go…
◈Leave to meet Connie
◈Drive to the restaurant to meet Miss Frankland
◈Drive Ellie home
◈Well I hope you find something interesting to do
◈Love you too
◈I’d better just grab a quick bite to eat and then head to meet Steph

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuidePick Up Artist – Go on seven different dates.

◈Sit and watch the rest of the game with Steph
◈You’ve convinced me, lead the way…
◈Smack her arse as she walks past
◈Sure, go ahead
◈There is a part of you that doesn’t have any risk of pregnancy…
◈Stick to the plan and gently ♥♥♥♥ her arse
◈Roughly ♥♥♥♥ Steph’s arse
◈We’re not done yet…
◈Use one of the wipes beforehand
◈Good girl, go and get yourself cleaned up
◈Go out and get her a gift to wake up to
◈Quietly have a look at the photos Steph took down
◈Ask Steph to move in with you

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Cop – Romance Stephanie and get her as your girlfriend.

Walkthrough Pt 4

◈Okay, I’ll see if she’s still around
◈Read new message from Steph -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Go to your office
◈Read new message from Steph -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Go on your laptop
◈Projects -> Helton Pest Control -> Get to work!
◈Read new message from Steph -> Close phone
◈Don’t mention it
◈You’re lovely as you are Steph, don’t worry about changing yourself…
◈Leave it with me Dave
◈Keep looking forwards
◈Read new emails
◈Projects -> Helton Pest Control
◈Focus on her
◈We won’t involve the American legal system at all…
◈They have a duty to deliver the goods…
◈You could cancel it…
◈Projects -> Helton Pest Control -> Get to work!

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideLife In Plastic – Finish all four stages of Dr Simona’s NDA and have her collect the finished work.

◈Read new message from Connie -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Wonder Woman
◈Read new message from Connie -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Read new message from Steph -> 1
◈Follow Steph on Our Moments app -> Close phone
◈Would you mind if we played a couple of hands?
◈Offer to pay Lydia’s $10 buy in
◈I’ll fold
◈Up your stake to two pounds to stay in
◈Check x3
◈Call x2
◈Go all in
◈Move into the outside lane and fly down the motorway
◈Click the USB icon and go through all options
◈Close laptop
◈Leave it sealed and give it to her once you’re home
◈Projects -> Helton Pest Control -> Get to work!
◈Go home
◈Yeah, sorry I picked it up by mistake. It’s in the kitchen
◈Use your phone
◈Read new message from Connie -> Close phone
◈Spank her as you walk past
◈Join Ironstar Shipping -> Confirm
◈Ironstar’s new state of the art surveillance warship

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideBritannia Rules The Waves – Choose Ironstar as your partners in the investigation.

◈Let’s get dressed before somebody comes
◈Check new email and download files
◈Close laptop
◈Uh huh. Come here!
◈Why don’t you stay like that whilst you cook it?
◈It’s my flat! If I want to let them hang free I doubt Steph will mind
◈Click the USB icon and go through all options
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Help her with your fingers
◈Squeeze Lydia’s arse
◈Unlock phone -> Close phone
◈Uh, thanks…?
◈I’m okay thanks, I’ll just go. It will disappear in a second
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Pick Frank, Lisa, and Xiuquin
◈Confirm x2
◈Have Pete investigate Xiuquin
◈Have Harry investigate Lisa
◈Have Cecelia investigate Frank
◈Just go home
◈Watch the football instead
◈Try and grab the hard drive
◈Threaten her with the gun
◈Read the 3 reports
◈I’m ready to choose who to send Bedivere after!
◈I’m ready to pick
◈Frank Pitt
◈Just go to sleep
◈Go through all options except news stories
◈Make the choice
◈Don’t invite another woman into Steph’s new home
◈Read new email
◈View new evidence
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done
◈Go and give Steph her hard drive without looking
◈If you want to
◈Take all your clothes off, including your boxers
◈Try and win
◈Look away
◈Lead the way!
◈That would interest me a lot
◈Just go home and see if Steph is ready
◈Get rougher with Steph and start choking her
◈Decide who to send
◈Send Magdalena
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop, head back to bed
◈It’s okay, you don’t need to be ashamed about your past
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Yes, let me choose who to send
◈Guard the initial Montgomery Room
◈River Road Car Park
◈Follow the Receipt Trail
◈Way ahead of you
◈Of course I would
◈Creampie Steph
◈You passed, see you tomorrow morning
◈Don’t mention it

Walkthrough Pt 5


◈Focus on Helton Pest Control please
◈Wait until the traffic clears
◈We could always spend some time together
◈Head to the garage
◈Put in some overtime and do some more work
◈Work on Divine Health’s NDA
◈Shower and leave for Ironstar
◈Check out Eve
◈Drive to the garage
◈There was a note for Eve
◈Finish driving home
◈Use your phone
◈Read new message from Steph -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Proceed with your day
◈Go to Steph’s house
◈Hold her steady
◈Finish eating your food
◈Everybody as a past, I’m not going to hold it against you
◈Kiss with tongue
◈Get dressed and go home
◈Check your phone -> New message from Steph -> Close phone
◈Get to training
◈Take the ball yourself
◈Refrain yourself
◈Relieve yourself
◈I’ll get it!
◈When would I ever turn down fun with you?
◈You haven’t left my mind all day
◈Firmly grip her throat and start squeezing with some force
◈Can I tie you up?
◈Quickly check your phone -> Ellie message -> 2 -> Close phone
◈Head to Ernie’s house
◈It could be useful, but I don’t know how to use one…
◈Head to the Office
◈You look beautiful
◈Not at all
◈Watch the CCTV with Ellie
◈Make it for three, I’ve got an employee now
◈Speak with Ellie
◈Ask Ellie out to dinner
◈Head home
◈Pay and leave
◈Drive Ellie home
◈They haven’t threatened me yet, and they’ve done what I’ve asked them with the lights. Refrain from shooting them
◈Take her somewhere else to find out who she is and why she was following you
◈You’re lying to me
◈…Fine. You can go…
◈Leave to meet Connie
◈Drive to the restaurant to meet Miss Frankland
◈Drive Ellie home
◈Well I hope you find something interesting to do
◈Love you too
◈I’d better just grab a quick bite to eat and then head to meet Steph
◈Sit and watch the rest of the game with Steph
◈You’ve convinced me, lead the way…
◈Smack her arse as she walks past
◈Sure, go ahead
◈There is a part of you that doesn’t have any risk of pregnancy…
◈Stick to the plan and gently ♥♥♥♥ her arse
◈Roughly ♥♥♥♥ Steph’s arse
◈We’re not done yet…
◈Use one of the wipes beforehand
◈Good girl, go and get yourself cleaned up
◈Go out and get her a gift to wake up to
◈Quietly have a look at the photos Steph took down


◈Ask Steph to move in with you
◈Okay, I’ll see if she’s still around
◈Open phone -> Steph message -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Go to your office
◈Open phone -> Steph message -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Go on your laptop
◈Projects -> Helton Pest Control -> Get to work!
◈Open phone -> Steph message -> Close phone
◈Don’t mention it
◈What if you didn’t need a job?
◈Leave it with me Dave
◈Look at Jane
◈Work on the Plastic Surgery’s Non Disclosure Agreement, please
◈Read new emails
◈Projects -> Helton Pest Control
◈Focus on her
◈We won’t involve the American legal system at all…
◈They have a duty to deliver the goods…
◈You could cancel it…
◈Mention Stephanie wanting plastic surgery to the Doctor during the call
◈Projects -> Divine Health -> Get to work!
◈Read new message from Connie -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Wonder Woman
◈Read new message from Connie -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Read new message from Steph -> 1
◈Follow Steph on Our Moments app -> Close phone
◈Yes please, if you don’t mind
◈Move into the outside lane and fly down the motorway
◈Click the USB icon and go through all options
◈Close laptop
◈Leave it sealed and give it to her once you’re home
◈Projects -> Divine Health -> Get to work!
◈Go home
◈Yeah, sorry I picked it up by mistake. It’s in the kitchen
◈Use your phone
◈Read new message from Connie -> Close phone
◈Spank her as you walk past


◈Join Ironstar Shipping -> Confirm
◈Ironstar’s new state of the art surveillance warship
◈Let’s get dressed before somebody comes
◈Check new email and download files
◈Close laptop
◈Uh huh. Come here!
◈Why don’t you stay like that whilst you cook it?
◈It’s my flat! If I want to let them hang free I doubt Steph will mind
◈Click the USB icon and go through all options
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Looks like you’re getting surgery then, I’d be happy to pay
◈Help her with your fingers
◈Squeeze Lydia’s arse
◈Unlock phone -> Close phone
◈Uh, thanks…?
◈I’m okay thanks, I’ll just go. It will disappear in a second
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Pick Frank, Lisa, and Xiuquin
◈Confirm x2
◈Have Pete investigate Xiuquin
◈Have Harry investigate Lisa
◈Have Cecelia investigate Frank
◈Just go home
◈Try and grab the hard drive
◈Threaten her with the gun
◈Read the 3 reports
◈I’m ready to choose who to send Bedivere after!
◈I’m ready to pick
◈Frank Pitt
◈Just go to sleep
◈Go through all options except news stories
◈Make the choice
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideIt’s Fantastic! – Upgrade Stephanie’s appearance.

◈♥♥♥♥ her throat even harder
◈Pull her head back down, she can take it
◈Piss on Steph
◈Just doing it on the floor would be a waste…
◈Kiss her
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Let me do that for you
◈Go and give Steph her hard drive without looking
◈Don’t take them, we’ll see what happens
◈Uh huh, get back to sucking
◈Look back at Steph
◈Smile at her
◈Maybe just in private?
◈I wouldn’t mind you going out in that…
◈Oh no, here is perfect!
◈Okay, I trust you
◈Let’s try it…
◈♥♥♥♥ the Bimbo’s Arsehole
◈I won’t
◈Okay, fine
◈Let’s get the ‘Sparky’ pack
◈Take all your clothes off, including your boxers
◈Try and win
◈Look away
◈Lead the way!
◈That would interest me a lot
◈Give her another shock
◈Go on then
◈Decide who to send
◈Send Magdalena
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop, head back to bed
◈I’ve got a much better view just here anyway
◈Suck Stephanie’s books whilst she watches TV
◈Wait for Stephanie to come out of the toilet and give her a spanking
◈♥♥♥♥ Steph’s arse
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Yes, let me choose who to send
◈Guard the initial Montgomery Room
◈River Road Car Park
◈Follow the Receipt Trail

Walkthrough Pt 6


◈Dance with Tanya
◈Take up her offer
◈Follow Tanya
◈Just pick her up and get on with it

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideDouble Agent – Get with the other team.


◈Well I hope you find something interesting to do
◈I’d better just grab a quick bite to eat, have a shower and call it a day
◈Watch the football
◈Make your way to work
◈Go to your office
◈Explain why you shouldn’t use a condom that old
◈Keep it hidden from her
◈Go home
◈Call Jenna
◈Lead the way
◈Creampie Jenna
◈Look at Jane
◈Work on the Pest Control accounts, please
◈Read new emails
◈Open projects and click Divine Health
◈Focus on her
◈We won’t involve the American legal system at all, jurisdiction will lie in Anguilla as the contract’s nominated port is there
◈They have a duty to deliver the goods ‘over the rails’ of the nominated ship
◈You could cancel it, but you could also seek a court order to deliver the barrels onto the ship, and damages for any losses
◈Open projects and click Divine Health -> Get to work!
◈Open New Message -> Click Connie Frankland -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Wonder Woman
◈Open New Message -> Click Connie Frankland -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Yes please, if you don’t mind
◈Move into the outside lane and fly down the motorway
◈Click USB icon and go through all options
◈Close laptop
◈Sorry, I’m just way too busy
◈Open projects and click Divine Health
◈Get to work!
◈Go home
◈Look through your phone
◈Unlock phone -> Go to Our Moments app -> Search for and follow Tiffany -> Close phone
◈Choose The Boys Team
◈Just tonight please
◈Time for gains!!
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideSight For Sore Eyes – Choose The Boys as your partners in the investigation, and recruit their secret member.

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideTax Avoidance – Finish all four stages of Leona’s accounting and have her collect the finished work.

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideWorkaholic – Complete both the optional work projects.

Walkthrough Pt 7


◈Well I hope you find something interesting to do
◈I’d better just grab a quick bite to eat, have a shower and call it a day
◈Watch the football
◈Make your way to work
◈Have a snoop around Ellie’s PC
◈Read Whistle messages
◈Close laptop
◈Use the ancient condom
◈Keep going and finish inside her
◈Tell Vanessa about the CCTV
◈Go home
◈Call Jenna
◈Lead the way
◈Creampie Jenna
◈Look at Jane
◈Work on the Pest Control accounts, please
◈Read new emails
◈Open projects and click Divine Health
◈Focus on her
◈We won’t involve the American legal system at all, jurisdiction will lie in Anguilla as the contract’s nominated port is there
◈They have a duty to deliver the goods ‘over the rails’ of the nominated ship
◈You could cancel it, but you could also seek a court order to deliver the barrels onto the ship, and damages for any losses
◈Open projects and click Divine Health -> Get to work!
◈Open New Message -> Click Connie Frankland -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Wonder Woman
◈Open New Message -> Click Connie Frankland -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Yes please, if you don’t mind
◈Move into the outside lane and fly down the motorway
◈Click USB icon and go through all options
◈Close laptop
◈Absolutely! When are we going?
◈Tell Vanessa about what happened to Lydia
◈Open projects and click Divine Health -> Get to work!
◈Try and use Ellie’s computer
◈Read Whistle messages
◈Close laptop
◈Unlock phone -> Go to Our Moments app -> Search for and follow Tiffany
◈Open messages app -> Click Vanessa -> 1
◈Close phone
◈Click New Message -> Click Vanessa -> 1
◈Close phone
◈You look great in it
◈Look up!
◈They might be a bit much…
◈I’ll pay
◈Choose The Police Team

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideBest Of Both Worlds – Choose The Police as your partners in the investigation.

◈Climb on top of her
◈Love you too
◈Read new email and download files
◈Close laptop
◈Run on a treadmill…
◈Click USB icon and go through all options
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Help her with your fingers
◈Squeeze Lydia’s arse
◈Unlock phone
◈Close phone
◈I’m a single man, I’ll have you know…
◈Ask Maisie to help you jerk off
◈Send her $500
◈Read new emails
◈Close laptop
◈Pick Xiuqin Shen, Frank Pitt, and Lisa Nandy
◈Confirm this selection x2
◈Have Sergeant Crane investigate Xiuqin Shen
◈Have Miranda investigate Lisa Nandy
◈Have DS Truman investigate Frank Pitt
◈Look through Ellie’s computer
◈Read Whistle messages
◈Close laptop
◈Keep holding Tiffany while she finishes her call
◈Squeeze Tiffany’s bum
◈Just leave it at a light kiss
◈No, it was a little bit rude
◈See if you can hear anything from Tiffany’s room
◈Read investigation reports
◈I’m ready to choose who to send Bedivere after!
◈I’m ready to pick
◈Frank Pitt
◈Just go to bed

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Detective – Romance Vanessa and get her as your girlfriend.

◈Check Sophie out
◈Go through all options except news stories
◈Make the choice
◈Think about something non-sexual
◈Don’t mention it
◈Take it and look through it
◈Look through everything
◈Close tablet
◈I’ve looked at everything I need to
◈Push her in
◈Help Sophie get Tiffany
◈Don’t do it
◈That would be a bad idea
◈Stare at her bum
◈Just pull the curtain
◈♥♥♥ inside her
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Hell yeah, pour away!
◈Grab the towel
◈Close laptop
◈All done
◈Swim back looking at Vanessa
◈Look at Vanessa
◈Swim back looking at Tiffany
◈Yes, let’s have a quiet word with her
◈I’m about to go and ♥♥♥♥ Vanessa, if you wanted to go in your room and listen…
◈Maybe you should take a photo of it so you can remember what Vanessa is going to be sucking on most days?
◈Good idea
◈A threesome with another girl would be amazing
◈Creampie Vanessa
◈Vanessa is a lovely woman with a great personality…
◈Hang back a little
◈Keep waiting


◈Better not mention it
◈What colour panties do you have on?
◈Kiss your favourite person in the group
◈I’ll stay and help clean up
◈Decide who to send
◈Send Stephanie Adwell
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop, head back to bed
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Yes, let me choose who to send
◈The Energy Committee Building
◈River Road Car Park
◈Follow the Receipt Trail
◈Better not, Sophie and Georgia are watching
◈Look down…
◈Find Vanessa
◈Go back to the wedding
◈Check out Taylor’s boobs
◈Focus on the wedding

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideWedding Bells – Attend Tiffany’s Wedding.

◈Focus on her face
◈I’ll pay for the cocktail, plus a wine and a beer please
◈You both do
◈Drive Tiffany back yourself
◈She’ll be at the hospital all night, I’ll stay with you here
◈I wouldn’t mind that…
◈Creampie her

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideConsummation – Take Tiffany back to the island and go indoors.

◈Look through Tiffany’s photos
◈Go through all -> Password for locked is mum
◈Close phone
◈Mark the messages as read and go and join Tiffany in the shower
◈Sounds like I should put it in your arse then
◈Finish in her arse
◈She sure does!
◈Okay, what do you want to know?
◈Tell me more about her sex toys
◈Both, I couldn’t pick one
◈If we were to have a threesome with one of your friends, who would it be?
◈I don’t know yet, we’ll see
◈Alright, we can stop for a minute
◈♥♥♥ inside Tiffany
◈Go for a pee in the sea
◈Of course you can
◈I like you just the way you are, I wouldn’t mind a slutty daughter at all
◈Just look
◈Not at all, don’t worry about it. I understand


◈Sam’s telling the truth, she did it in the corner…
◈French Kiss Her
◈Would you like to come with me…
◈Carry on as you were
◈Nice arse!
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop
◈♥♥♥ inside Ellie
◈No, I’m going to check on Samantha
◈Why don’t we get you the stuff to set up in the shed?
◈Kiss her
◈Get Samantha the more expensive computer
◈Lean in and kiss her
◈Go inside the shed and kiss her
◈I like the sound of that
◈Go in wearing your boxers
◈Try and win
◈Look away
◈Lead the way!
◈That would interest me a lot
◈Option C
◈Go and try the bathroom door
◈Can I use it quickly?
◈Just admiring how pretty you are
◈You’re welcome
◈Oh no, I want to. Make some room!
◈Let’s give your arse a try then
◈Decide who to send
◈Send Kylie
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop, head back to bed
◈Just use the one right in front of you
◈Take a peek into Emma’s room
◈Of course you can
◈Click follow button
◈Click subscribe button
◈Click send gift -> Gift $50
◈Click through rest of the stream
◈Of course I would!
◈Sure, just let me load it up
◈Not as pretty as you
◈I’m going to ♥♥♥!
◈Maybe you should be a bit more revealing on your stream then?

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideContent Creator – Help Samantha launch her streaming career.

◈Stop this playthrough here

Walkthrough Pt 8


◈Ellie’s right, she did get naked in front of us
◈Don’t rock the boat and leave it as it is
◈To tell you you’re going to keep your hands off Samantha in the future
◈Maybe I should spank you and see how you like it?
◈Get a lot rougher with her
◈You haven’t learnt anything…
◈Would you like to come with me…
◈Carry on as you were
◈Nice arse!
◈What’s in it for me?
◈We’ve got ourselves a deal
◈Get on your knees
◈I’ll do it if the opportunity arises
◈Creampie Helena
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop
◈♥♥♥ inside Ellie
◈Don’t move and make her brush up against you and squeeze past
◈No, I’m going to check on Samantha
◈Why don’t we get you the stuff to set up in the shed?
◈Kiss her
◈Get Samantha the more expensive computer
◈Lean in and kiss her
◈Go inside the shed and kiss her
◈I like the sound of that
◈Go and sit on the bed with her and test what Helena said earlier
◈Pay Helena a visit
◈Well we’ll get some alone time again soon
◈Take all your clothes off, including your boxers
◈Try and win
◈Look away
◈Lead the way!
◈That would interest me a lot
◈Option C
◈Go and try Helena’s bathroom
◈Just open the door and go in
◈Very ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
◈Just admiring how pretty you are
◈You’re welcome
◈Oh no, I want to. Make some room!
◈I’ll wait
◈Oh I am, come on we’re going dogging
◈Emma can suck me off whilst you get her ready for me
◈♥♥♥♥ Emma’s Arse
◈♥♥♥ inside Emma
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideGone Dogging – Go out at night with Emma.

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Badmother – Help Helena and get involved with the entire family.


◈Break up with Steph
◈Go and meet Miss Frankland
◈Make your way to work
◈Open phone -> Steph message -> Close phone
◈Go to your office
◈Go on your laptop
◈Projects -> Helton Pest Control -> Get to work!
◈Call Jenna
◈Lead the way
◈Creampie Jenna
◈Look at Jane
◈Work on the Plastic Surgery’s Non Disclosure Agreement, please
◈Read new emails
◈Projects -> Helton Pest Control
◈Focus on her
◈We won’t involve the American legal system at all…
◈They have a duty to deliver the goods…
◈You could cancel it…
◈Projects -> Divine Health -> Get to work!
◈Read new message from Connie -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Wonder Woman
◈Read new message from Connie -> 1 -> Close phone
◈Yes please, if you don’t mind
◈Move into the outside lane and fly down the motorway


◈Take her arm and try and talk to her

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideMission Failed – End your playthrough early with one of the game’s bad endings.


◈Just let her go
◈Click the USB icon and go through all options
◈Close laptop
◈Go home
◈Look through your phone
◈Close phone
◈Join Ironstar Shipping -> Confirm
◈Ironstar’s new state of the art surveillance warship
◈Check new email and download files
◈Close laptop
◈Time for gains!!
◈Click the USB icon and go through all options
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Help her with your fingers
◈Squeeze Lydia’s arse
◈Unlock phone -> Close phone
◈Uh, thanks…?
◈I’m okay thanks, I’ll just go. It will disappear in a second
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Pick Frank, Lisa, and Xiuquin
◈Confirm x2
◈Have Pete investigate Xiuquin
◈Have Harry investigate Lisa
◈Have Cecelia investigate Frank
◈Just go home
◈Watch the football instead
◈Read the 3 reports
◈I’m ready to choose who to send Bedivere after!
◈I’m ready to pick
◈Frank Pitt
◈Unlock phone
◈Close phone
◈Go through all options except news stories
◈Make the choice
◈Call Jenna
◈Thank you, they’re lovely!


◈What about anal?
◈Creampie her


◈Sure, why not?
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done
◈Into Jenna’s vagina instead
◈Creampie Jenna
◈Take all your clothes off, including your boxers
◈Try and win
◈Look away
◈Lead the way!
◈That would interest me a lot
◈Go and see Jenna
◈Creampie Jenna x2
◈Decide who to send
◈Send Magdalena
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop, head back to bed
◈You’d be a great Mum

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideLadies Man – Get the Pick Up Artist achievement, and take Ellie, Lydia, Vanessa, Jenna and Steph on a date.

◈We’ll go and see Lydia after shopping
◈Try them both on, don’t worry about the cost for now
◈Go and peek over the door
◈Have a quick look
◈Try and look over the top
◈Go on, get the panties. I’ll cover them
◈Yes, put all of it on my card
◈I think we can say we’re back together now

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Ex – Get back together with Jenna and have her as your girlfriend once more.

◈Go and join Jenna in the shower
◈Continue x2
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Yes, let me choose who to send
◈Guard the initial Montgomery Room
◈River Road Car Park
◈Follow the Receipt Trail
◈I like the sound of that, what do you want me to do?
◈I think we’ll make a great team
◈You don’t need surgery Lydia, you’re perfect as you are

Walkthrough Pt 9


◈Choose Kylie’s Crew (right)
◈A week please
◈You need to clean my door…
◈Some got on the footwell too…
◈Read new email and download files
◈Close laptop
◈Uh huh. Come here!
◈Why don’t you stay like that whilst you cook it?
◈It’s my flat!…
◈Close laptop
◈Looks like you’re getting surgery then, I’d be happy to pay
◈Help her with your fingers
◈Squeeze Lydia’s arse
◈Open and close phone
◈Uh, thanks…?
◈I’m okay thanks, I’ll just go…
◈Close laptop
◈Choose Xiuqin, Lisa, and Frank
◈Send Darren after Xiuqin
◈Send Connie after Lisa
◈Send Kylie after Frank
◈Just go home
◈Try and grab the hard drive
◈Get lost, I’m not paying you anything
◈Close laptop
◈I’m ready to pick
◈Choose Frank
◈Just go to sleep
◈Go through all options except news stories
◈Let’s meet and have a chat
◈Make the choice
◈How much are we talking?
◈The Cheap Method

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideProblem Solved – Deal with Marissa, permanently.

◈Stop this playthrough here


◈Tell Vanessa about Sophie
◈Go through with, let Vanessa ask Sophie about her fantasies with her
◈What colour panties do you have on?
◈Kiss your favourite person in the group
◈I’ll stay and help clean up
◈Let’s go and get Sophie
◈She can lick my ♥♥♥ out of you, no problem at all

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Quean – Connect Sophie and Vanessa.

◈Decide who to send
◈Send Stephanie Adwell
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop, head back to bed
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Yes, let me choose who to send
◈River Road Car Park
◈Guard the initial Montgomery Room
◈Follow the Receipt Trail
◈Better not, Sophie and Georgia are watching
◈Keep looking at her face
◈Find Vanessa
◈Go back to the wedding
◈Turn around
◈Focus on the wedding
◈Focus on her face
◈If you’re okay with it, absolutely!
◈I’ll pay for the cocktail, plus a wine and a beer please
◈You both do
◈Go and watch Taylor and Georgia
◈Stay and watch
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideCleaning Windows – Get invited inside by Taylor and Georgia.

◈That’s right, let’s just go for a walk on the beach instead
◈After you
◈Don’t you want to watch?
◈Maybe we should have some fun of our own then
◈Make out with Sophie
◈<Your choice>
◈Inside you
◈Not at all, don’t worry about it. I understand


◈How about a threesome with another woman…
◈What about your student, Naomi?
◈Definitely, see what you can do
◈Creampie her
◈Sure, why not?
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done
◈Into Jenna’s vagina instead
◈Creampie Jenna
◈Take all your clothes off, including your boxers
◈Try and win
◈Look away
◈Lead the way!
◈That would interest me a lot
◈Go and see Jenna
◈Creampie Jenna x2
◈Decide who to send
◈Send Magdalena
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop, head back to bed
◈Of course I want you too!
◈You’d be a great Mum
◈I’ll see her tomorrow, I’m spending today with you
◈Try them both on, don’t worry about the cost for now
◈Go and peek over the door
◈Have a quick look
◈Try and look over the top
◈Go on, get the panties. I’ll cover them
◈Yes, put all of it on my card
◈I think we can say we’re back together now
◈Go and join Jenna in the shower
◈Continue x2
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Yes, let me choose who to send
◈Guard the initial Montgomery Room
◈River Road Car Park
◈Follow the Receipt Trail
◈Carry on and have Jenna watch

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideHeartbreaker – Build her up, and then shatter Jenna’s heart.


◈No, not tonight
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done
◈Take all your clothes off, including your boxers
◈Try and win
◈Stare at her boobs
◈Lead the way!
◈That would interest me a lot
◈Just go home and spend the rest of the evening alone
◈Decide who to send
◈Send Magdalena
◈Close laptop
◈I’m done with the laptop, head back to bed
◈Read new email
◈Close laptop
◈Yes, let me choose who to send
◈Guard the initial Montgomery Room
◈River Road Car Park
◈Follow the Receipt Trail
◈Sure, send me the address
◈{Continue story}

Defending Lydia Collier | 100% Achievement GuideThe Client – Romance Lydia and get her as your girlfriend.

◈They’re perfect as they are
◈The Butt Plug
◈Open her mouth for her
◈Take it out and go to her second hole
◈At night
◈The Dildo
◈I think she needs a spanking
◈I still think you need a spanking…
◈Creampie Lydia
◈I like the sound of that, what do you want me to do?
◈I think we’ll make a great team