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This guide will help you unlock every achievement in To Be A King Volume 1.
To Be A King Volume 1 Walkthrough Guide
This guide does not guarantee all scenes.
Walkthrough Pt 1
◈Start a new game
◈Name yourself
◈[name] works for me
◈{Continue story}
Can I Get Back To War? – Meet Aristhenes
◈Let’s go
First Love
◈<Your choice>
Valentina Survivor – Completed Chapter 1.
◈I’d love to
◈<Your choice>
◈Princess Valentina, I want to be with you
True Love – Commit to Valentina
◈Sure, I’d love to
◈I appreciate your advice
◈Your father believes I have the experience
◈I will go at once
◈If I knew, I would say something
◈{Continue story}
Cassia’s Time – Completed Chapter 2
◈What is it that you propose?
◈I think we would make an excellent team
What Could Go Wrong?
◈Tell Kaylan the truth
◈Our discussions have focused on the King’s security
◈I’ll be sure to visit the courtyard then
Bad News Bears – Completed Chapter 3
◈It was a wonderful conversation
◈You’re beautiful Kaylan, and I’d be a fool to say no
Short Girls Are Cute – Commit to Kaylan
◈<Your choice>
◈I will not regret this, I share your feelings
◈I hope you’ll be more levelheaded next time
Saving The Day – Completed Chapter 4
◈I thought I’d enjoy my evening out in the capital to explore a bit
◈I’d love that, Eliana
◈I am here to keep you safe
◈The thought of never seeing you again pushed me
◈I love you, Cassia
Fashion Trendsetter – Commit to Cassia
◈Go through all options
◈It was wonderful, Princess
◈Keep your relationship with Kaylan secret
◈Yes, Aelinia
Politically Savvy – Commit to Aelinia
◈Push her for more
◈Comfort Valentina
◈Your love for me
◈You do a lot to help, Lydia
◈Very little
◈I will give that, Queen Helena
◈The woman wearing it
◈The first one
◈Your breasts
◈With pleasure
◈I cannot commit to that yet
◈His behavior was concerning
◈I would love that
◈Watch and wonder whether they’ve invented popcorn yet
◈So am I, Aelinia
◈<Your choice>
◈You’re better
A Goddess Appears – Meet the Goddess
The Beer Garden – Meet Cronut
◈Ask for another kiss
◈Of course!
I’ll Be Back – Choose to return to the goddess
◈Your company is wonderful
◈I’m not scared at all
◈I need you to tell me what happened in the cave
◈Don’t push her
◈I will talk to your father
◈Could I stay here?
◈Turn around
◈I’ll behave
◈It is lovely
◈I will ask for permission to escort you into the city
◈{Continue story}
Is This My Job? – Completed Chapter 5
◈There will be little time for that before the festival
◈Suggest a plan
◈Generous, perhaps. But unrealistic
◈The Danish alliance seems like a positive development
◈Share your suspicions about the Prince
◈You look very lovely, Queen Helena
◈I do find your daughters lovely
◈I was looking forward to enjoying my lovely princess
◈Steer the conversation somewhere else
◈Don’t risk embarassing her
◈You are still beautiful
◈Kiss her
◈I did not wish to interrupt you
◈Take Cassia in the pool
◈I do love you, Aelinia
◈You’re sure, Aelinia?
◈♥♥♥ inside Aelinia
◈I certainly can
◈That will be fine
◈With pleasure
◈I would be interested in that
◈It will be a fantastic way to relax
◈You’ll be back
Very Relaxing – Choose to return to Rashida
◈Enjoy the beautiful girl
◈That would be wonderful
◈Kiss her
◈Tell her she is beautiful
◈Enjoy the kiss
◈Much like the woman in front of me
◈I could make you feel more comfortable by also undressing
◈Behave yourself
◈Ask her to stay the night
Overnight Guest – Lydia stays the night
◈Stay and look
◈♥♥♥ inside her
Festival Memories – Completed Chapter 6
◈It is much more than interest
Get Me To The Greek – Commit to Lydia
◈You haven’t made me uncomfortable
◈Yes, of course I would
Queen For Another Day – Commit to Helena
◈You are certain he won’t be back soon?
◈Continue to let Helena lead
The Royal Flush – Commit to all three of Caudium’s princesses and Helena
The Princess Trio – Commit to all three of Caudium’s princesses
◈Encourage Valentina
◈Of course. I am happy to assist you
◈I would love that, Eliana
My Favorite Bar Wench – Commit to Eliana
◈Of course, Flora
Your Servant Forever – Commit to Flora
◈I have some experience I could show you
◈{Continue story}
Old Flame – Commit to Isabella
◈That sounds wonderful
◈{Continue story}
Maximum Blonde – Commit to Aelinia, Helena, and Isabella
What A Secret
◈Give her time
◈Sure. What is one more significant risk while I am here
◈Give me some time to think your offer over
◈After the ball
◈Kiss her
◈Are you romantically involved with anyone? I would like to get to know you better
◈♥♥♥ in her
◈Are my dreams coming true? Are you giving me a threesome?
◈<Your choice> x2/x3
◈Kiss her
◈I would like that
◈Compliment Aristhenes
◈Just enjoy this
◈To fulfill every one of my fantasies?
◈Lydia x2
◈Of course, but…
Two For One
◈Yes, but with a military escort
◈{Continue story}
I Need A Drink – Completed Chapter 7
One Book Down – Completed Volume 1
Walkthrough Pt 2
◈No. Take me to the next chapter
◈Keep her here and marry her
Viking Love – Get Betrothed to Estrid
◈Before you do that…
◈Allow it
◈Send him to a private villa far outside of the capital
◈I have a plan
◈I will trust your word on this, for now
◈Trust her explanation
◈I can always make time in my night for you
◈In that case, I will inquire
◈Agree to marry her
◈Do not make her upset
◈Queen Aelinia then?
◈Stay the night
◈This is very awkward
◈I will do that
◈That sounds wonderful
◈I would love to accept that arrangement
The Girl From The Party – Commit to Dinah
◈<Your choice>
◈♥♥♥♥ it. ♥♥♥ inside her
Grief Counseling – Completed Chapter 8
◈Be understanding
Tamura Kindness
◈Attempt to win them over
Do It With Honey
◈Yes, I will have a go at them
◈Invite Flavia to the theatre
◈Are you one of those women?
◈Flirt with her
◈Invite her to your room one evening for a rematch and maybe more
◈Yes, I loved it
◈Of course
◈Ask her to be your wife
◈{Continue story}
Supreme Lady
◈Have her take it in her mouth
◈Fill her up
◈{Continue story}
New Management – Completed Chapter 9
◈Do not start fights. You are very delicate
◈You gave me little reason to trust you
◈Do not interrupt Helena
◈I have seen remarkable progress
◈She needs to stay with me right now, Helena
◈You always look beautiful
◈This is very tempting
◈Keep Isabella here for now
Keep Her Close – Keep Isabella in Caudium
◈How am I making a huge mistake?
◈Good to see you, Tullia
◈He still seems a likely suspect
◈I am listening
◈<Your choice>
◈Do you want me to rush into this decision?
◈Keep him in prison a little while longer. Perhaps he will finally reveal what he knows
◈Curry favor with the western provinces
◈I do not need this from you
◈We certainly will be
◈If I can slip my arm out from under Cassia, maybe a bit more than that
◈No. Take me to the new chapter
Laid To Rest – Completed Chapter 10
◈Suggest a threesome
Threes Company
◈Ask her to move into a bedroom in the villa
Helena Villa
◈Valentina or Cassia would do well
◈I should go and tell Aelinia about this before Lydia does
◈Let her vent
◈Invite her to move into the villa with you
Estrid Villa
◈Tullia tells me that you and your colleagues would be willing to provide me with support
◈Of course
◈Go through all options
◈Offer to try and get her in the mood
◈Diss Cronut
◈We will make it even better, and then she will have to recognize what you’ve done
◈You lovely ladies can take up as much time as you need
◈Go through all options
◈For you, I will see what I can do
Kaylan Villa
◈My choice of queens
◈Lydia is an excellent option
◈Go through the remaining options
◈Your soft dark skin
◈Heal any wounds, and then send them back to Brennus
◈There are a few I think might serve me well
◈Then what is your opinion?
◈I am doing so
◈I appreciate your loyalty
◈What are the disadvantages of choosing Goddess Anna?
◈I could never, Anna
◈Go through remaining options
◈I can see why you got thrown in that cauldron
◈Why did you lie?
◈You promise to be very quiet?
◈Give her some anal
◈Finish inside her
◈Add her to the harem
Ginger Spice – Accept Tullia’s Path
◈Oh yes
◈Why can all the factions not work together?
◈Is that why you came to the palace?
◈I will help you with that
◈My apologies for the delay
◈You want both her and Dinah in your harem
Two of a Kind
◈{Continue story}
Factions – Completed Chapter 11
Walkthrough Pt 3
◈You will have a lovely spot in the new building
◈Give her a room in the villa
Eliana Villa
◈Give her a room in the new harem building
◈Offer her a room in the villa
Lydia Villa
◈Do not give her one of the 1 bedroom(s) availabvle
◈My choice of queens
◈Lydia is an excellent option
◈Go through the remaining options
◈Invite her to have a room in the villa
Valentina Villa
◈Do not give her one of the 1 bedroom(s) available
◈<Your choice>
◈Ask her to move into a bedroom here
Rashida Villa
◈Do not give her one of the 1 bedroom(s) available
◈Send their bodies back to Brennus
◈There are a few who want that position
◈Why do you bring the factions up?
◈Why must I choose only one?
◈I appreciate your loyalty
◈It seems bad to betray Goddess Anna, after all the help she has provided
◈I could never, Anna
◈Go through all options
◈It is cute that you think that
◈Why did you lie?
◈I do not need a stalker
◈Over in the corner
◈Let’s get started now
◈Give her some anal
◈Finish inside her
◈Add her to the harem
◈Oh yes
◈Why can all the factions not work together?
◈Is that why you came to the palace?
◈Are you sure you do not have time for more?
◈My apologies for the delay
◈You want both her and Dinah in your harem
◈Invite her to move into the villa with you
Dinah Villa
Walkthrough Pt 4
◈Start a new game
◈Name yourself
◈[name] works for me
◈It’s a bit too soon
◈Not tonight, Cassia
◈I don’t share your feelings
◈I will not be undermined
◈Where is your battlefield experience?
◈I believe I can best serve you here
◈I do not appreciate your insinuations
◈Just tell me what you want
◈I don’t ally with snakes
I Smell A Rat
◈I don’t believe he likes me
◈My schedule keeps me rather busy
◈I’m not sure it will be a pleasant dinner
◈I’m sorry Kaylan, but I don’t feel the same way
◈Good night then, Princess
◈We would not be in this situation except for your idiocy
◈I have my nights free
◈I have to decline, Eliana
◈You’ve caused enough issues the last few days
◈I will come back another time
◈I should leave now
◈Go through all options
◈Don’t flirt
◈I appreciate your affection, but I don’t feel the same way
◈I’ll survive
◈Thankfully I have not
◈I will do what I can, Queen Helena
◈We should have not presented him with these decisions
◈It’s alright, Lydia. No harm done
◈I have to decline
◈Get involved and stop this
◈I need to be going
◈Too weird for me
◈I need you to tell me what happened in the cave
◈Press Cassia for details
◈Just a peek
◈Darker hair suited you better
◈There will be other suitors for you
◈That will not be possible
◈I have enough obligations
◈Stay silent for now
◈I’m more worried when you are acting nice to me
◈The Danish offer looks to be the better one
◈The dress will be no problem for the festival
◈I find her accomplished, but not attractive
◈Don’t risk embarassing her
◈Nope. Get the hell out
◈What did you say?
◈The time for us has passed
◈Let her know you do not want a relationship
◈I’m sure there will be at least one soon
◈I think your first treatment was sufficient
◈Just wait until you think Marius is done and leave
◈Not right now
◈That is not my place to say
◈Younger women
◈Excuse yourself
◈I won’t be able to
◈Thank you for the offer, but I have other commitments
◈It has been a bit uncomfortable
◈Thank you for that, my queen
◈Just enjoy the show
◈Good luck, Princess Aelinia. I need to spend my time elsewhere
◈Thank you, but I am not interested
◈I think it is best that you stay in the servants’ quarters
◈What kind of experience do you value?
◈Hell no!
Get Out – Reject Isabella a second time
◈I must decline
◈She seems like any girl. Immature and desiring time with her friends
◈There are other women I am involved with
◈Believe me, I know
◈Just escort her back to her room
◈No, I don’t think so
◈I do have something else after this
◈Not this time
◈No, let us keep her here for now
◈None at all
Never Be Royals – Reject Caudium’s princesses and Helena
Riding Solo – Pursue no love interests in Volume 1
◈No. Take me to the next chapter
◈Tell her she is leaving Caudium
◈Send him to a private villa far outside of the capital
◈You’ll get my help
◈I am still not convinced you did not play a role in the kidnapping
◈Do you know whether anyone was planning Aricellus’s death?
◈I prefer younger women
◈Good luck finding someone to relax with
◈I cannot accept that deal
◈No, I am still not interested
◈Don’t allow her to disrespect you
◈Invite her to your roon
◈Get her to stay
◈That is acceptable to me
◈Flora, thank you for the offer, but I will decline
◈Yes, I will have a go at them
◈Let Flavia go. She is not my type
◈Young princesses are particularly aggressive
◈Nah, I’m good
◈You do not want a romantic relationship with her
◈Do not agree to marry any of his sisters
◈It seems like you brought this on yourself
◈Valentina, I know you think we are meant to be. I do not feel the same way though
◈Your thoughts are not my concern
◈You are still here?
◈What do you know about it?
◈Only to discuss relevant information
◈Agree to exile him. It is a fair compromise
◈Curry favor with the eastern provinces
◈I do not need this from you
◈No. Take me to the new chapter
◈How much obstruction can I expect from the senate?
◈I appreciate that
◈Go through all options
◈My choice of queens
◈A little wary of choosing Lydia
◈Go through the remaining options
◈Send their bodies back to Brennus
◈I have not
◈Then what is your opinion?
◈I am doing so
◈See to it that you do
◈I should be going
◈I do not need a stalker
◈I did not agree to anything yet
◈Why can all the factions not work together?
◈I have ways of getting information from women
◈Ask Diana to be your queen
At Least You Tried
◈I had hoped I would not have to beg you
◈Invite her to move into the villa with you
Diana Villa
◈You are fine with only Diana in your harem
◈Stop this playthrough here
Walkthrough Pt 5
◈I’m sorry, Kaylan, but I don’t feel the same way
◈<Your choice>
◈I will not regret this, I share your feelings
◈I hope you’ll be more levelheaded next time
◈I thought I’d enjoy my evening out in the capital to explore a bit
◈I’d love that, Eliana
◈I am here to keep you safe
◈The thought of never seeing you again pushed me
◈I love you, Cassia
◈Go through all options
◈It was wonderful, Princess
◈Keep your relationship with Kaylan secret
◈Yes, Aelinia
◈Push her for more
◈Comfort Valentina
◈Your love for me
◈You do a lot to help, Lydia
◈Very little
◈I will give that, Queen Helena
◈The woman wearing it
◈The first one
◈Your breasts
◈With pleasure
◈I cannot commit to that yet
◈His behavior was concerning
◈I would love that
◈Watch and wonder whether they’ve invented popcorn yet
◈So am I, Aelinia
◈<Your choice>
◈You’re better
◈Ask for another kiss
◈Of course!
◈Your company is wonderful
◈I’m not scared at all
◈I need you to tell me what happened in the cave
◈Don’t push her
◈I will talk to your father
◈Could I stay here?
◈Turn around
◈I’ll behave
◈It is lovely
◈I will ask for permission to escort you into the city
◈There will be little time for that before the festival
◈Suggest a plan
◈Generous, perhaps. But unrealistic
◈The Danish alliance seems like a positive development
◈Share your suspicions about the Prince
◈You look very lovely, Queen Helena
◈I do find your daughters lovely
◈I was looking forward to enjoying my lovely princess
◈Steer the conversation somewhere else
◈Don’t risk embarassing her
◈You are still beautiful
◈Kiss her
◈I did not wish to interrupt you
◈Take Cassia in the pool
◈I do love you, Aelinia
◈You’re sure, Aelinia?
◈♥♥♥ inside Aelinia
◈I certainly can
◈That will be fine
◈With pleasure
◈I would be interested in that
◈It will be a fantastic way to relax
◈You’ll be back
◈Enjoy the beautiful girl
◈That would be wonderful
◈Kiss her
◈Tell her she is beautiful
◈Enjoy the kiss
◈Much like the woman in front of me
◈I could make you feel more comfortable by also undressing
◈Behave yourself
◈Ask her to stay the night
◈Stay and look
◈♥♥♥ inside her
◈It is much more than interest
◈You haven’t made me uncomfortable
◈Yes, of course I would
◈You are certain he won’t be back soon?
◈Continue to let Helena lead
◈Encourage Valentina
◈Of course. I am happy to assist you
◈I would love that, Eliana
◈Of course, Flora
◈I have some experience I could show you
◈That sounds wonderful
◈Give her time
◈Sure. What is one more significant risk while I am here
◈Give me some time to think your offer over
◈After the ball
◈Kiss her
◈Are you romantically involved with anyone? I would like to get to know you better
◈♥♥♥ in her
◈Are my dreams coming true? Are you giving me a threesome?
◈I can share my room
◈I would love to have you
Second Time’s The Charm – Commit to Kaylan after rejecting her
◈I will take Kaylan as my wife
First Betrothal
◈Ask Aelinia to marry you
Secret Lovers
◈I am not sure right now
◈Yes, but with a military escort
◈No. Take me to the next chapter
◈Keep her here and marry her
◈Before you do that…
◈Allow it
◈I would suggest you keep him in your home
◈I have a plan
◈I will trust your word on this, for now
◈Trust her explanation
◈I can always make time in my night for you
◈Yes, I’ll marry you
Say Yes To The Dress
◈Be ruthless
◈Defend Valentina
◈I have seen remarkable progress
◈Stop treating her like a child
Valentina Defender
◈I will let Lydia handle it
Risky Business
◈Of course, Lydia
◈Your beauty and company are wonderful
◈For your sake, Lydia
◈It has been a bit uncomfortable
◈Thank you for that, my queen
◈Just enjoy the show
◈Good luck, Princess Aelinia. I need to spend my time elsewhere
◈Thank you, but I am not interested
◈I think it is best that you stay in the servants’ quarters
◈What kind of experience do you value?
◈Hell no!
◈I must decline
◈She seems like any girl. Immature and desiring time with her friends
◈There are other women I am involved with
◈Believe me, I know
◈Just escort her back to her room
◈Keep your cool
◈I agree to this in principle, but only for Lydia’s sake
Coup d’état
◈You seem like a different person now
◈Add Valentina to your harem
Persistent Love