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This guide will help you unlock all the achievements, scenes, and CGs in Summer’s Gone S1.
Summer’s Gone Season 1 Walkthrough Guide
Note: There are currently two CGs related to Nami’s gym scene that appear to be bugged and do not correctly unlock.
Walkthrough Pt 1
◈Start a new game
◈Name yourself
◈Where can I buy some candy?
◈These hands are rated E
E for Equality. – We don’t discriminate!
◈I’ll think about it
◈I will
◈I wish you the best
Chapter 1 – You finished Chapter 1!
◈…I will
◈Go in and shower with Nami being present
◈{Continue story}
MC Wiggly – You’ve witnessed ‘The Wiggly’
◈Wait for Jeff
◈I’ll be careful
Gym Bros. – A bond of steel.
◈{Continue story}
The prefect. – Punch the prefect.
◈Keep staring at her
◈Hesitantly agree and go out with her
Date with Victoria – Plan to go on a date with Victoria.
◈Stay, and confront them
◈Go and meet up with Bella
◈{Continue story}
Nightly Adventures with Bella – Go on a heist with Bella.
◈Tell her the story about Summer
◈I promise you
The promise – Make a promise to Victoria.
◈{Continue story}
Finish Chapter 2 – You’ve finished Chapter 2.
◈Hold her hand
◈Tell her
◈Don’t tell her
◈Go to her room
◈Join her in bed
◈Sit next to Sonya
◈Ask her out for dinner (with Mario’s money)
◈Yes, I am
◈Objectively, she has a very attractive body
◈You should give Bella some slack
◈Please apologize to her
◈You were right… We aren’t so different
We aren’t so different. – Admit something to Bella.
◈Change with her being present
◈You look… decent
◈You’ll always play a significant role in my life
◈I’m starting to like her
◈Just a normal amount, duh
◈Invite Bella to the gym
◈Go and say hi to her
◈Stop it
◈{Continue story}
Gym with Bella. – Go to the gym with Bella.
◈Just go in
◈What’s wrong
◈Thank him
◈I’m starting to like her
◈Tell her about Miss Marla
Looking out for the elders. – Tell Amber about Miss Marla’s state.
◈Can I count on you to have an eye on Nami?
◈I actually like Bella
◈{Continue story}
Finish Chapter 3 – Finish Chapter 3
◈Touch her foot back
◈…You’ll msot likely meet her again. If it really borthers you this much… keep an eye out for an ◈opportunity to help her and redeem yourself
◈Yeah, we are a good team
◈{Continue story}
One hell of a team. – Kiss Bella.
◈Big boobs are certainly… not bad
◈But I do like your legs
◈They’re smooth. Relatively nice, I guess
◈Touch Victoria’s hand
◈{Continue story}
The rumor with Robin. – A rumor goes around the campus.
◈Tell her you and Bella kissed
◈How are you doing?
◈I like the new haircut
◈Be encouraging
◈{Continue story}
Finish Chapter 3×5 – You finished Chapter 3×5
◈{Continue story}
Bella darling, free me! – Get saved by Bella in Chapter 4.
◈Give her half of it
◈Let Nadia kill the alien
◈No. I’m proud of you
◈{Continue story}
Tabletop – Finish the tabletop game.
◈Yes, let’s sleep together
◈I’m not sure…
◈Hold Nami in your arms
◈You look beautiful
◈Stay quiet
◈Carry her
◈Drive it yourself
◈Can we just keep playing?
◈Sorry Cheeto… No
◈Comfort her and pull her towards you
◈I don’t know yet. We would need to see her more often and under different circumstances
Finish Chapter 4 – You finished Chapter 4!
◈Continue dating Victoria
◈Give her a kiss
◈Let her decide
◈Pull her onto your lap
◈Take the boob-corn
◈Let them put it on your nipple
◈Make out with Victoria
◈Caress Mila’s thigh
1…2…3…4… Kiss. – Have an awkward four people encounter in Chapter 4×5.
◈Ask Vic to roll on a walk
◈I don’t want to be normal
◈Tell me about the book you’re reading
◈Tease Victoria a little
Watching the stars with Victoria. – Watching the stars with Victoria.
◈Don’t joke on Nami’s expense
◈Right, I didn’t
◈Neither are you
◈Tell Nami about your change in perception
More than just friends? – Tell the Cheeto about your change in perception.
◈{Continue story}
Finish Chapter 4×5. – Finish Chapter 4×5.
◈I’m not saying we need to fly straight into a relationship… But we can start walking
◈Don’t tell her
A Night in the Desert – Wake up in the desert with a certain someone.
◈You mean so much to me…
◈Yeah, I think I’m pretty open minded when it comes to that
◈I’d like to see some of your art some day
◈We’re not serious
◈Pull her closer
◈Agree to have some drinks with her
A date with Nia. – Plan a Date with Nia.
Visit Nia in Chapter 5. – You visited Nia in Chapter 5.
◈At least your car looks better than Bella’s
◈Trigger her a little
◈I won’t judge until I’ve read it
◈Sit with the Cheeto
◈I prefer woman a few years older than me
◈I’m talking about you, Jenna
◈Put your hand on Anna’s
◈Take it further
◈Let her off the hook
◈Ask Sasha for a book recommendation
◈Believe in Zara and pass to her
◈Start a race with impossible odds
A race with impossible odds – Start a race with the Cheeto.
Walkthrough Pt 2
◈For a favor
A favor from Maja. – You have an open favor from Maja.
◈I’m sorry but, I don’t feel that way
◈Go with Mila
◈Don’t meet up with Bella
Homesickness – Homesickness for a place I’ve never been.
◈Crushing enemies
◈Yeah, she did it on purpose
Doctor Claire – Meet Claire in Chapter 2.
◈Don’t tell her
◈I promise you
◈Hold her hand
◈Tell her
◈Don’t sit with her
◈Ask her out for dinner to talk about food
Date with Mila – Plan a date with Mila.
◈Some people like curves
◈She needs a firm hand
◈Don’t say it
◈You’ll always play a significant role in my life
◈I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind yet
◈Don’t go to the gym
◈Knock at her door
◈Thank him
◈Can I count on you to have an eye on Nami?
◈It’s more of a business meeting
◈I like smaller boobs
◈But I do like your legs
◈They’re smooth. Relatively nice, I guess
◈Don’t touch her hand
◈Be encouraging
◈{Continue story}
Look Miri! We’re prisoners! – Get cuffed together with Nora.
◈Give her half of it
◈Spare him
◈No. I’m proud of you
◈{Continue story}
Nadia’s debt. – Nadia owes you a favor.
◈Hold Nami in your arms
◈You look beautiful
◈Carry her
◈Don’t and let Miss Hill drive it
◈Put your arms up higher and close to her breasts
◈Alright, if I have to
◈Can we just keep playing?
◈Sorry Cheeto…No
◈Comfort her and pull her towards you
◈I don’t know yet. We would need to see her more often and under different circumstances
◈Kiss her
Kiss Mila. – Have a kiss with Mila.
◈Let her decide
◈Put your arm around her
◈I like the look of a well formed butt
◈Let them put it on your nipple
◈Make out with Victoria
◈Caress Mila’s thigh
◈Ask Vic to roll on a walk
◈I don’t want to be normal
◈Tell me about the book you’re reading
◈Tease Victoria a little
◈Reconsider and go out with her
A Dangerous game. – Have a date with Mila AND Vic at the same time.
◈Invite Nami to the gym
◈I will spot you
◈{Continue story}
Pumping Cheeto – Go to the gym with Nami.
◈Progress through to end of gym scene to get all CGs (See note at beginning of guide).
◈Invite Mila to the gym
◈Compliment her butt
◈I like both equally
◈{Continue story}
Gym with Mila. – Go to the gym with Mila.
◈Go on your own
◈Train with them
◈{Continue story}
Workout with Robin and Sasha – Mobility is key.
◈Ask Mila to go for a walk
◈Mention Garden of Venus to her
◈Put your hand on her butt
◈{Continue story}
Watching the stars with Mila. – Watching the stars with Mila.
◈Take a walk (Nami)
◈Slap her butt
◈Pull her closer
Watching the stars with Nami. – Watching the stars with Nami.
◈Sit with Sasha
◈{Continue story}
Sasha and the butterfly – Sit next to Sasha at the book club.
◈Let her off the hook… for a favor
A favor from Robin. – Robin owes you a favor.
The Cursen
◈I’m sorry but, I don’t feel that way
◈Go with Mila
◈Don’t meet up with Bella
◈Crushing enemies
◈Yeah, she did it on purpose
◈Don’t tell her
◈End it there
◈Don’t tell her
◈Don’t sit with her
◈Don’t ask her out
◈I have no type
◈She needs a firm hand
◈Don’t say it
◈It was a different situation back then
◈Don’t go to the gym
◈Just go in
◈What’s wrong?
◈Thank him
◈Don’t tell her about it
◈Don’t ask him
◈It’s more of a business meeting
◈I like smaller boobs
◈Don’t compliment her thighs
◈Don’t touch her hand
◈No deal
◈Keep it all for yourself
◈Spare him
◈♥♥♥♥ happens
◈Keep a reasonable distance
◈Don’t say it
◈Don’t carry her and tell her to get up
◈Drive it yourself
◈If something as irrelevant as wearing some low quality underwear brings shame to your family, then your family didn’t have any real status in the first place
◈Throw the ball at Zara’s head
◈No, sit on the edge
◈I don’t like her
◈I don’t have a preference. I like them both
◈Don’t do it
◈Take a walk (Nami)
◈Don’t pull her closer
◈I’ll go
◈Don’t start a conversation with her
◈Don’t trigger her
◈Pretty much sounds like ‘I’m on my deathbed’
◈Sit with Sasha
◈Nope, nothing at all
◈Don’t put your hand on hers
◈Don’t let her off the hook
◈Don’t ask her
◈Make the basket yourself
The Cursen – Finish the game without kissing anyone.
Scene Cleanup
Achievements are done at this point. The rest of the guide is for unlocking everything in the gallery.
◈Ask Mila to go for a walk
◈Put your hand on her butt
◈Hold her hand
◈Continue and go through Mila scene until it ends
◈I’m sorry but, I don’t feel that way
◈Go with Mila
◈Go and meet up with Bella
◈Crushing enemies
◈Don’t tell her
◈I promise you
◈Hold her hand
◈Tell her
◈Don’t tell her
◈Go to her room
◈Join her in bed
◈Don’t sit with her
◈Ask her out for dinner (with Mario’s money)
◈Yes, I am
◈Some people like curves
◈She needs a firm hand
◈You were right… We aren’t so different
◈Change with her being present
◈You look… decent
◈You’ll always play a significant role in my life
◈I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind yet
◈Invite Mila to the gym
◈Compliment her butt
◈I like both equally
◈Knock at her door
◈Thank him
◈Don’t ask him
◈It’s more of a business meeting
◈Touch her foot back
◈…You’ll most likely meet her again…
◈Yeah, we are a good team
◈Big boobs are certainly… not bad
◈Don’t compliment her thighs
◈Don’t touch her hand
◈Don’t tell her about it
◈How are you doing?
◈I like the new haircut
◈Be encouraging
◈Give her half of it
◈Spare him
◈No. I’m proud of you
◈Yes, let’s sleep together
◈I’m not sure…
◈Hold Nami in your arms
◈You look beautiful
◈Stay quiet
◈Carry her
◈Drive it yourself
◈You know the answer
◈Can we just keep playing?
◈Sorry Cheeto…No
◈Comfort her and pull her towards you
◈I don’t like her
◈Kiss her
◈Choose the right pic
◈Put your arm around her
◈I don’t have a preference. I like them both
◈Let them put it on your nipple
◈Make out with Victoria
◈Caress Mila’s thigh
◈Ask Mila to go for a walk
◈Don’t and be on the watch for a different solution
◈Put your hand on her butt
◈Kiss her back
◈Don’t joke on Nami’s expense
◈Right, I didn’t
◈Keep it to yourself for now
◈I’m not saying we need to fly straight…
◈Tell her that you and Mila kissed
◈Yeah, I think I’m pretty open minded when it comes to that
◈I’d like to see some of your art some day
◈We’re not serious
◈Pull her closer
◈Agree to have some drinks with her
◈Don’t start a conversation with her
◈Trigger her a little
◈I won’t judge until I’ve read it
◈Sit with the Cheeto
◈Nope, nothing at all
◈Don’t put your hands on hers
◈Let her off the hook
◈Ask Sasha for a book recommendation
◈Believe in Zara and pass to her
◈Give Mila a kiss on her head
◈Yeah, sure
◈Finish game
◈Invite Bella to the gym
◈Go and say hi to her
◈Keep it a serious date
◈Stop it
◈Knock at her door
◈Thank him
◈Don’t ask him
◈It’s more of a business meeting
◈Touch her foot back
◈…You’ll most likely meet her again…
◈Yeah, we are a good team
◈Big boobs are certainly… not bad
◈Don’t compliment her thighs
◈Don’t touch her hand
◈Don’t tell her about it
◈How are you doing?
◈I like the new haircut
◈Be encouraging
◈Give her half of it
◈Spare him
◈No. I’m proud of you
◈Yes, let’s sleep together
◈I’m not sure…
◈Hold Nami in your arms
◈You look beautiful
◈Stay quiet
◈Carry her
◈Drive it yourself
◈You know the answer
◈Can we just keep playing?
◈Sorry Cheeto…No
◈Comfort her and pull her towards you
◈I don’t like her
◈Kiss her
◈Let her decide
◈Put your arm around her
◈I don’t have a preference. I like them both
◈Let them put it on your nipple
◈Make out with Victoria
◈Caress Mila’s thigh
◈Ask Mila to go for a walk
◈Don’t and be on the watch for a different solution
◈Put your hand on her butt
◈Kiss her back
◈Don’t joke on Nami’s expense
◈Right, I didn’t
◈Neither are you
◈Stop playthrough after this scene
◈I like smaller boobs
◈But I do like your legs
◈They’re smooth. Relatively nice, I guess
◈Touch Victoria’s hand
◈Stop playthrough here.