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Islands of Insight Walkthrough Guide: All Mysteries Solutions (+Hints). Hints are provided if you’re stuck, but would still like to solve the puzzles yourself.
Islands of Insight Walkthrough Guide: Mysteries Solutions
Solutions for all mysteries in Islands of Insight. Keep in mind that Mysteries are essentially end-game puzzles, so do try and solve them yourself!
You don’t need to uncover the mystery text to solve the mystery itself, so if you want you can speedrun them all and not worry about finishing all the Enclaves.
Mysteries? What mysteries?
After finishing the base quest of each Enclave, you will unlock a pedestal in the area north of Lucent Water’s fast travel point. Each of those pedestals contains a puzzle, and solving it solves the “Mystery,” turning the pedestal gold.
What do I get for this?
You need to solve 5 mysteries to enter the central segment of Vault of the Vitric (big rhombus). 10 to enter it’s bottom segment, and 15 to enter the peak. As far as I can tell, there is no reward for getting all 21 mysteries
1 (A New Moment)
In our most distant memories, we passed the five wise orbs and were greeted by Sentinels, who sit beside the tallest tree on the island. A Logic Grid sleeps behind them. Solve it, but with the rules applying to light tiles instead of dark ones.
- “Our” means yours
- Five wise orbs are each atop a pillar of wisdom
- You’ve got to search the 0’th area of the game
- Sentinels is the name for the big pillar puzzle
Go to the last island of the tutorial section, where you’re introduced to multiple puzzle types. Next to the Sentinel Stones you can find a logic box. Solve it with all light tiles connecting, and no 2×2 of light tiles.


2 (Son of the Sun)
Seek a place where a Skydrop encircles the light and ascendance is guarded by ancient birds. There, amid the misty gold, seek the lone Logic Grid. Treat Areas as Viewpoints and keep dark tiles from sharing a side.
- Skydrops are randomly generated on the mainland, so you won’t find a solution there
- I’d be surprised if you haven’t solved this skydrop during regular gameplay
- Each area has a certain type of animal(s) associated with it. Which one’s birds?
- Have a look around The Empyrean Journey. It’s very obvious when you see it
Go through the The Empyrean Journey Enclave as you would normally. After passing four pillars, you should find yourself bathed in a sunbeam that just so happens to be shining upon a lone Logic Grid. Solve it treating area numbers as viewpoints, and having no 2×1 dark cells.


3 (Knowledge is Power)
Stand on the bridge that connects two curved promenaades. Face the one parent and its four children, who each have eight legs. Solve the Logic Grid on your left using the rules of the Logic Grid on your right, replacing [B, D, C, A] with [1, 2, 4, 8]
- A promenade is a large structure intended for walking on. Not necessarily on a coast
- The map has a lot of bridges, but only a few curved structures
- Your target is in Lucent Waters
- When you fast travel to Lucent Waters, you might be closer than you realize
- The parent and children are buildings
You want to go to the The Upper Floor Trial north of Lucent Waters fast travel point. Stand on that bridge and face away from the fast travel. On your left, on the staircase going down from the bridge, there should be a logic grid with 3 orbs. Solve it so that all dark cells connect, no dark 2×2 exists, and every light area has a single symbol in it. Additionally, swap letters for numbers so that A=8, B=1, C=4, D=2


4 (Two’s Company)
A Logic Grid lies behind a large golden bell. Complete it as if two were three.
- The bell holds a matchbox inside of it at all times
- You are not looking for a location on the mainland
- Search Autumn Plains Enclaves for the bell
- Your goal is in “All Things in Twos”
Go to the “All Things in Twos” Enclave (Autumn Falls) and on the southern side of the main island, there is a bell. Go behind it, and you should find a puzzle box. Solve it so that all light regions connect, and all dark regions have area 3.


5 (A New Look)
Submerged in the oceans of space, this place has a different gravity. A gentle wind cushions your fall and you step onto an ancient stone ceiling. Within the puzzle, add one to each Area. (
- There is no actual gravity altering mechanics in the game
- You’re looking for a location that looks like it defies gravity
- Existing in a reflection is like walking on the ceiling
- Your goal is in the As above, so Below Enclave (Shady WIldwood)
In the As above, so Below Enclave (Shady Wildwood) you have to go under the island that’s below where you start. On the underside there is a structure where you can stand on its ‘ceiling’, and solve an upside-down logic cube as if each Area had 1 more than the Area Number in it.


6 (Another Viewpoint)
Remember the rules of the puzzle above (, then travel far away to a memory of a different sort, resting atop a precipice where a stone face smiles upon the pink waters. Descend halfway down the waterfall and solve the Logic Grid with three orbs. Use the rules you remember.
- If you’re having trouble finding the logic box on the image, glide down from the building in the background towards Verdant Glen
- The pink part of the waters doesn’t need to be wet
- When they say travel far away, they mean it
- Certain portion of the map is dominated by waterfalls, seek your answers there
- Clue about the stone face is significantly less useful than you might give it credit for
- Nobody said the mainland is the only place with waterfalls
- Look around the Enclaves in Serene Deluge
Go to the Vaulted Heights Enclave in Serene Deluge, and travel to the big island in it. The central waterfall is your target, and mid-way through there should be a logic grid with 3 orb difficulty, with all others being 2, 4, or more. Solve the 3 orb grid using the rules of: No 2×2 of dark cells, all dark cells connected, one symbol in every light area. Treat view numbers as area numbers


7 (Smallest of the Three)
Where lands colide, a great stone gate tilts amid the rubble. Light shines through the fallen gate, illuminating a narrow path that climbs upward. Solve the smallest of three siblings, adding two to each number.
- There are 5 lands on this world, colliding with each other.
- Light in the world comes from a particular angle. It has to be the same as the gate the lights shines through
- The “path upwards” is not that steep, and in fact goes down at first
- Try searching the bordent of Verdant Glen
- The three siblings are 2 stars, 4 circles, and 1 circle
Your target is the smallest logic box on top of the roof above the Symbolic Duality Trial (Verdant Glen). Solve it while adding 2 to every Area Number.


8 (Under the Surface)
In the misty depths, this secret dwells alone. Solve it, but with the forbidden pattern inverted to the opposite color. (
- The grass color might help you figure out the area
- This pit is visible on the map
- Look around Verdant Glen
Go to the hole in the world that’s south of One Way Elevator trial (Verdant Glen). You should find the logic box easily, now just solve it so that the T-shape never appears in dark cells


9 (Two for Two)
On an ancient roof that shelters a river crossing, a chain of puzzles connect in the shape of a 2. Look upstream to the next structure that spans the river. Solve the Logic Grid you see perched halfway up that structure, but invert the colors of all rules.
- Chains of puzzles are considered Trials, and are marked on the map
- The shape is not exact, but it’s clearly a 2 from the correct angle
- If you fly high up, logic boxes despawn and you can see the shapes easier
- If you don’t know where the chain is, start somewhere in Serene Deluge and fly towards the rhombus, zooming down on the rivers below
Starting near the Cornered Numbers Trial (Lucent Waters), go north following the river. Your goal is a puzzle box with 3 circles in the center of the aqueduct that separates Lucent Waters from Serene Deluge. Solve it while: not making 2×2 of light, not making 4×1 of dark, and connecting all dark cells


10 (Face of Stone)
Among all faces of stone, there is one that is far larger than the rest. Beneath that face, a logic grid is cradled by the three trunks of a small tree. Solve it by connecting dark cells instead of light ones.
- When they say the face of stone is far larger than the rest, they mean it
- The face of stone is just that: a face. No body, no head
- If you’re struggling to find the face, it might be easier to find the tree
- Each area has unique flora, and only a portion of the map houses trees that can be both small, while splitting into three trunks so that the logic grid can fit within it
- To see the face, stand on the Autumn Falls fast travel point, and look towards the Lucent Waters fast travel point
Your goal is underneath the Lucent Waters fast travel point. Go to it and drop down to the mainland. There should be a 3 orb logic grid held up by a small tree that splits into three trunks, with the grid in the middle of them. Solve it without making any 1×4 shapes of either color, and while connecting all the dark cells.


11 (Water, Eart, and Air)
From the gate (, follow the river to a bridge. From the bridge, follow the cliff to a rift. Take it skyward, land atop the closest temple, and fly to the closest roof again after that. Solve the puzzle as if all dark regions had size 3.
- The picture showcases elements from two different areas. It’s on the edge between them.
- The directions are pretty straighforward, and will not require you to go for a long time at any step
At the top of the roof above “In Matters of Size” you will find a puzzle box (2 circles). Solve it as if all dark regions had area of 3.


12 (Don’t Look Down)
Your focus may be narrow when you return from the Enclave to a rocky island in the sunny mist. Here, evergreen trees take root on mossy boulders and golden trees shed their leaves in the wind. To find your new target, be as the trees and don’t look down. All arrows point upwards.
- The description suggests a very particular Area
- Only two Enclave entrances are on islands, and only one of them matches the flora
- You’re looking around the Eye of the Needle Entrance
Right next to the entrance ring to the “Eye of the Needle” Enclave you need to climb a small boulder. At the top there is a logic box with 2 circles on it. Solve it with all of its rules, but with all the Darts pointing up.


13 (Off the Edge)
Seek a puzzle that stands on a crumbling foundation beyond a broken ring, where a river forks at the edge of the world. You must solve this grid while ignoring both rules.
- The map will not be useful for locating the river fork
- The broken ring is one of the Enclave entrances
- Try looking around Shady Wildwood
- Rules and Symbols are different things. Ignore one, keep the other.
Go to the ring that brings you to the Cloud of Pearls Enclave. Behind it there should be a sneaky logic box, which you need to solve using only the symbols (area numbers and symmetry lotuses), and not the “Numbers are off by one” and “connect all dark cells” rules.


14 (A Twist of Fate)
Stand upon the highest land in the Known Realm, and fly towards the Worlds Within Worlds. Halfway there, drop to the ground and solve the lone Logic Grid in the area. It harbors a secret if all Lotuses are rotated an eight of a turn clockwise.
- Highest land doesn’t mean it’s part of the main land
- Worlds within Worlds is a name of an Enclave in Shady WIldwood
- When the puzzle says there is a lone Logic Grid in the area, it means it.
- The location is not exactly half-way. Try drawing a line on the map and searching the rough area of the middle.
Your target box is to the right of the As above, so below Enclave entrance. The logic box is behind the tree, and solve it as if all lotuses got rotated by 45 degrees clockwise


15 (Go with the Flow)
A fallen temple lies in a place of deepest blue ( From here, four flowing paths lead you in four different directions. A temple is touched by two of those paths, where two Logic Grids dance atop grinning lions. Switch two and four within one of them.
- The image is taken near one of the fast travel points
- It may be worth looking at the map of the area
- Lions are not only outside the temple
- Only one of the boxes can follow the rules of the mystery
Go to the temple atop which there is the “Heads in the Clouds” pillar(s). Inside of the temple you will find two lions with two boxes, each having a single orange star of difficulty. Facing the lions, left box is your target, following the rules of “All dark regions have area 4” and “All light regions have area 2”.



16 (Meniscus)
Here, a great waterfall splits cliff and temple alike. Among the churning waters below, a current swirls within ancient walls. Underwater, Areas have a different View, and View a different Area.
- What’s an area with a lot of waterfalls?
- The description of the waterfall and temple is not a metaphor
- If the puzzle box you’re looking in doesn’t have area and view numbers, you’re not looking at the right one
- The puzzle box is physically underwater, but it is not directly underneath the temple
You need to go to the temple at the Eastern side of Serene Deluge, at the top of which is the Shifting in Phase Enclave. Go to the bottom of the temple, and follow the swirls in the current to the ‘basement’ of a nearby structure. There will be a logic box submerged in the water. Solve itas if the symbols for area numbers were viewpoint numbers and vice versa


17 (Overcast)
Within the Cloud, another Drop awaits. However, to see the whoile silver lining of a stormcloud, one must view it from afar. A click, a flash, and the cloud is set alight. (
- The image is really not too useful, but it can let you figure out the general location
- You can get this one easily on accident if you’re just exploring every island
- Your goal is isolated to an enclave
- There is a particular enclave wiht a lot of Skydrops
- In the Worlds within Worlds Enclave, there is an extra island that belongs to it
In the Worlds within Worlds Enclave (Shady Wildwood) there is a solitary island off the Southern side. Glide to it and look back towards the main island. You should be able to line up the floating stones like a Skydrop. See image.

18 (A Memory)
Find the ancient behemoth who wears a crown of gold, for this giant shelters a puzzle box on its belt of stone. However, you will find that this puzzle cannot be solved in the usual way. You must look outside of this box and into another.
- The behemoth is very geometrical
- You’re looking at the rhombus in Verdant Glen
- This mystery simply requires you to solve an environmental puzzle box
- If you’re stuck, try solving the A Connected Wall Trial
The massive rhombus in the Verdant Glen has a small ledge about a quarter of the way from the bottom. On the southern corner of the ledge, you will find a puzzle box with one star. Solving it finishes the mystery. Solution requires you to look into the puzzle chain below, and remember the coloring of differently shaped regions, and then copy it here.


19 (Out of Season)
An autumn tree dwells out of place within the serene landscape. Though at first it seems a solitary oddity, the right perspective will reveal that it is a small part of something greater, and still finds kinship in its former home.
- The tree in question is very out of place
- The tree in question is very high up
- Try looking down at the tree so that the Autumn Falls are in the background
Stand up on the plateau south of the Parity Matters pillar of insight (Serene Deluge). Looking down at Autumn Falls, you should notice a circle forming with the red-leafed tree that’s standing on a solitary pillar South-West of you. Complete the puzzle like a Skydrop.

20 (A Unique Match)
Above a precipice where two waterfalls kiss in the air, a peculiar object awaits discovery among the rocky cliffs. Its familiarity hints at its purpose.
- The two waterfalls share a source, yet come from different lands
- You’re looking for a corner between two areas
- Something shiny can be found in the Autumn Falls riverside, on the corner of Lucent Waters.
- If you still don’t know, try looking towards Verdant Glen and you might figure it out.
At the corner of Verdant Glen, Lucent Waters, and Autumn Falls; you can find your target by the Autumn Falls river, hidden within some rocks. Use it like a matchbox with the giant rhombus in the first area.

21 (Seeing All the All-Seeing)
When a golden glow envelops the All-Seeing Monoliths, a new perspective emerges. Just as all fragment of an All-Seeing Monolith can be seen from its apex, so too can all Monoliths be seen from the right vantage. If you find such a place, you can make the connection.
- Try left-clicking on a monolith after you complete it!
- There is a lot of places where you can complete this
- If you think you got it but it’s not working, hold left-click harder
After completing the monolith in every area, stand anywhere where you can see all five of them. For example, you can stand on top of the “Off by One With Two Colors” pillar at the south of Autumn Falls. Look at any of the monoliths and hold left click, and then continue looking at all the other ones without letting go. You should hear a soft noise every time you hover over a new monolith, and unlock the mystery after looking at all of them.
Example solution: