Sexbot Walkthrough Guide

This guide will help you unlock every achievement in the game.

Sexbot Walkthrough Guide for All Achievements

Guide to getting all unlockables in the game.

Walkthrough Pt 1

◈Start a new game
◈Name yourself
◈It’s Melvin
◈Business Lady?!
◈It’s Emily!
◈She is my landlady!
◈Making me, her tenant!
◈She’s my housemate
◈Making me, her little study buddy
◈I guess Emily would want to say hi to her eldest tenant
◈You mean Steve?
◈Ashley scares the hell out of me!
◈Be cool
◈Calibration Stage: Beta
◈Choose obedient
◈Yep! That’s gonna do it
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Choose Sex-cretary
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈Choose the Nerd
◈The former!
◈I don’t feel like doing anything
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Choose Amazon
◈Click Alexa x2
◈Choose Submissive level 1
◈I’m ready!
◈No, I’m spent

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsSex Machine – Had to clean up the name of that one

◈Oh yea!
◈If Emily is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈Try to remember what just happened!
◈It’s worth the risk!
◈I hate tutorials, I just wanna play!
◈Alright, let’s hear it…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsTime Travel 101 – Secrets of the Universe

◈Help out
◈It’s my business Lady, Meiko
◈Calibration Stage: Beta
◈Yep! That’s gonna do it
◈Come in!
◈Just touch Alexa if you’re feeling randy…
◈Tease her more
◈Hit the gym!
◈Human Equivalent Strength
◈Emily and I can wrestle!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Uh, I haven’t seen her…
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Sexbot
◈Dive right in!
◈I don’t feel like doing anything
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Sure thing
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Grab it! Quick!
◈Stand up for yourself! It’s about damned time!
◈25 percent
◈50 percent
◈Zeta Level 2
◈Submissive level 2
◈If Emily is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈Do it. It’s not the real Emily…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsGive in to Temptation – You walk a Dark path

◈I was gonna ask her to Homecoming…
◈Don’t embarrass yourself this time
◈It’s Mai…
◈Melvin’s older tenant
◈Help out
◈Go to breakfast
◈Calibration Stage: Beta
◈Yep! That’s gonna do it
◈Come in!
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Because it’s more fun
◈Time for chores
◈But who is the ideal candidate?
◈I’m just going to finish up real quick!
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Sexbot
◈Consider your options…
◈I don’t feel like doing anything
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Zeta Level 2
◈Submissive Level 2
◈If Emily is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈I’ll never join you

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsAbove Temptation – You walk in the path of Light

◈I was gonna ask her to Homecoming…
◈Get confident, stupid!
◈Picture her in her underwear
◈No wait! I can help you study!
◈Yea! Let’s do it!
◈Go to breakfast
◈Calibration Stage: Beta
◈Something’s happening!
◈Come in!
◈I’m good, do you need to get more comfortable?
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Give him a call
◈Screw it! Ok!
◈Time for chores
◈But who is the ideal candidate?
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Milf
◈I’ll take care of it!
◈I don’t feel like doing anything
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Go faster I guess
◈More! More!
◈Just keep that pace!
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈I’ve never been that good at sports!
◈Who is it?
◈Zeta Level 1
◈Dominant Level 1
◈I’m ready!
◈I like to serve you, my Queen!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsSubservient – You know you liked it

◈Oh yea!
◈If Emily is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈I’ll have some fun with you!
◈Maybe just a peek…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsBest of Both – You really can have it all!

◈I was gonna ask her to Homecoming…
◈Don’t get all sweaty and weird
◈Steph is here!
◈Steve’s friendly tenant
◈Um, sure?
◈Go to breakfast
◈Calibration Stage: Beta
◈I need to ♥♥♥!
◈Come in!
◈I’m good, do you need to get more comfortable?
◈Hit the gym!
◈Robot Strength
◈You and Emily go first…
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Because it’s more fun
◈Give him a call
◈Um, no thank you
◈Time for chores
◈But who is the ideal candidate?
◈Ok Emily, I’m sorry…
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Sexbot
◈Consider your options…
◈I don’t feel like doing anything
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Sure thing
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Who is it?
◈Sniff and lick her
◈Yes! YES!
◈Zeta Level 2
◈Dominant Level 2
◈If Emily is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈I’ll never join you

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsBest of Both II – You’re really just down for whatever, huh?

◈I was gonna ask her to Homecoming…
◈Just go say ‘Hi’
◈Daphne! Are you ok?!
◈Help out
◈Answer x2
◈I don’t see why not
◈Go to breakfast
◈Calibration Stage: Beta
◈Ok, I can wait a bit longer!
◈Come in!
◈Uh, I just want to see some boobs
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Uh, I haven’t seen her…
◈Give him a call
◈Screw it! Ok!
◈Time for chores
◈But who is the ideal candidate?
◈Oh no!
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Shortstack
◈I can be pretty sneaky!
◈I don’t feel like doing anything
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Go alone
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Who is it?
◈Sam x2
◈Kiss her right on the face!
◈If Bailey is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈{Continue story}

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsThe Hot Squad – Bunch O’ Babes

Walkthrough Pt 2

◈I’ll standby for the sample
◈I was gonna ask Bailey to Homecoming…
◈Make your move!
◈Sorry Miss Jessica!
◈As Steve’s Professor
◈…Space Wars!
◈Go to breakfast
◈Connect to Ama-Zone R&D
◈Virtual Reality
◈I can hold it
◈It’s just virtual! There’s no harm in pretending to have sex with my housemate!
◈Come in!
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Uh, I haven’t seen her…
◈Give him a call
◈Screw it! Ok!
◈Time for chores
◈Can’t we just skip the chores this week?
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Nerd
◈The latter!
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Check out the hot tub
◈I was going to turn on some music
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Who is it?
◈Watch Space Wars with Steve
◈I wish I had Sam as an elf to help me…
◈Ho- Ho- Ho! Let’s go!
◈It was nice!
◈Hey, this one is for Emily
◈It’s not really Santa! It’s me, [MC]!
◈Accept your lump of coal and watch
◈I guess if you’re gonna sex me up, that’s fine…
◈I’m gonna give that butthead a piece of my mind!
◈Umm… maybe a little?

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsPriorities – Holiday DLC trophy

◈I was gonna ask her to Homecoming…
◈Make your move!
◈…video games!
◈Go to breakfast
◈I can’t I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈I hope it’s not Bailey’s…
◈Sorry Emily
◈Hit the gym!
◈Not at all!
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈Bailey missing her uniform
◈Grab it! Grab it, damn it!
◈Slap dat ass!
◈Give him a call
◈Um, no thank you
◈Time for chores!
◈Can’t we just skip the chores this week?
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈The Boyz
◈Come on, Steve! It will be fun!
◈Look at her cups x5
◈Check out the hot tub
◈I was going to turn on some music
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈Who is it?
◈I guess I changed my mind…
◈Miss Jessica
◈{Continue story}

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsTime Served – Enjoy the sweet taste of sexual freedom

◈If Meiko is in trouble, I have to help her!


◈I suppose one drink wouldn’t hurt…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsCaged ♥♥♥♥♥ Cat – Mr. Fluffers doesn’t mind sharing his crate with a bad kitty

◈Maybe just a peek…
◈I was gonna ask her to Homecoming…
◈Get confident, stupid!
◈Picture her in her underwear
◈No wait! I can help you study!
◈Go to breakfast
◈Connect to Ama-Zone R&D
◈Hormone Spray
◈Come in!
◈I could touch you!
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Start calibration
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Shortstack
◈Maybe we shouldn’t…
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Wait Sam! I need you!
◈Who is it?
◈I guess I changed my mind…
◈Ok, fine!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsCheer Captain Coitus – You banged the captain of the cheer team

◈If Steph is in trouble, I have to help her!


◈I suppose it’s not that reprehensible…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsHeartaches by the Numbers – Truth is, the game was rigged from the start

◈Maybe just a peek…
◈Oh my gosh! Where’s Steph?!
◈It’s worth the risk!
◈Help out
◈Go to breakfast
◈Connect to Ama-Zone R&D
◈Virtual Reality
◈I can hold it
◈I better not. I want my first time to be special
◈Come in!
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Give him a call
◈Screw it! Ok!
◈Time for chores
◈But who is the ideal candidate?
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Nerd
◈The former!
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Mr. Bigdick
◈Who is it?
◈I’m in!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsMoneyMaker – Wonder if you’ll ever get a cut of that…

◈If Miss Jessica is in trouble, I have to help her!


◈I suppose it’s not that reprehensible…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsOh my God, it’s DIP! – I’ve loved you more than any woman’s ever loved a rabbit

◈Maybe just a peek…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsProject DeLorean – You built a time machine… out of a DeLorean?

◈Oh my gosh! Where’s Miss Jessica?!
◈It’s worth the risk!
◈Help out
◈Go to breakfast
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈I hope it’s not Ashley’s…
◈Come in!
◈Hit the gym!
◈Text Steve
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈Ashley missing her uniform
◈Gotta be a good boy, gotta be a good boy!
◈Don’t do it! If I smack her, she’s gonna smack me!
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Start calibration
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Check out the hot tub
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈Who is it?

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsGot Sweaty! – But it was surprisingly not weird…

◈If Daphne is in trouble, I have to help her!


◈I suppose it’s not that reprehensible…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsSneaky Symbiosis – What a juicy little snack!

◈Maybe just a peek…
◈I was gonna ask her to Homecoming…
◈Make your move!
◈…Space Wars!
◈Go to breakfast
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈I hope it’s not Daphne’s…
◈Come in!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsTENTACLES FROM THE DEEP! – You’re a cinephile, amongst other things

◈Hit the gym!
◈Spin class
◈We can do it gang!
◈Push it! x9

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsEndurance – These ladies can go all day!

Walkthrough Pt 3

◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈Daphne missing her uniform
◈Gotta be a good boy, gotta be a good boy!
◈Don’t do it! If I smack her, she’s gonna smack me!
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Start calibration
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈The Boyz
◈I don’t think it’s a good idea, either
◈Go check it out
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Do you know CPR?
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Who is it?
◈He’s a ♥♥♥♥, antagonize him a little!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsThe One that got Away… – At this point, I’m pretty sure she prefers bananas

◈If Emily is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈On your knees
◈Maybe just a peek…
◈I suppose so?
◈If it means you won’t eat me…
◈But I’m not sure I can manage to figure it out…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsA Cheery Bunch – Holiday DLC trophy

◈Try to remember what just happened!
◈It’s worth the risk!
◈Help out
◈Fine, I’ll just do it to get out of chores
◈Go to breakfast
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈I hope it’s not Steph’s…
◈Come in!
◈Uh, I just want to see some boobs
◈Hit the gym!
◈I can’t. I have to meet Miss Jessica…
◈Steph missing her uniform
◈Gotta be a good boy, gotta be a good boy!
◈Don’t do it! If I smack her, she’s gonna smack me!
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Time for chores
◈But who is the ideal candidate?
◈You could take it off?
◈Oh man, I can’t help it-
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Shortstack
◈I can be pretty sneaky!
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Go back to bed
◈Check out the hot tub
◈I was going to turn on some music
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Who is it?
◈I guess I changed my mind…
◈Zeta Level 2
◈Sure, it’s not the real Bailey…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsBetrayal – Now he has her..

◈Oh my gosh! Where’s Bailey?!
◈Just do it already
◈Help out
◈Fine, I’ll just do it to get out of chores
◈Go to breakfast
◈Connect to Ama-Zone R&D
◈Virtual Reality
◈I can hold it
◈It’s just virtual! There’s no harm in pretending to have sex with my housemate!
◈Come in!
◈Now I kinda want to get off
◈Finger her ♥♥♥♥♥
◈Finger her butt
◈Hit the gym!
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Time for chores
◈But who is the ideal candidate?
◈You could take it off?
◈Hold it together! Don’t ♥♥♥ yet!
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Shortstack
◈I can be pretty sneaky!
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Go check it out
◈Check out the hot tub
◈I was going to put on some sunscreen
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Who is it?
◈That was the point-
◈Then do it
◈Zeta Level 3

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsDouble or Nothin’ – Best 20 bucks you ever won!

◈I won’t let you have her!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsFaithful Companion – You got her back

◈Oh my gosh! Where’s Bailey?!
◈It’s worth the risk!
◈Help out
◈Go to breakfast
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Come in!
◈I’m good, do you need to get more comfortable?
◈Hit the gym!
◈Spin class
◈We can do it gang!
◈Push it! x9
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Time for chores
◈But who’s the ideal candidate?
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈You handle this
◈Pick the red box
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Take the shot!
◈Go check it out
◈Check out the hot tub
◈You certainly have grown, boob-wise
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈I’ve never been that good at sports!
◈Who is it?
◈Emily x2
◈If Sam is in trouble, I have to help her!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsWhite Knight – You failed, but you were brave enough to try

◈Try to remember what just happened!
◈It’s worth the risk!
◈Click yourself
◈Click Gallery: Trophies
◈Under Secrets of the Universe, click The Binary Language of Moisture Vaporators
◈Try to translate it
◈I am a nerd?
◈I deserve sex with hot robot women!
◈Ok seriously, go find a human girlfriend

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsThe Binary Language of Moisture Vaporators – Neeerrrddd!!!

◈Back x2
◈Help out
◈Go to breakfast
◈Check out Sam
◈Connect to Ama-Zone R&D
◈Hormone Spray
◈Come in!
◈Hit the gym!
◈Hellz nah!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈She’s in here, with me…
◈Give him a call
◈Um, no thank you
◈Start calibration
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Nerd
◈The latter
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Wait for it-
◈Go check it out
◈Check out the hot tub
◈You certainly have grown, boob-wise
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Who is it?

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsVirgin Killer – Swiped the V-carc

◈If Ashley is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈I suppose it’s not that reprehensible…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsOur Princess is in Another Castle – Welcome to King Koopa’s Mushroom Kingdom!

◈Maybe just a peek…
◈Oh my gosh! Where’s Ashley?!
◈It’s worth the risk!
◈Too busy
◈Start calibration
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Come in!
◈Hit the gym!
◈I admire your dedication to the cheer squad
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Start calibration
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Wait for it-
◈Go check it out
◈Check out the hot tub
◈At least it covers your big boobs!
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Who is it?
◈If Ashley is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈I don’t want any part of this

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsSave that Peach! – The kingdom is saved!

Walkthrough Pt 4

◈Oh my gosh! Where’s Ashley?!
◈It’s worth the risk!
◈Maybe I do…
◈Go to breakfast
◈Be polite
◈Calibration Stage: Beta
◈I need to ♥♥♥!
◈Come in!
◈Actually, I’m having a hard time getting comfortable
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Time for chores
◈But who’s the ideal candidate?
◈Nope! Too sexy!
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈I’ll take care of it!
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Did you sit in a pile of sugar?
◈Sure, sounds great!
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Maybe with a little ‘cheer-couragement’…
◈Who is it?
◈All set!
◈Zeta Level 2
◈Is that-
◈Sure, it’s not the real Sam…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsLost in Space – In space, no one can hear you squeal

◈Try to remember what just happened!
◈Just do it already
◈Help out
◈Go to breakfast
◈Check out Emily
◈Connect to Ama-Zone R&D
◈Hormone Spray
◈Not right now!
◈Come in!
◈Actually, I’m having a hard time getting comfortable
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Time for chores
◈But who’s the ideal candidate?
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈You handle this
◈Pick the black box
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈The Boyz
◈Come on, Steve! It will be fun!
◈Shoot front
◈Bounce it, damn it!
◈… but not of the boobs…
◈Don’t think! Just focus!
◈Keep your mouth shut
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Did you sit in a pile of sugar?


◈Sure, sounds great!
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Maybe with a little ‘cheer-couragement’…
◈Who is it?
◈I just need to get my PJ’s on
◈Oh yeah, I’m gonna-
◈Zeta Level 3

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsMILF’d – Oedipus would be proud

◈I won’t let you have her!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsDefender of the Galaxy – I’m here to rescue you

◈Try to remember what just happened!
◈It’s worth the risk!
◈Too busy
◈Start calibration
◈I want to skip calibration today
◈Come in!
◈Alexa goes with Emily
◈Ok then, I’m going to bed
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈Uh, I haven’t seen her…
◈Give him a call
◈Screw it! Ok!
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈The Sexbot
◈Dive right in!
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈Take the shot!
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Go faster I guess
◈More! More!
◈Yea, give me everything you got!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsHot Tub, Hot Tug – At least you’re in good hands now…

◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Grab it! Quick!
◈Stand up for yourself! It’s about damned time!
◈25 percent
◈50 percent
◈Who is it?


◈Alexa, Emily and Sam
◈Yes, you should make a back-up save
◈Signal Rexxx
◈{Continue story}

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsHead vs. Heart – I would have fallen for it too

◈Use that Bravery Zeta, damnit!
◈Ok, do it


◈I don’t want any part of this

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsFree Kitty! – We don’t own a cat.


◈I won’t do it

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsLocal Leader – Only a game for nerds would have ‘Charisma’ as a special skill.


◈No, I’d never do that to Steve!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsWhy don’t you do Right – You don’t know how hard it is being a woman looking the way I do.


◈I don’t want any part of this

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsSpidey Senses – I’m gonna make you shoot some webs.


◈I’m ok, thanks
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Maybe with a little ‘cheer-couragement’…
◈Who is it?
◈All set!
◈Zeta Level 2
◈Is that-
◈I’ll never join you

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsPrivate Dancer – Don’t bother with singles, these ladies take credit cards


◈Zeta Level 2
◈Dominant Level 2
◈If Emily is in trouble, I have to help her!
◈Do it. It’s not the real Emily…
◈Try to remember what just happened!
◈Show me what I’ve seen
◈Help out
◈Go to breakfast
◈Check out Emily
◈Connect to Ama-Zone R&D
◈Hormone Spray
◈Not right now!
◈Come in!
◈Actually, I’m having a hard time getting comfortable
◈Hit the gym!
◈Calibration Stage: Gamma
◈She’s in here, with me…
◈Nah, don’t bother
◈Time for chores
◈But who’s the ideal candidate?
◈Calibration Stage: Delta
◈I’ll take care of it!
◈Who should I hangout with?
◈The Boyz
◈Come on, Steve! It will be fun!
◈Shoot front
◈Bounce it, damn it!
◈…but not of the boobs…
◈Don’t think! Just focus!
◈You know, Steve was on the team too…
◈Check out the hot tub
◈Did you sit in a pile of sugar?
◈Sure, sounds great!
◈Calibration Stage: Epsilon
◈Go get the girls
◈Maybe with a little ‘cheer-couragement’…
◈Who is it?
◈I just need to get my PJ’s on
◈Could we… maybe do more?
◈Zeta Level 3
◈There’s no way to refuse him, I have to take the deal…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsUltimate Corruption – … and all you can do is watch

Walkthrough Pt 5

◈Try to remember what just happened!
◈Show me what I’ve seen
◈Click yourself
◈Click Event: Replay Halloween
◈Click Replay Event at bottom left
◈Yes please!
◈Yea, I don’t think so!
◈If it means you won’t eat me…

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsJinkies! – Holiday DLC trophy

◈Replay Event again
◈Yes please!
◈I suppose so?
◈Replay Event again
◈Yes please!
◈On second thought… x4

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsBig Chicken – Holiday DLC trophy

◈Replay Event again
◈Yes please!
◈Oh, heck no!
◈No way!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsLady Death – Holiday DLC trophy

◈Event: Replay XMAS
◈Replay Event
◈Yes please!
◈I wish I had Ashley as an elf to help me…
◈Temptation or not, the time space continuum would never allow it!
◈Hey, this one is for… Miss Jessica?
◈I actually prefer a cream filling
◈I guess if you’re gonna sex me up, that’s fine…
◈I’m gonna give that butthead a piece of my mind!
◈Umm… maybe a little?
◈Replay Event again
◈Yes please!
◈I wish I had Daphne as an elf to help me…
◈Of course you can sit on Santa’s lap!
◈Hey, this one is for… Meiko?
◈Santa does like his milk!
◈I guess if you’re gonna sex me up, that’s fine…
◈I’m gonna give that butthead a piece of my mind!
◈Oh no! I would never!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsSanta’s Lap… Dance – Holiday DLC trophy

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsMilk ‘n’ Booties – Holiday DLC trophy

◈Replay Event again
◈Yes please!
◈I wish I had Daphne as an elf to help me…
◈I’m afraid Santa doesn’t have time for that!
◈Hey, this one is for Emily
◈Don’t suck Santa’s ♥♥♥♥! The world might end as we know it!
◈Accept your lump of coal and watch
◈I can’t do this! I have to save my past existence!


◈Maybe it’s Bailey!

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsSweet Preservation – Holiday DLC trophy


◈Maybe it’s Steph!

◈For the last achievement, you will need to complete a total of 52 time warps. You can check this stat at the end of a loop or during a calibration step.

Sexbot - Optimized Walkthrough For All AchievementsHappy Birthday! – Has it been a year already?