Lust Academy Season 2 Walkthrough Guide

This guide will walk you through getting all of the achievements in Lust Academy Season 2.

Lust Academy Season 2 Walkthrough Guide

This guide will walk you through getting all of the achievements in a single playthrough. This is based off of sandbox mode.

Read Before Starting

◈This guide heavily uses the calendar button at the top-right of the sandbox and the skip time feature at the top-left

◈The party scene at the end of the week occurs when Leonheart wins with the most points during the week. The first few happen very regularly then it varies depending on what you do. If you don’t get the same party options during the guide, you can skip them anytime it comes up if you’ve already seen all the scenes

◈Near the end of the guide, make sure not to tell Arthur you’re ready to go or the game ends

◈To use your scrolls, go to your profile and your inventory is found there

Walkthrough Pt 1

◈Start a new game in Sandbox mode
◈Do not transfer progress (you can if you want to though)
◈Enable LGBTQ+ content
◈Name yourself
◈Skip these memories
◈Watch a little TV
◈{Continue story}

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughRescuer – Return the puppy to the owner

◈Play along
◈Say goodbye to Ashley
◈Wait for an opportunity
◈Touch Ashley’s boobs
◈Lick her nipple
◈Ask them
◈Check out Samantha’s body
◈Help Samantha
◈Follow Samantha’s lead
◈Release inside
◈Talk to the minotaur
◈Say hello to Grace
◈3 feet, 4 inches
◈Right x2
◈Left x2

◈Click laptop -> Puzzling Witches App
◈You can do this at any point but I prefer to get it over with first thing. Fastest way to clear is to click all squares once, then go back and click ones that are still incorrect, and repeat until complete

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughBedazzling puzzles – Complete the first level of the Puzzling Witches minigame

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughMaster of puzzles – Complete all levels of the Puzzling Witches minigame

◈Close laptop
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Have some fun

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughInnocent prank – Right in class to rid Victoria of her blouse

◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha -> Ask about Ashley
◈Calendar -> Leona -> Click girl at the front -> Talk to the strange girl
◈Calendar -> Leona -> Click the Sorting Foliant -> Mystic Forest -> Talk to Leona -> Free Jaina
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Talk to Molly

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughPixel Peeking – See Molly’s nude photo

◈Give a compliment
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Calendar -> Leona -> Click the Sorting Foliant -> Mystic Forest -> Talk to Leona -> Talk to Jaina
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Flex your knowledge
◈Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughPhantasma! – Create your doppelgangers

◈Calendar -> Dakota -> Talk to Dakota
◈Comfort her

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughPalm passion – Hold Dakota’s hand

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Kiss Victoria

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughGood guy – Take Victoria to the infirmary

◈Talk to Victoria again

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughGood student – Getting a kiss from Victoria

◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Dakota -> Talk to Dakota
◈Take a closer look

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughPage-turning party – Having a night out at the library

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Dakota -> Talk to Dakota

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughTear tamer – Comfort crying Dakota

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Mina -> Talk to Mina -> Ask about Ashley
◈Calendar -> Gordon
◈Ask about the book
◈Ask for a job
◈Calendar -> Adele -> Click bouncer -> Talk to Adele
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Mina -> Talk to Mina -> Ask about Ashley
◈Offer $50

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughFresh scenery reunion – Meet Ashley at the Dale

◈Calendar -> Jill -> Talk to Jill
◈I knew it!
◈Another time
◈Skip time

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughParty and Magic – Attend at least one party on the Leonheart campus

◈Continue the party x2
◈Slip off alone with someone
◈Elijah then <Your choice> -> <Your choices for scene>
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughShoulder-to-shoulder – Help Victoria cleanse a class of magical parasites

◈Kiss Victoria
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Talk to Molly
◈Personally teach Molly

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughMister Teacher – Try to teach Molly a protection spell

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Talk to Molly
◈Just relax

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughHappy Evening – Let Molly give you a blowjob

◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Victoria -> Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughGardener – Try the Crescere plantam spell

◈Talk to Victoria -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Talk to Molly
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Kiss her

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughCosmic connection – See a falling star with Haley

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Become a volunteer
◈Talk about eavesdropping
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Calendar -> Gordon -> Talk to Gordon -> Ask for Willow
◈Ask about her mother
◈Click Gordon -> Gordon’s Supplies -> Sell your flowers
◈Calendar -> Adele -> Click bouncer -> Talk to Adele
◈Kiss Adele
◈Get a blowjob
◈Release inside

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughTouch trance – Make love with Adele

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Jill -> Talk to Jill
◈Choose a classic massage ($20)
◈Skip time
◈Continue the party x2
◈Slip off alone with someone
◈<Your choice> -> <Your choices for scene>
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Component of a decoction

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughThe Potionist – Answer Sabrina’s questions correctly

◈Raise your hand
◈Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughTeacher’s Companion – Take a walk in the park with Sabrina

◈Talk to Ezra -> Ask about the Dueling Club
◈Go through all options
◈Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Kiss Sabrina back

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughMister Cleanliness – Cleaning up the classroom after Carter’s fall

Walkthrough Pt 2

◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson



Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughBeloved teacher – Accept Sabrina’s proposal to become a lover

◈Release inside
◈Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Calendar -> Jill -> Talk to Jill
◈Calendar -> Gordon -> Talk to Gordon -> Ask for Willow

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughWalking enthusiast – Going for a walk with Willow

◈Calendar -> Adele -> Click bouncer -> Talk to Adele

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughSincere Friend – Learn Adele’s top secret

◈Skip time x2
◈Continue the party x2
◈Slip off alone with someone
◈<Your choice> -> <Your choices for scene>
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Get excited
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Attend lesson
◈Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Elijah -> Talk to Elijah

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughFriendly help – Talk to Elijah and find out the reason for his sadness

◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughRhythm romantics – Dance with Lily

◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> Ask about Elijah
◈And I’m worried about the two of you

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughBrotherly love – Talk to Ezra about Elijah

◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Elijah -> Talk to Elijah
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Ask about the Elven lair
◈Calendar -> Dakota -> Talk to Dakota
◈Of course I believe you
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Elijah -> Talk to Elijah
◈Accept proposal
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Share Jaina’s insight
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Go to the secret room
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Elijah -> Talk to Elijah

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughGuys and Portals – Go through the portal with Elijah

◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈About Frida’s book
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella
◈Ask for help with Frida’s book
◈Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Calendar -> Ashley -> Talk to Ashley
◈Calendar -> Adele -> Click bouncer -> Talk to Adele
◈Hug Adele passtionately
◈Go down on her
◈<Your choice>
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Ashley -> Talk to Ashley
◈Continue the party x2
◈Slip off alone with someone
◈<Your choice> -> <Your choices for scene>
◈Calendar -> Elijah -> Talk to Elijah
◈You are an adventurer
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella
◈Comfort her

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughMister Compassion – Comfort Gabriella after Jacob’s death

◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Elijah -> Talk to Elijah

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughBromance – Become lovers with Elijah

◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Share Gabriella’s insight
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina
◈Ask for a special flask
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra
◈Talk to Ezra

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughIt’s no secret – To hear from Ezra that Elijah tells him about you

◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Look for flowers
◈Click fountain again -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Calendar -> Leona -> Click the Sorting Foliant -> Mystic Forest -> Talk to Leona
◈Ask for Frida’s hair
◈Calendar -> Elijah -> Talk to Elijah

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughShut up! – Ask Elijah not to discuss you with other people

◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Go to the secret room
◈Look in the drawer
◈Talk to Leona
◈Offer to have fun
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella
◈Agree to search together
◈Talk to Gabriella again
◈Tell the truth
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughLingering goodbye – Visit Jacob’s grave with Gabriella

◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Ask about the picture you found
◈Of course I do!
◈Talk to Dakota

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughNecklace ninja – Take the Dakota’s necklace back

◈Kiss her
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Vanessa -> Click bouncer -> Click bar
◈Summer Cobbler Cocktail
◈Calendar -> Mina -> Talk to Mina
◈Ask about Ashley
◈Try to support Ash
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Ashley -> Talk to Ashley
◈Take the initiative

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughSmoochy debut – Have your first kiss with Ash

◈Continue the party
◈Play Spin-the-Bottle
◈Spin the bottle x2
◈Stop game and continue the party
◈Slip off alone with someone
◈I’m a leader
◈<Your choice>
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella
◈Kiss Gabriella

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughRule Breaker – Bring Gabriella to your campus

◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Ask Amelie about the book
◈Talk to Dakota

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughCoffee companions – Have a cup of coffee with Dakota

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughSmooch stealer – Be caught off guard by Dakota’s sudden kiss

Walkthrough Pt 3

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughPeep pleasure – Seeing naked Samantha in the shower for the first time

◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Ask about Ashley
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella
◈A nice surprise


◈Let’s discuss this
◈Release inside x2

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughLet’s talk first – Agree to have sex with Gabriella only after talking to her

◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughJust not that – Hear Gabriella’s proposal to have a child together

◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina -> Practice
◈Create Magic Reflection potion
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella
◈Follow Gabriella
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈It’s fine to pair up with Dakota
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Calendar -> Jill -> Talk to Jill
◈Relaxing Thai massage ($140)

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughThai Connoisseur – Order Relaxing Thai massage

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughRub dub – Make love with Jill and Faith

◈Calendar -> Vanessa -> Click bouncer -> Click bar
◈Watermelon Daiquiri
◈Hug Vanessa
◈Calendar -> Mina -> Talk to Mina
◈Ask about Ashley
◈Kiss her

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughSensation symphony – First petting with Ashley

◈Calendar -> Gordon -> Talk to Gordon
◈Ask about Scarlett
◈Offer $5
◈Continue singing her praises
◈Give her a hug goodbye
◈Call it a night and head to bed
◈Calendar -> Gabriella -> Talk to Gabriella

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughLast point – Tell Gabriella you’re not going to talk to her anymore

◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughTickle tease – Tickle Samantha

◈Kiss Sam
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughRound triumph – Pass the first stage of the Tournay

◈Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Hug her
◈Calendar -> Svetlana -> Talk to Svetlana
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Touch her breasts
◈Of course I don’t
◈<Your choice>

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughMoisture mastery – Wipe water droplets off Samantha’s skin

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Calendar -> Ashley -> Talk to Ashley
◈Offer to help
◈Kiss her back
◈<Your choice>

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughFresh start – Make love with Ash

◈Calendar -> Vanessa -> Click bouncer -> Click bar
◈Talk to Vanessa
◈Click on Lucy (front stripper)
◈Lucy’s stage
◈VIP lounge ($100)
◈<Your choices for scene>

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughClub regular – Going to VIP with Lucy

◈Click on Sadira (back stripper)
◈Sadira’s table

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughLover of the exotic – Watch Sadira-shemale dance

◈VIP lounge ($100)
◈<Your choices for scene>
◈Calendar -> Ahchi -> Talk to Ahchi
◈Ask about Penny
◈I can do this!
◈Calendar -> Ashley -> Talk to Ashley
◈Call it a night and head to bed
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Ask about Salazar
◈Stay silent
◈Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Talk to Penny
◈I’m ready to save Salazar
◈Ask the horse for its permission
◈Skip time x2
◈Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Calendar -> Jill -> Talk to Jill
◈Nuru massage ($140)

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughJapan Connoisseur – Order Nuru massage

◈<Your choice>
◈Calendar -> Vanessa -> Click bouncer -> Click bar
◈Kiss Vanessa
◈Accept it
◈Release inside

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughLunar lust – Make love with Vanessa under a full moon

◈Skip time x2
◈Call it a night and head to bed
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈How’s Salazar?
◈Skip time
◈Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Tell her that you like her
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Talk about Audrey
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Ask for Dakota’s help
◈Tell the truth
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Enter the shop -> Talk to Gordon -> Gordon’s Supplies
◈Sell your flowers
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Vanessa -> Click bouncer -> Click bar
◈Mary’s Bloody Ecstasy ($150)

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughMary’s Bloody Ecstasy – Order Mary’s Bloody Ecstasy at Vanessa’s Bar

Walkthrough Pt 4

◈<Your choices for scene>
◈Offer your blood
◈Skip time x2
◈Call it a night and head to bed
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Skip time
◈Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Portal to Adder’s Fangs
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Tell about Davros
◈Persuade Sabrina
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Be curious
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Enter the playroom

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughForbidden Games – Go with Amelie to her secret room

◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Dakota -> Talk to Dakota
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Vanessa -> Click bouncer -> Click bar
◈Passionate Tequila ($150)

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughPassionate tequila – Order Passionate tequila at Vanessa’s Bar

◈<Your choices for scene>
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Lost books
◈Turn in all books (I had 93 here)
◈Talk to Amelia
◈Invite Amelie for a walk
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Talk to Samantha
◈Talk about Audrey
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina
◈About the ritual
◈Compliment her
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Go through both options
◈Calendar -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Let’s get started
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Calendar -> Dakota -> Talk to Dakota
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Go to the secret room
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Calendar -> Dakota -> Talk to Dakota
◈Actually, yes
◈Kiss Dakota

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughLip lockout – Passionate kiss with Dakota

◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Vanessa -> Click bouncer -> Click bar
◈A bottle of wine for the two of us ($100)
◈Ask her to sit on my face
◈Release inside

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughTipsy twosome – Make love with Vanessa in the VIP

◈Skip time x2
◈Call it a night and head to bed
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Calendar -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Pet the horse
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Kiss Sam
◈Calendar -> Leona -> Click the Sorting Foliant -> Mystic Forest -> Talk to Leona
◈Free Katrina
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈You killed my father!
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Talk to Amelie -> Enter the playroom
◈Standard femdom
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Calendar -> Jill -> Talk to Jill
◈Classic massage ($25)

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughClassics are timeless – Order Classical Massage

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughPure delight – Get all types of paid massage

◈Calendar -> Vanessa -> Click bouncer -> Click bar
◈Talk to Vanessa
◈Let her bite you
◈Skip time x5
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Hand in any more lost books
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Right door -> Sneak a peek
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Go through both options x2
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Skip time x4
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Try to set a romantic mood
◈<Your choice>
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Calendar -> Dakota -> Talk to Dakota
◈Stroke her hand
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Talk to Amelie -> Enter the playroom
◈Puppy play

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughWoof-woof – Ask Mistress to play with a puppy

◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Talk to Amelie -> Enter the playroom
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Skip the weekend
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie -> Enter the playroom
◈BDSM toys

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughLet the lady do it – Ask Mistress to use a strapon


Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughSophisticated Slave – Try all kinds of BDSM practices

◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Calendar -> Dakota -> Talk to Dakota
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily
◈Cuddle up to her
◈Calendar -> Leona -> Click the Sorting Foliant -> Mystic Forest -> Talk to Leona
◈The sexy way
◈<Your choice> x3
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈Give me more time
◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily
◈Agree with it
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Kiss her back
◈The “69” position
◈<Your choice>

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughPleasure parade – Get a blowjob from Haley

Walkthrough Pt 5

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughDragon duo – Save the baby dragon from death in the woods

◈Skip time x2
◈Skip ceremony
◈Enter shop -> Talk to Gordon -> Gordon’s Supplies
◈Sell all your flowers
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily
◈Invite Lily to Chompski shop

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughStereotype smasher – Break down stereotypes and introduce Lily to Willow

◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Caress her
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Hand in more lost books (should be total at least 100 by now)
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Talk to Sabrina
◈Ask about dragons
◈Tell the truth
◈Calendar -> Amelie -> Talk to Amelie
◈Convince to have normal, vanilla sex
◈<Your choice>

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughVanilla – Convince Amelie to try vanilla sex

◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Comfort her
◈Grab her ass
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time
◈Tell the truth
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily
◈Invite Lily for a romantic evening
◈Kiss her back
◈Foot jerk off
◈<Your choice>
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily
◈Try to laugh it off
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Calendar -> Leona -> Click the Sorting Foliant -> Mystic Forest -> Talk to Leona
◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily
◈Wake Lily up for meeting with Leona
◈Agree to help
◈<Your choice>

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughFamily Ties – Make love with Lily and Leona

◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Skip time x2
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Enter shop -> Talk to Gordon -> Gordon’s Supplies
◈Sell all books and flowers
◈Buy scrolls of Combat Bolt
◈Skip the weekend
◈Call it a night and head to bed
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Convince Amelie to help
◈Calendar -> Molly -> Work
◈Hot cafe encounter
◈<Your choice> x2
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Let’s go to the Dragons’ Cave!

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughDragon duo deluxe – Perform ritual and save dragons

◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈<Your choice>

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughPeak Passion – Make love with Haley in the mountains

◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Place Haley on her back

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughMuscle magician – Give Haley a massage

◈Skip time
◈Skip ceremony
◈Enter shop -> Talk to Gordon -> Gordon’s Supplies
◈Sell all books and flowers
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Adele -> Click bouncer -> Talk to Adele
◈Intimacy of VIP room
◈Ask her to do anilingus on you
◈Eat her ♥♥♥♥♥
◈<Your choice>
◈Calendar -> Mina -> Talk to Mina
◈Morning tenderness
◈<Your choice>
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Samantha -> Talk to Samantha
◈Morning pleasures
◈Go on
◈<Your choice> x2
◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Haley -> Talk to Haley
◈Evening passion
◈Get a blowjob
◈The “69” position
◈<Your choice>
◈Calendar -> Click flower -> Click fountain -> Get closer -> Click flower
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Lily -> Talk to Lily
◈Evening fun
◈Get a blowjob
◈<Your choice>
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Martenden
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Adderin
◈Skip time
◈Skip the ceremony
◈Enter shop -> Talk to Gordon -> Gordon’s Supplies
◈Sell all books and flowers
◈Buy more Combat Bolt books
◈Skip the weekend
◈Call it a night and head to bed
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> The Dueling Club
◈Skip to win on Crowhive
◈Skip time x3
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> I’m ready to face the Minotaur!
◈Fight him but you’ll lose
◈Get a blowjob
◈<Your choice>
◈Open your profile and use all scrolls you’ve purchased
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Practice
◈Make magic reflection potions twice
◈Skip time x2
◈Calendar -> Sabrina -> Practice
◈Repeat same potions


◈Repeat below:

◈Collect books every day
◈Collect flower on Tuesday night
◈Study in Victoria’s class twice for Combat Bolt every day
◈Work with Molly at cafe every evening
◈Sell flower + books on weekend at Gordon’s Supplies and buy Combat Bolt scrolls

◈Repeat until your Combat Bolt power is at 275 then:

◈Brew 6 magic reflection potions at Sabrina’s practice

◈In evening:
◈Calendar -> Ezra -> Talk to Ezra -> I’m ready to face the Minotaur!

◈During fight:
◈Turn 1: Combat Bolt
◈Turn 2: Magic reflection potion + Episkey
◈Repeat until win

◈Wait a minute, I think I know you!
◈Check out her boobs
◈Lick her
◈<Your choice>

Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughDivine duet – Make love with the goddess

◈Skip time
◈Calendar -> Arthur -> Talk to Arthur
◈I’m ready to go
◈<Your choice> x3 (Kiss all when available)
◈Why not

Finishing Up



Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughMister Prudence – To resist Sabrina’s proposal to become a lover



Lust Academy Season 2 | 100% Achievement Guide With WalkthroughDon’t do that again – Deny Gabriella a more intimate relationship