Lust Academy Season 1: Minigames & House Points Guide

Lust Academy Season 1 Minigames & House Points Guide. Having trouble with some minigames or want to know more about them?

Magery Practics

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Available during the morning and day on weekdays located in classroom 1
You will be rewarded +5 leonheart points and and increase to spellpower for the practiced spell. The higher your spell perfection the higher increase to spellpower you recieve.

Combat bolt – A small zigzag shape starting from the bottom moving upward, medium
Episkey – A circle which charges counter clockwise, slow
Incendio – A triangle-like shape, medium
Rictusempra – A leaf-like shape, very slow

Alchemy Practics

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Available during the morning and day on weekdays located in classroom 2
“Choose any three ingredients and try to mix them. If you’re lucky, you’ll learn a new recipe. Or click on the learned recipe to select required ingredients.”
You will be rewarded +5 leonheart points and and given the potion you worked on

Lesser Heal Potion – Icelandic cetraria + tears of woodland deer + unicorn hair powder
Stoneskin Potion – Manticore lard + dragon scales powder + dry vampire blood
Magic Reflection Potion – dryad leaves + dandelion dust + bouncing berries
Inspiration Potion – butterfly wings + fireblossom leaves + mermaid blood

Fishing for Gordon Chompsky

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Available on weekends
You will be given 1 minute to collect as many fish for him as you can.
In order to catch fish faster you must click on the bobber area multiple times and as quickly as possible
You will be rewarded $1 per fish caught.

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Work in Cafe

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Available during the day or evening
Leonheart points +3, Money $10 – $35
Basic memory game.

The meal usually consist of a drink, main dish and a dessert.

Dueling Club

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Available during the evening at the academy entrance
Using spells learned from and potions earned you must defeat the opposing student
Able to “skip to win” battle. Multiple levels. Each level increased gets you more house points but also raises the stamina of the opponent. When you win the opposing teams house will lose points as well.


Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Combat Bolt – Medium reduction in opponenet stamina

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Incendio – Medium reduction in oppontent stamina. Chance of medium burn.

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Rictusempra – Medium reduction in opponent stamina. Chance of small stun.

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Episkey – Medium heal. Chance of small heal over time.

Lesser Heal Potion – restores small amount of stamina
Stoneskin Potion – next time you get hit by a spell you’ll lose 25% stamina
Magic Reflection Potion – for 1 turn reflects your opponent attacking spells back
Inspiration Potion – for 1 turn makes your attacking spells more effective

Lost Foliants

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

“And, alas, some folios are temporarily lost… Many of our students never return their books. But it’s not always their fault. These pixies are nothing but trouble! Students swear that pixies steal their books and other things from their bags. And then they scatter our books all over the academy grounds. The library suffers! So many interesting works are lost! I’m running the library all by myself. Bring me all the books you find lying around the Academy grounds. I’ll gladly reward you with housepoints for them.”

Available to turn in to in the library during the morning and day.
Reward: 1 leonheart point per book returned
Before starting any of your classes or talking to anyone search the campus and academy grounds for books and turn them into the library. Time does not skip when turning them in.

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

Book locations:
Campus living room – around and on couch
Academy inner garden – around and on fountain
Academy right wing – on the ground against the walls or pillars
Academy left wing – on the ground against the walls or pillars
Classroom 1 – on a desk
Classroom 2 – on the ground or against a pillar
Cafe – on a table
Main hall – on a table, seat or below the seat

House Points

Lust Academy Minigames & House Points Guide

“Besides attending classes. Well, I hear that our charming librarian Miss Amelie would be happy to reward you with points for a little help. Also, you can apply to Mr. Frollo to join the dueling club. But be careful! There are not only winners in duels, but also losers. And losing students lose housepoints.

Every week, on Saturday morning, we sum up the results of the house competition. And the house with the most points gets special privileges. Like a trip to the beautiful town of Dale. After which our academy is partly named.”