Idol Manager Walkthrough Guide for All Achievements & Endings

Idol Manager Walkthrough Guide

This guide is divided into several sections based on the type of achievement. Some are self-explanatory and have hints provided in their description (e.g. “Release 5 pop songs”), while others are slightly more cryptic.

I have not added all achievements yet to the later portions of the guide and will update this as I unlock more. I’ve tried to make things relatively sequential, but will likely reorder some sections later on.

If anyone would like to provide help or confirmations in the comments for any of these methods, it would be greatly appreciated.

Version 1.0: August 7, 2021. All achievements are described herein. The CG Achievements currently remain bugged, and the final two Endings have not yet been discovered. I will update the guide once this has changed.

Version 1.01. August 12, 2021. The CG Achievements are no longer bugged and the final two endings are now viewable in the Stats screen as of Patch 1.03.

Self-Explanatory Achievements

Genre Releases
Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) Never stop never stopping

Released 5 pop songs

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) Drop it

Released 5 EDM songs

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) Chosen by the kitsune

Released 5 metal songs

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) Save rock and roll

Released 5 rock songs

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) Beats to dance to

Released 5 hiphop songs

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) Funk you up

Released 5 funk songs

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) Put your soul into it

Released 5 R&B songs

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) The kids don’t like it

Released 5 avant-garde songs

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) Where tradition meets tomorrow

Released 5 enka songs

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS) Everything except country

You’ve got a broad musical palate
*Note: Release one song in every genre. This may track over multiple playthroughs.

Lyric Releases
Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-1 Non-stop love song

Released 5 songs about love

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-1 Rebel without a pause

Released 5 songs about rebelling

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-1 Party ’til the party don’t stop

Released 5 songs about partying

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-1 Think we’re alone now

Released 5 songs about loneliness

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-2 Thank you for being a friend

Released 5 songs about friends

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-2 A trace of pleasure or regret

Released 5 songs about regret

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-2 Like a room without a roof

Released 5 songs about happiness

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-2 Talkin’ bout a revolution

Released 5 songs about politics

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-2 Beating like a hammer

Released 5 songs about anxiety
*Fixed in 1.01

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-3 A thousand true fans

Kelly would be proud

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-4 A million fans

You probably made some enemies along the way

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-5 We only hire the best

Hire an expert staffer
*Note: Credit to DeathJohnson: For the achievement for hiring an expert staffer, I got it when I hired a professional (middle-tier), so I think it’s either unlocked by hiring at all tiers or it just unlocks at the wrong tier.
Edit: As a Patch 1.02, this should be unlocked from actually hiring an expert staffer.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-6 Fully staffed

You’re playing with a full team
*Note: This includes a Manager, Choreographer/Dance Coach, Producer/Singing Coach, Stylist and Doctor.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-7 A place to blow off steam

Built a break room

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-8 Light up the stage

Built a theater

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-9 Cultural cross-pollination

You brought your performance to an international audience
*Note: Launch a World Tour. This will unlock as you release singles and concerts.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-9 Globetrotter

You’ve confirmed that life is beautiful around the world
*Note: Visit all countries available in a World Tour. This does not have to be done in a single World Tour, but you do have to keep track of which ones you’ve visited.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-10 Selling votes

One CD, one ballot
*Note: Hold an Election. This will unlock as you release singles and concerts.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-11 Another one for the highlight reel

Your CG collection is half done
*Note: See “CG Collection” for more on how to unlock these.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-12 No stone unturned

Your CG collection is complete
*Note: See “CG Collection” for more on how to unlock these.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-6 …and see what sticks

You’ve tried every possible marketing strategy

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-3 Cross-media empire

Internet, radio, TV…what’s left?
*Note: Launch a Media project in Radio, Internet and TV.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-13 Supplies are limited

Your CD sold out!
*Note: This should come naturally through play.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-3 World-class performer

Reached level 10 performance
*Note: The requirements for this are listed in the game itself.
My only tip is for the Level 10 Level 5 World Tour. Make sure to wait for fatigue to be at 20% or lower in a country (you can see this by hovering over a country in the tour menu), or else you will fail repeatedly.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-4 So good they can’t ignore you

Reached level 10 promotion
*Note: The requirements for this are listed in the game itself. I have not yet achieved this and will update the guide if I find any easy strategies.
Edit: You will need a Platinum Idol to get 6 stats to 99. I found it easiest in the post-game after Aya Naya’s route, as she stays at the company for a VERY long time.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-2 Starting something new

You created a sister group
*Note: You must have at least 10 idols before you can create a sister group.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-6 Firm handshake

You’ve done a wide variety of business deals
*Note: Do a Photoshoot, Advertisement, Drama and Variety Show and this should pop.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-5 Business magnate

You’ve perfected the art of the deal
*Note: I believe this is maxing out a Manager’s Deals stat.
Credit to sprkplg: Business Magnate doesn’t need you to max out the Deals stat. It seems like it has something to do with negotiations.
I got it from doing a Variety Show proposal with a 8/10 Deals production manager. I clicked the negotiate button the maximum number of times something I had done previously and not gotten the achievement.
If I had to guess I probably succeeded on every negotiation which triggered the achievement.

Other Easy Achievements

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-6 Redundant employees

Hire more than one staffer of the same type

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-2 Fine, I’ll do it myself

Released a single without hiring any staffers

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-14 Getting credit

You took out a loan
*Note: Loans from Fujimoto or the Bank will unlock this. You can reload the save if you don’t want the loan.

Self-Explanatory Achievements Pt. 2

I reached the character limit in the first section, so these will fill out any self-explanatory achievements not covered in Pt. 1.

Credit to trace, from the dev’s Discord:
Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-14• Forever young – Play for 150 years (there are a bunch of “anniversary” events. They can also be triggered by changing the date in your save file if you want to cheat)
Atergale noted that this may be bugged currently, as their save file began glitching out at the 75-year mark. Editing the save is likely the easier way to go.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-5 Deal with it

Maxed out a staffer
*Note: This is for both stats (e.g. for a Manager, Deals and Production). Save editing does not seem to work for this, but you can thank a staffer at the Annual Group Awards for a boost to their stats. This may take a long time to unlock, and is likely only achievable in the Post-Game.
Note that you MUST promote the staffer to a Seniro Staffer (bottom button on their staff card) for this to unlock.

Other Easy Achievements
Credit to trace, from the dev’s Discord:
Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-15• Not gonna write you a love song – Release 10 singles in a row that aren’t about “love”. (Not sure if this has to be done on a fresh save file where you’ve never released a love song, or whether the game only cares about the last 10 singles you’ve released)
Credit to Noob Atlantis Stuart:
–> popped after I released my 29th single so it should work with existing playthrough (unfortunately i can’t remember what’s my 19th single about)

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-9] Aya Ending
Note that is for the Aya Ending, but I had run out of room in that section in the guide. EXTREMELY MINOR SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 4
Credit to Septentrix for this tip: Either Aya’s route on Chapter 4 after getting top single has multiple conditions or it was changed in the latest patch. Instead of gaining fans as noted in your guide I was given the task to do a world tour to France, USA and Italy.

Failure Achievements

These are unlocked by failing something in the game.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-14 Second chance

Someone bailed you out
*Note: If you’re in the red for long enough without taking a loan, Fujimoto will speak to you and bail you out.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-16 Nepotism

You let someone’s family connections influence your hiring decisions
*Note: If you enter the red after Fujimoto has bailed you out, he will inform you of a connection of his that can help you. You will have to hire Yoshida Akane, an idol, and comply to the agreement. The achievement unlocks as soon as she is hired.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-14 Bankrupt

You ran out of runway
*Note: If you have to declare bankruptcy a third time, the game will end and you will have to fire your entire staff. This will unlock afterwards.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-6 Worst deal ever

Negotiations didn’t go so well
*Note: This is unlocked by negotiating as many times as possible and losing money and fans on each negotiation. Should be unlocked through normal play, especially in early stages of the game.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-9 Well, that didn’t go well…

A risky marketing strategy backfired
*Note: Try using a Viral Campaign, Ad Campaign, etc. (basically anything with a high chance of failure; this doesn’t work with Digital Only Releases or Handshake Events). Get a Critical Failure.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-17You ruined Christmas

Is there a worse time to fire someone?

Credit to trace, from the dev’s Discord:

• You ruined Christmas – Fire a staffer in December, it triggers a special dialog event, the achievement will pop after that scene plays. Atergale noted that they had to fire the staffer with scandal points, so try that if severance won’t work for you.

Idol Achievements

These achievements come from accomplishing various tasks with your idols.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-8 Pennies on the dollar

Don’t they deserve more than this?
*Note: You can adjust an idol’s salary to 1 yen/week and readjust it after the achievement pops.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-18 The villain of their story

It seems someone really doesn’t like you…
*Note: An easy way to get this one is to have an idol apologize for a scandal. Their friendship level will drop and the achievement should unlock.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-7 Can you do me a favor?

You made someone’s wish come true
*Note: Socialize with an idol and ask about her wishes. She will give you a task to accomplish. Once that’s completed, this should unlock.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-8 Indebted

You owe someone a favor
*Note: I have this achievement but I can’t remember how it unlocked.
Credit to royalsnowangel: In regards to Indebted, I got the achievement after getting negative influence w/ one of my idols. In my case it happened from messing up a substory, but i think it can also happen through scandals.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-18 Cream of the crop

She’s trained as much as she can train
*Note: This unlocked when I got an idol to have one stat capped at her potential. I don’t think it has to go to 99.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-18 Removing the problem

You fired a bully
*Note: Wait for an idol to be bullied. Having a high Friendship should allow you to find the identity of the bully, but you can also deduce who it is based on cliques. I don’t have this achievement yet and will update the guide when I find an easier strategy to identify a bully.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-8 Avoiding the problem

You separated a victim from her bully
*Note: This only works if you have a sister group. Move the bullied idol to the sister group and this should pop.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-18 Confronting the problem

You persuaded a bully to change her ways
*Note: This can be done by spending Influence with an identified bully. I do not yet have this achievement and will update the guide if I find an easier strategy.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-7 NASDANQ

You kept a meme queen on the company payroll after her graduation
*Note: Meme Queen is a trait that idols can have upon hire. Hold auditions till you find one, hire her, wait for her retirement, and then hire her on staff. You shouldn’t need high Friendship or Influence to have her agree to be a staffer.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-19 There’s no crying in showbiz

You found the ideal solution to an onion-related problem
*Note: This is a social media scandal that can occur for an idol.
Credit to Bruhe: For the “There’s no crying in showbiz”, just ignore the trolls, then ignore again, and lastly embrace her being an onion girl.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-20 Don’t clip that!

That livestream could have gone better…
*Note: This is a livestream scandal that can occur. I believe it’s triggered by choosing an option that results in fan loss, but I don’t remember how I got this specifically. Will update once I find anything more specific.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-21Scot-free

You managed to avoid the consequences of scandal
*Note: If you succeed at a scandal without losing fans or even gaining some, this will unlock.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-21Reap what you seiso

The purer they are, the harder they fall
Note: Credit to trace, from the dev’s Discord: An idol has a dating scandal when the group has an “orthodox” image and a “strict” dating policy

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-22 Purely cosmetic

Change an idol’s appearance
*Note: Click on an idol’s profile and you should see a green Scissors button to alter their appearance. Do so and the achievement should unlock.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-2 Picky

Not every audition has to result in a hire
*Note: Hire 0-1 idols from an audition.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-1We’ll take anyone

Are you really that desperate to acquire talent?
*Note: Hire 4-5 idols from an audition.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-9 Don’t call it extortion
Note: Credit to trace, from the dev’s Discord: Find blackmail material on an idol (influence menu). Louis pointed out in the comments that this has to succeed for the achievement to pop.

Food Achievements

These achievements will require you to build a Cafe. Dishes can be unlocked by researching them in the Cafe menu; each dish requires 1,000 office research points.
From the developer, SadamBober:
The dishes are generated based on the girl’s highest stat. There are 2 dishes for each stat, and it depends on if the stat is higher or lower than 80

Here’s the list:

Menu Achievements
Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-23 Daily special

A unique dish for each day of the week
*Note: Have 7 different idols create a dish and use each one on a different day of the week.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-23 Master chef

I like big menus and I cannot lie
*Note: Credit to Atergale: “Master chef” unlocks when all dish achievements are unlocked

Dish Achievements
I have copied the image and description here, but these unlock through Cafe research. Consult the pastebin above if you are aiming for a specific dish, or feel free to ask in the comments.
Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-24 Giga-pancake

When does a pancake become a cake?

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-25 Parfection!

I scream for some more

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-26 Sweeter than vanilla

I’ll never dessert you…

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-27 Nice tea

Who could say no to such a refreshing beverage?

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-28 You know what else has layers?

It’s probably more appealing than an onion

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-29 Breakfast club

Pan-fried dough covered in sugary sauce is healthy, right?

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-30 Pretty in pink

This new ginger is really something

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-31 Bravocado!

Now that’s a hearty salad

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-32 Borger

Ram would be proud

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-33 Steamed hams

They’re actually grilled

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-34 Let’s tako bout it

It’s tako time

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-35 You jelly?

Jello, is it me you’re looking for?

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-36 Omlette that slide

The secret ingredient is love (and rice)

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-37 Udon’t even know

You’d probably fail a soba-riety test

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-38 Currying favor

A culinary classic

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-39 Bubbling over

Harajuku had a theme park dedicated to it

Story Achievements

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-4 The prisoner’s defector

It’s a classic dilemma
Note: Chapter 3: Choose to appear on Nation of Idols despite the pressure.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-40 Won’t get fooled again

No good deed goes unpunished…
*Note: Chapter 3: Choose to withdraw from Nation of Idols.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-41 Hogging the glory

You deserve to take some of the credit
*Note: At the Best Awards Ceremony, win an award and have an idol thank you.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-40 Career suicide

This will cause a stir…
Credit to ljl0428: (available in Rival’s Chapter 6)
Choose to corporate with your rival to make a scandal video and send it to Aya anonymously in a story event. (Note: There are other choices about where to send this video. I’m not sure if choosing them could also unlock this one.)
Note: The conversation with the rival will appear about a month before the International Summer Games.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-42 Where do I know that name from?

You learned something from an old associate.

Credit to Atergale: Okay, about achievement “Where do I know that name from?”

I would guess that main condition is read all tutorial and finish game – as is implied by text of achievement, the old associate being the one who wrote tutorial

On my playthough i also finished Fujomoto route and started with enabled tutorial, but that probably shouldn’t be necessary

yeah, i read it on start of game, Fujimoto triggered event about fully reading it, and few days after start of post game triggered event that gave achievement

Romance Achievements

These unlock by Flirting with your idols and increasing your Romance level. I do not know if these are randomly determined or based on their stats.

Once you reach Level 2, you can suggest to go on a date. There will be two choices that correspond to the achievements below.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-15 Girls just wanna have fun

You embezzled money from the company account to cover your losses
*Note: This is from the first date at the Arcade when playing the claw machine. Go for the big toy and lose some money to make sure this pops.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-15 Wouldn’t it be nice

You went to see the sharks
*Note: This unlocks with a first date at the Aquarium. You’ll choose between the Aquarium and Shibuya. Going to the Aquarium will unlock this at the end of the event.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-15 She got that ambition, baby

You got a proper tour of Shibuya’s fashion district
*Note: I don’t have this, but it may be from a first date at a Department Store. Unsure.
This shows up as a first date where you choose between the Aquarium and Shibuya. Going to Shibuya will unlock this at the end of the event.
Credit to Crimson Idol: “She got that ambition, baby”
No, there’s Shibuya as a separate dating-location which you can’t choose manually.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-15 Saint Valentine died for this?

You spent a special day with a special someone
*Note: This is for going on a date on February 14. This will require you to have Romance Lv. 1 with an idol. I’d recommend starting the Socialization on February 13 so you don’t miss it. The location of the date shouldn’t matter for the achievement (mine popped at the Arcade after choosing Random).

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-43 Casanova

You should really find someone to settle down with. Third time’s the charm?
*Note: I don’t have this, but I assume it’s unlocked by dating 3 idols.
Credit to Crimson Idol: “Casanova”:
You just have to reach the point where you can date them (so romance level 1 is sufficient).

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-43 Rules for thee, not for me
Credit to trace, from the dev’s Discord: Flirt with someone when you have a restrictive dating policy in place

Ending Achievements

These are unlocked by reaching an Ending in the story. I will update these as I figure them out, but they will be eventually listed in their order of appearance from the Stats page in-game.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-14 Redemption Arc

You helped someone find absolution
*Note: To reach Fujimoto’s ending:
Chapter 4: Give him $100,000,000
Chapter 4: Give him $300,000,000. There will be a warning before you are locked fully into his route.
Chapter 5: Be selected to represent the International Summer Games. Stay friendly with the judges and say you’re honored and it should work; I don’t know if you can actually fail this.
Chapter 6: Last till the designated date and watch the Summer Games events as they appear. Fujimoto will speak to you one last time and send you to the ending cutscene.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-9 Making the news
Chapter 4: Make an EDM song number 1. This is likely easier to just wait until it’s trending, or to use a sister group. A Critical Success could help as well. Note that the designated genre may vary depending on your playthrough.
Chapter 4: Gain fans. My target number was 1,400,000, but it may vary depending on your playthrough. I elected to have Aya Naya audition for the group, but I don’t know if this is required.
Chapter 5: Be selected to represent the International Summer Games. Stay friendly with the judges and say you’re honored and it should work; I don’t know if you can actually fail this.
Chapter 6: Last till the designated date and watch the Summer Games events as they appear. You will have one final interview with Aya and the credits should roll, along with the achievement.


Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-40 Becoming the mask
*Note: Progress to the end of the story in the Rival’s route.
Chapter 4: Release 3 pop songs in a month. Note that the genre may be different depending on your playthrough.
Chapter 4: Finish watching all Phantasm Facade events. Rival will invite you to a gala and request that you max out Friendship, Influence or Romance with an idol that has at least one stat of 100. Getting a stat to 100 is easier with a Platinum idol but not essential. You can also edit your save if you’re having trouble.
Chapter 5: Be selected to represent the International Summer Games. Stay friendly with the judges and say you’re honored and it should work; I don’t know if you can actually fail this.
Chapter 6: About a month before the International Summer Games, Rival will ask you to pull out of the competition. Do so, then send the video to Aya Naya for a Story achievement (“Career suicide”).
Credit to ljl0428: At the end of Chapter 6, achievement “Becoming the mask” will be unlocked. (I noticed that the people who unlock this achievement is more than the one who have “Career suicide”. Maybe there is an other way to receive this achievement.)

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-43Top of the world
Note: Progress to the decision in the Rival’s route in Chapter 6 whether or not to pull out of the competition. Refuse to pull out and this achievement should pop at the credits.
Credit to ljl0428:
Refuse to corporate with you rival in the event above and wait till the finish of the International Summer Games.

Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-44 Hitched
*Note: Marry an idol.
Get an idol to Romance Lv. 3 and she should speak to you about making the relationship serious. Indicate that you’re interested in something long-term.
Get the idol to Romance Lv. MAX and she’ll again ask for something permanent. Your decisions here can lead to you leaving the group (locking you into this ending), her leaving the group, or you both breaking up.
My choices:
“I will leave the group”. She’ll ask if you’re sure. Say you’ll leave the group again.
The next dialogues are likely based on which type of idol you’re romancing, but if you say you’re looking forward to seeing her, etc., it should allow you to proceed. You should hear a sound like a slot machine if it increases your chances.
You will eventually get a proposal prompt. If all went well, she should have mentioned in her Romance Lv. MAX event what she enjoys.
I chose “somewhere unexpected” and that unlocked the ending.

Note: Progress to Romance Lv. MAX with an Idol, commit to a relationship and then get dumped.
Get an idol to Romance Lv. 3 and she should speak to you about making the relationship serious. Indicate that you’re interested in something long-term.
Get the idol to Romance Lv. MAX and she’ll again ask for something permanent. Your decisions here can lead to you leaving the group (locking you into this ending), her leaving the group, or you both breaking up.
These choices listed are specifically for breaking up.
My choices:
“I will leave the group”. She’ll ask if you’re sure. Say you’ll leave the group again.
The next dialogues are likely based on which type of idol you’re romancing, but basically only focus on your job and don’t make any comments about looking forward to seeing her.
She will eventually talk about leaving the idol group and later discuss how you feel about going public with your relationship. Regardless of your response, she will want to break up and this ending should progress to CG 16.

*Note: I am not sure if the trigger below is correct, as it differs from the “Fall from grace” achievement that I have not yet achieved for a high amount of Scandal points. Any confirmation in the comments would be appreciated.
For the steps below, I was in a playthrough with an Orthodox dating policy. Not sure if that’s required.
Romance an Idol to Lv. 1. She’ll ask if you should wear masks. Say no.
As you progress in Romance, you may be caught be a staffer, Fujimoto or another Idol. Continue seeing the idol despite the dangers described.
Eventually, you should get a scandal where you and the idol are seen in public together that causes a major fiasco. Fujimoto will confront you and fire you from the group.
This also unlocks CG 16.

This appears as of Patch 1.03 (thanks to Crimson Idol for the heads up)
Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-14 Bankrupt
You ran out of runway
*Note: See “Failure Achievements” for the first two steps in the process (Second chance and Nepoitsm achievements). If you have to declare bankruptcy a third time, the game will end and you will have to fire your entire staff. This will unlock afterwards.

Destroyed Reputation
Note: This is not listed in the Stats page as an official ending, but it will end your run. Fixed as of Patch 1.03 (thanks to Crimson Idol for the heads up)
Achievement Guide (SPOILERS)-45 Fall from grace
You were forced to retire
Credit to Atergale: Hidden achievement “Fall from grace” – triggers at 20+ scandal points, after series of events, triggers bad end and CG when trying to audition.

*Note: Get 20 scandal points (failed single releases with the Fake Scandal marketing strategy or by save editing are the easiest ways to get this). Fujimoto will speak with you.
Continue to have high scandal points. You’ll get a letter from the parents of any idols below 18, who will withdraw them from the group.
Continue to have high scandal points. A sequence of four idol events will appear over the following days describing how horrible it is to work for the group, and they will all leave.
Eventually, a Choreographer/Dance Coach will notify you that several idols have been skipping lessons. The following day, all but one idol will be gone.
You’ll have a conversation with the remaining idol and she will also leave.
Hold an audition (doesn’t matter which type). You’ll unlock CG 17 and this achievement.

CG Collection

Note: I don’t have the pictures here due to the character limit, but this will be updated as I unlock them all. As of August 7, 2021, the CG collection achievements unlocked for me. If you already have them all, try loading the gallery and it should pop.

CG 1: Aya in a Plane: Credit to Atergale, from the dev’s Discord: currently bugged, it is Aya in plane. he also said that it should unlock automatically when it is patched (Crimson Idol confirmed that it appears as of the August 7, 2021 patch)
This will unlock as you progress through Aya’s Route (see “Ending Achievements”).

CG 2: Interview with Aya. See Aya’s Route in “Ending Achievements” for steps on how to get here, but essentially just follow her route to completion. This will appear near the end.

CG 3: 1st Dinner with Fujimoto: After collecting 100 million yen for Fujimoto in Chapter 4, he’ll invite you to dinner. This should appear after that event.

CG 4: 1st Dinner with Fujimoto (Meal): Same as CG 3. This is just a picture of the food.

CG 5: At the Zoo: In Chapter 1 or 2?, one of your idols will ask you to go to the zoo for promotion. Agree to this and the CG should appear during that event.

CG 6: 2nd Dinner with Fujimoto: After collecting 300 million yen for Fujimoto in Chapter 4, he will invite you to dinner a second time. This should appear after that event (and also lock you into his route).

CG 7: 2nd Dinner with Fujimoto (Meal): Same as CG 6. This is just a picture of the food.

CG 8: 2nd Dinner with Fujimoto (Solo Shot): Same as CG 6. This is just a close-up of Fujimoto.

CG 9: Rival at the Gala: I believe this appears after releasing 3 singles of one genre in Chapter 4 for the Rival’s route. Go to the Pony Records event with them and this will appear.

CG 10: Credit to Atergale: CG10 is event line when your center complains about politics songs.
You’ll need to release at least 3 songs about politics with the same center for this event to appear. She’ll threaten you after the third time. Eventually, the idol will appear in an impromptu interview and you’ll unlock the CG through that event.
Tip from Crimson Idol: To find which single initially caused one idol to dislike political songs can be found in the save-game by searching for “politics_single”. She doesn’t have to be the center for the initial singles, though. After having the dialogues where she wants you to stop adding her to political singles you just have to make her the center.

CG 11: Rival’s Call to Action: in Chapter 3, your Rival will appeal to your group to pull out of Nation of Idols. This will appear during their press conference.

CG 12: Nation of Idols Interview: In Chapter 3, do not pull out of Nation of Idols and this will appear. It is an interview with the other two judges.

CG 13: Phantasm Facade: In Chapter 4, this will appear as a story event introducing you to the mysterious group Phantasm Facade.

CG 14: Ramen with Rival: In Chapter 3 and later in Chapter 4 (if you go through the Rival’s Route), they will force you into a ramen shop for a discussion. This will appear during that event.

CG 15: Bashing the Games: In Chapter 5 of the Rival’s Route (see Rival’s Route in “Ending Achievements” for how to get here), they will ask you to pull out of the International Summer Games by bashing the competition. Agree to this and this CG will appear.

CG 16: Loneliness: This will appear from the Breakup or Scandal Endings (see Breakup or Scandal, respectively, in “Ending Achievements” for more on this). The Scandal ending will end your run, so be careful.

CG 17: Credit to Atergale: CG17 is from “Fall from grace” (See “Ending Achievements”)

CG 18: Summer Games Interview: In Chapter 5, you will be interviewed by the panel for the Summer Games. This will appear during that event.

CG 19: Summer Games Diving: In Chapter 6, after being selected for the Summer Games, you will have the option to watch several events. Make sure to watch the diving event to obtain this.

CG 20: Reconciliation: Progress to the end in Fujimoto or the Rival’s Route to see this and it will appear after the credits. See Fujimoto or Rival (respectively) in “Ending Achievements” for how to do this.

CG 21: Vanishing Act: Progress to the end of the Rival’s Route and this will appear after the credits. See Rival in “Ending Achievements” for how to do this.

CG 22: Getting Serious: While progressing through Romance levels with an idol, this should appear around Level 3 or 4. Indicate that you think there is potential for a long-term relationship and this should appear at a cafe event while they share a parfait with you.

CG 23: Credit to Atergale: CG23 is from dating, same condition as CG22.
Get to Romance Level 3 with an idol. The date will either be the parfait event (CG 22) or an event at a movie theater (this one). I had to date three separate idols in one playthrough to get this to appear, but it is likely randomly decided.

CG 24: Hitched: Progress to the end of the Wedding route. See Wedding in “Ending Achievements” for how to do this.